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Netanyahu sinks teeth into Golan Heights

Which was an Israeli victory and mostly an Egyptian affair. My previous points remain. The difference is barely 6 years (1967-1973) in this case.

Yes, in theory the US could have annexed parts of Iraq or Afghanistan as well and after occupying it for decades proceed to ask the locals if they wanted to remain a part of the US or return to their previous "owner". That might be legally possibly (I am not a lawyer or expert in International Law) but it would raise serious questions for obvious reasons. Much like Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights do.

As of now I do not know a single country on the planet that does not recognize the integrity of the Syrian state. UN does at least. You have numerous states today which do not control their entire territory de facto. Yet if an outside force decided to occupy such areas and annex them it would be considered illegal from what I know of. International law can be interpreted in many ways and usually the strongest party dictates what is "wrong" and what is "right".

Fact of the matter is that the Golan Heights are Syrian territory.


You mean back in 1948 when Israel was founded after flooding the modern-day territories of Israel and Palestine with foreign migrants who ethnically cleansed the native Palestinians from Jaffa, Al-Quds, Haifa, Netanya etc.

You don't think that this was perceived as a security threat and an act of war by neighboring Arab states?


There are valid and invalid reasons to go to war according to International Law,
and foreign migrants into the British Mandate of Palestine is not a valid reason for
Egypt, Jordan and Syria to go to war.
Neither is the founding of the state of Israel.

The reason why a lot of Arabs left is debatable. It is clear that Arab states called for them to leave
temporarily until Israel was ethnically cleansed from Jews.
If that was why Arabs left, or because of generally fear from Israelis only they know.
What is clear, is that if they stayed, with few exceptions they were not harmed.
Not in it's entirety as you full well know Mr Regev.
The Syrians wanted to keep Mandate territory they illegally occupied from 1947-67. An additional hundred meters forward to the Sea of Galilee, followed by grabbing and claiming half or all of that too, I suppose.

The 242 Resolution does not obligate Israel from vacating all the territory that came under its control as a result of the 1967 war, while it obliges the Arab states to accept Israel's existence within secure borders. Advancing Syria to a water border without forswearing its claim to sea territory shows the Assad gov't as greedy and grasping rather than pursuing peace. It was still the century-old Arab "piece" strategy for eliminating the Jews: a piece first, another piece later, another piece after that, but peace never.

If you really want peace in the middle east, you have to advocate for rights of minorities and not the majorities. And not just groups either but individual rights. Holding that the majority always has the right over the minority encourages murder, not peace.
Which was an Israeli victory and mostly an Egyptian affair. My previous points remain. The difference is barely 6 years (1967-1973) in this case.

Fact of the matter is that the Golan Heights are Syrian territory.
Egypt and Syria could not beat Israel together.
Syria sent what she had towards Israel, and failed.

A few Years later, Egypt signed a peace agreement with Israel and got every thing back.
After that, noone thinks that Syria is able to take on Israel alone.

Why go to war, when You expect to lose?

Noone outside Israel supports annexation, but a lot of countries accept Status Quo.
The Syrians wanted to keep Mandate territory they illegally occupied from 1947-67. An additional hundred meters forward to the Sea of Galilee, followed by grabbing and claiming half or all of that too, I suppose.

The 242 Resolution does not obligate Israel from vacating all the territory that came under its control as a result of the 1967 war, while it obliges the Arab states to accept Israel's existence within secure borders. Advancing Syria to a water border without forswearing its claim to sea territory shows the Assad gov't as greedy and grasping rather than pursuing peace. It was still the century-old Arab "piece" strategy for eliminating the Jews: a piece first, another piece later, another piece after that, but peace never.

