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Myanmar trying to grab Bangladesh territory in Bay of Bengal


Dec 15, 2014
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There is an attempt from Myanmar to grab a large piece of area in the Bay of Bengal, which lawfully belongs to Bangladesh.

Bangladesh has already registered its protest against the attempt of Myanmar.

“We came to know about the attempt and immediately we took action and protested it,” said a senior official of the Foreign Ministry.

He said Myanmar in July submitted a petition to the UN claiming a certain portion of the sea, which belongs to Bangladesh and India.

“We submitted counter petitions and urged the UN to reject the Myanmar claim,” he said.

Myanmar claim on continental shelf of the Bay of Bengal is not aligned with the verdicts of the international courts, which resolved boundary disputes between Bangladesh, Myanmar and India.

Bangladesh filed cases with the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) to resolve maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar and with Arbitral Tribunal to resolve maritime boundary dispute with India.

“Both the courts stipulated how much area Bangladesh, Myanmar and India will get,” the official said.

Nobody can claim beyond the award given by the courts, he said adding: “Myanmar has crossed the line and claimed which lawfully belonged to Bangladesh and India.”

Myanmar submitted its first claim on the continental shelf with the UN in 2008 and Bangladesh objected it.

Bangladesh filed a case with an international court in 2009 to resolve the boundary dispute with Myanmar and the verdict was declared in 2012.

Bangladesh also filed a separate case with the Hague-based Arbitral Tribunal in 2009 to resolve maritime boundary dispute with India and got its verdict in 2014.

Myanmar again submitted its amended faulty submission on continental shelf in July 2015.

In reaction to Myanmar submission, Bangladesh in its petition said: “The area claimed by Myanmar in its amended submission overlaps Bangladesh’s continental shelf, including the continental shelf area which was awarded to Bangladesh by the ITLOS and Arbitral Tribunal.”

It also said: “Bangladesh observes that the amended continental shelf claim of Myanmar does not reflect the judgment of ITLOS in case 16 - Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal.

- See more at: Myanmar trying to grab Bangladesh territory in Bay of Bengal | Dhaka Tribune
At the end This Myanmar will force Bangladesh to focus it's GDP on Navy instead of Health and Education. Idiots.
Why can't Myanmar join Bangladesh? Their country is not known to rest of the world. Atleast merging with Bangladesh will make them known to the world. :whistle:
Why can't Myanmar join Bangladesh? Their country is not known to rest of the world. Atleast merging with Bangladesh will make them known to the world. :whistle:

It will probably be the otherway round .

Burma is known for a number of reasons . Besides being resource rich its here that the Japanese were stopped in WW 2.
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It will probably be the otherway round .

Burma is known for a number of reasons . Besides being resource rich its here that the Japs were stopped in WW 2.
:lol: that means british airforce bases and army cantonments on our land was super important :D and i am curious why every other desi man thinks myanmar will take down BD which is thrice the size of myanmar (population and GDP)
:lol: that means british airforce bases and army cantonments on our land was super important :D and i am curious why every other desi man thinks myanmar will take down BD which is thrice the size of myanmar (population and GDP)

You have just answered your own question - see part in bold.

Kuwait's GDP was way ahead of Iraq , did it help ?
It will probably be the otherway round .

Burma is known for a number of reasons . Besides being resource rich its here that the Japs were stopped in WW 2.
Just a suggestion sirjee, the bolded part is a derogatory racial slur for Japanese, better edit it, before receiving a warning.
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