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Russian warplane violates Turkish airspace

Russian cruise Missiles are obsolete against turkish netcentric air defence. Maybe Putin thought we are backward Ottoman empire.

You know we have AWACS Radar and can intercept any Kind of cruise Missile which enters our territory.

Putin is a small and wicked/spoiled brat compared to our turkish president.
yes your right
maybe when they saw the bear in the cockpit they were like ok not a good idea
yes next time have balls to shoot it down
It will happen again & again if ,turkey won't be able to support the ISIL proxies of USA+KSA + ISRAEL ?
SURE IT WILL HAPPEN , A 100 times more !
What turkey can do ?
Start a war with Russia ?lol
I find it amusing that you are making threats on behalf of the Turkish Air Force as if you are someone of power or authority.

I don't think that you are in a position to claim that Turkey will shoot down Russian aircraft
The claim that Turkey would shot down Russian fighter jets if this happens again is the most laughable claim I've heard in this topic.
Russia could easily establish air supremacy over Turkey if the Turks would ever shoot down a Russian plane.
Its RU on the other side, this makes more than a statement. even US thinks twice before attacking a RU warplane.

Let's see if Turkey wants or will shoot down a Russian jet. Talking is one thing, acting is another.
It was a Syrian Mig, interesting how the Turks are making a big fuss about this when Turkish aircraft regularly violate Syrian airspace, bomb Syrian soil, shoot down Syrian aircraft and even conduct ground operations.
Alright then let's see your action against these Russian jets

Every country talk about shooting down planes. Until there is real fireworks, there is nothing to see.
I'd say Putin just wanted to send a message to the turks that we are here now so you have nothing to with Syria at all just fvck off.

Now every one got that message.
Yep, everyone.
turkey can shoot down the Syrian planes not Russian one there will be problem iff they do
Turkey know well


I really enjoyed reading these, I am sure Turkish users will, too :D
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Blah,blah,blah.........The Jews shot Russian Migs with Russian pilots in them,down and not a single f4ck was given that day .The Georgians shot down Russian planes to and no nuclear weapon was fired in anger.If they keep intruding on Turkish air space they will be shot down .End of story ? Only the retarded children on PDF think that nuclear war will follow if a Russkie rust bucket swallows an AMRAAM for violating Turkish air space.

Oh,and Russia will have a tough time on taking Turkey on in a direct conventional war to,especially on its home turf and in the Black Sea.You cheerleaders should take a chill pill.

Ahhh....2 months later...i love it when i'm right.Me smart.
Profesör Andrey Zdrojewski , Moscow State University :

"Turkey protected his sovereignty"!
Russia will keep Turkey the next in years in hostile category.
Russia blackmailed also European continent with gas before.

What the fvck are they trying to accomplish here? don't they value their pilots' lives?

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