If you really want peace in the middle east, you have to advocate for rights of minorities and not the majorities. And not just groups either but individual rights. Holding that the majority always has the right over the minority encourages murder, not peace.
Israel is not greedy lol.
At your sheer audacity and spin on the truth.
Imo Pakistanis need to do more than just laugh at such: they have to pick up the ball and carry it themselves. Only then will they be able to win the ideological battle against tyranny and terrorists.
Imo Pakistanis need to do more than just laugh at such: they have to pick up the ball and carry it themselves. Only then will they be able to win the ideological battle against tyranny and terrorists.
I will give you some frank and honest advice , I am not opposed to Jewish people one iota, but frankly speaking the way Israeli spokesman and yourself project their narrative is quite frankly ridiculous, in fact the whole world is laughing at you and your propaganda, it has become a joke, do the right thing for once, give the Palestinians their just rights and apologise to them, some folk may believe this is not nearly enough, I do, Islam encourages us to be forgiving, Israel should have a national holiday were they march to Tel Aviv and beg for forgiveness, from the PM to a street cleaner, may be then, just maybe history may just forgive you , once again many will disagree with me, but I am an optimist, Israel will be forgiven.
I will give you some frank and honest advice , I am not opposed to Jewish people one iota, but frankly speaking the way Israeli spokesman and yourself project their narrative is quite frankly ridiculous, in fact the whole world is laughing at you and your propaganda, it has become a joke -
A "joke" because the truth is suppressed. You can read it over the internet, but you're not allowed to repeat it, are you?

, do the right thing for once, give the Palestinians their just rights -
Under the terms of Sevres and the Mandate, that would involve killing or expelling them. Jews are not the Ottoman Turks, they are far and away more merciful!

and apologise to them -
It is the Jews of Israel who are owed apologies. They did what they had to to survive and defend themselves against violent thieves, who were in turn supported by much of the rest of the world for selfish purposes.

Perhaps you actually believe in what you write. But you cannot deny that Pakistanis are allowed to openly discuss the pro-Israel arguments among themselves. Almost all - like @salarsikander here - cannot even bring themselves to repeat my arguments. Is it ummah uber alles or the fear they may suffer for it?

...Islam encourages us to be forgiving -
I do not think rejectionist Muslims will forgive Israel for its demonstrably ethical conduct vis-a-vis the Palestinians. Because otherwise they wouldn't be repeating their antisemitic hate-Israel garbage ad infinitum, killing any who deviate as "collaborators". Especially since 2011, it's been the policy of the anti-semites that the worse Muslims behave, the more lies about Israel there have to be, because it's unacceptable that Jews look so good by comparison, isn't it? Isn't the fear that without all the Israel-hatred Muslims might decide en masse to dump their current religion and seek one that demonstrably delivers peace, justice, and prosperity?

Israel should have a national holiday were they march to Tel Aviv and beg for forgiveness, from the PM to a street cleaner -
Israelis have not been adverse to prosecuting and jailing their prime ministers for actual crimes they committed, so recommending they do "street cleaning" seems superfluous.

...may be then, just maybe history may just forgive you , once again many will disagree with me, but I am an optimist, Israel will be forgiven.
I'm a big history buff. History books are written by human beings. Some humans write histories based on verifiable facts in contexts and others do not. The history that predominates is usually that approved by political authorities. In Pakistan that explicitly means that all lies trashing the Jews of Israel are not to be countered and corrected (link). In the Muslim world generally that would be leaders who want Israel to slit its own throat. So why would you think I would want to submit to "the judgment of history"?

Stand up for free speech. Stand up for minority and individual rights. Stand up for your rights as a citizen against the mind-control efforts of your government and education system. Then you'll be taking a moral stance. But for now, you and almost all Pakistanis are busy honoring the Emperor's new clothes, rather than calling him out as naked.
A "joke" because the truth is suppressed. You can read it over the internet, but you're not allowed to repeat it, are you?

Under the terms of Sevres and the Mandate, that would involve killing or expelling them. Jews are not the Ottoman Turks, they are far and away more merciful!

It is the Jews of Israel who are owed apologies. They did what they had to to survive and defend themselves against violent thieves, who were in turn supported by much of the rest of the world for selfish purposes.

Perhaps you actually believe in what you write. But you cannot deny that Pakistanis are allowed to openly discuss the pro-Israel arguments among themselves. Almost all - like @salarsikander here - cannot even bring themselves to repeat my arguments. Is it ummah uber alles or the fear they may suffer for it?

I do not think rejectionist Muslims will forgive Israel for its demonstrably ethical conduct vis-a-vis the Palestinians. Because otherwise they wouldn't be repeating their antisemitic hate-Israel garbage ad infinitum, killing any who deviate as "collaborators". Especially since 2011, it's been the policy of the anti-semites that the worse Muslims behave, the more lies about Israel there have to be, because it's unacceptable that Jews look so good by comparison, isn't it? Isn't the fear that without all the Israel-hatred Muslims might decide en masse to dump their current religion and seek one that demonstrably delivers peace, justice, and prosperity?

Israelis have not been adverse to prosecuting and jailing their prime ministers for actual crimes they committed, so recommending they do "street cleaning" seems superfluous.

I'm a big history buff. History books are written by human beings. Some humans write histories based on verifiable facts in contexts and others do not. The history that predominates is usually that approved by political authorities. In Pakistan that explicitly means that all lies trashing the Jews of Israel are not to be countered and corrected (link). In the Muslim world generally that would be leaders who want Israel to slit its own throat. So why would you think I would want to submit to "the judgment of history"?

Stand up for free speech. Stand up for minority and individual rights. Stand up for your rights as a citizen against the mind-control efforts of your government and education system. Then you'll be taking a moral stance. But for now, you and almost all Pakistanis are busy honoring the Emperor's new clothes, rather than calling him out as naked.
Your entire post can be summed up in two words......PEDANTIC DRIVEL.....some things never change.kudos
Your entire post can be summed up in two words......PEDANTIC DRIVEL.....some things never change.kudos
Don't you think that it's your pride talking there, to block out your embarrassment? Haven't you ever realized that the inculcation of excessive pride in a populace is a method leaders use to keep down challenges to their rule, so their subjects will blame others rather than feel shame?

Of course, in some ways it's worse than that. The fear of retaliation is so great...Pakistani diplomats justify themselves on the grounds that it's not their job to inform their people of the truth, but the job of their leaders. The leaders fear assassination along with the rest of you - that's been absolutely clear since Taseer's assassination. So asking you - even encouraging you - to do the impossible - is that irresponsible of me? I don't want another 1956 Hungary.

Yet one defines ones life by his or her choices. You can take big steps, baby steps, choose to walk backward, laugh, or stick your head in the ground. The one thing you know for certain is that if you choose not to change yourself, you can't reasonably expect the world to change for you.
Soon they will claim golan to be the historic and promised land .. Fake graves will pop up.. And anybody raising the issue will become evil anti Semitic gentile bastard.

They recovered a pampers diaper in the mountain after they dug it up close enough
They recovered a pampers diaper in the mountain after they dug it up close enough
You've noticed that there aren't any arguments left to support your anti-Zionist desires, so all that's left is ridicule. Which shows you're NOT on the side of justice, which is an additional justification for the continued independence and adequate defense of Israel - since people like you can not and will not act to suppress violent and aggressive neighbors.

The only thing that keeps Muslims like you from dying of shame is the continued suppression of embarrassing truths, isn't it?
Don't you think that it's your pride talking there, to block out your embarrassment? Haven't you ever realized that the inculcation of excessive pride in a populace is a method leaders use to keep down challenges to their rule, so their subjects will blame others rather than feel shame?

Of course, in some ways it's worse than that. The fear of retaliation is so great...Pakistani diplomats justify themselves on the grounds that it's not their job to inform their people of the truth, but the job of their leaders. The leaders fear assassination along with the rest of you - that's been absolutely clear since Taseer's assassination. So asking you - even encouraging you - to do the impossible - is that irresponsible of me? I don't want another 1956 Hungary.

Yet one defines ones life by his or her choices. You can take big steps, baby steps, choose to walk backward, laugh, or stick your head in the ground. The one thing you know for certain is that if you choose not to change yourself, you can't reasonably expect the world to change for you.
Soloman..soloman..solaman.. buddy i must have really wagged your tail:lol:, by telling you a few home truths, it is clear you will not agree or more appropriately put "look the other way" to the truth, you regime is nothing more than an apartheid bully, and you know and I know that the whole world knows even though you pretend that you do not know that the world knows that you know...comprende. Now soloman do me a favour and go pester some other blogger with your nonsensical pedantic childish drivel.....I have had enough, go find another playmate!:hitwall::hitwall:

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