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The UK's EU referendum: All you need to know

Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

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Was wondering that since the British don't want to be apart of EU, could it also be the same in the case for NATO? I know know there is much of a difference between the two, but could it be possible?

Lol NEVER, NATO and E.U are completely two different things. In fact we are the one who is at the forefront calling for other eastern European countries like Georgia and Ukraine to be admitted in NATO. We are also the second largest military spender/power in NATO after the U.S, we are the one calling for other E.U countries to meet their defence spending obligation towards NATO, we are also the ones who are calling on other E.U countries to be more committed/involved towards NATO and forget about the fantasy(to be impotent) E.U army which will be a military disaster with no will to fight/fund the army or deploy overseas. Lol etc etc.
The way we brit view NATO is completely different from the way we view the E.U and its bureaucrats.
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Brexiters assure the public that once the UK ditches the EU it will boom economically and establish close bilateral trade relations with the EU. In short, they will get all the benefits of the EU but escape its pesky requirements. Pork pie in sky!

The Continental EU members have long regarded Britain as an American Trojan Horse designed to keep Europe under Washington’s thumb. They don’t trust London and mock British pretensions of imperial grandeur. They also want a big slice of the City of London’s financial pie.

Europeans fear Brexit might very well create a domino effect, inspiring the EU’s weak sisters, like Greece and Italy – and maybe Spain, Portugal, or even Holland – to decamp and return to their bad old financial ways. The Russians and Americans would be pleased to see the EU founder, thus removing a strategic and economic competitor.

If the Brits want out, let them go – but keep the Irish and Scots. The Brits never added much to the EU anyway beyond sneers and complaints. But they can’t go without paying a steep exit tax to discourage other potential deserters. An independent not so great Britain would likely become a giant American theme park in the North Atlantic while being mooned by the annoying French.
Lol NEVER, NATO and E.U are completely two different things. In fact we are the one who is at the forefront calling for other eastern European countries like Georgia and Ukraine to be admitted in NATO. We are also the second largest military spender/power in NATO after the U.S, we are the one calling for other E.U countries to meet theur defence spending obligation towards NATO, we are also the ones who are calling on other E.U countries to be more committed towards NATO amd forhet about the fantasy impotent E.U army which will be a military disaster. Lol etc etc.
The way we brit view NATO is completely different from the way we view the E.U abd its bureaucrats.

Many in Europe want end NATO. Big majority in italy for example. You are americas poodle and the 5th wheel.

Will the EU army a bigger desaster than your new navy ships that cant operate in warm water or a smaller desaster?
It wont works like this amigo.

The UK is out and never really was in. I visited UK and its an alien culture and not european in any way.

Simple fact is that your people will propably need visa to get entry into italy.

You forget one thing. You say the terms will be different. They will but in our way of interest. Now we can push our conditions on the UK.

Lol we were never Europeans??:rofl:
I can see emotions are running high. :undecided:
Its normal though after a divorce, but as I said wirh time (give it 2 years at most) things will settle down. So I understand and sympathise with your feelings. At least shows you LOVE US. :-)
Congrats to British to regaining their own Identity back
No place for Markus in UK , with out visa

I agree with local British folks since the region is so small already can't absorb new people and certainly no future king from other nations, who know who Prince Harry likes he might even get engaged with a peasant girl from Luxembourg
Lol we were never Europeans??:rofl:
I can see emotions are running high. :undecided:
Its normal though after a divorce, but as I said wirh time (give it 2 years at most) things will settle down. So I understand and sympathise with your feelings. At least shows you LOVE US. :-)

I dont love the UK. I love Scotland. Visited the Isle of Skye and it was amazing. I had to cross england though to get there and that part was rather disgusting.

Emotions arent running high. I see this as good for europe. The UK was americas poodle that pressed europe down. Now we get rid of them and can be free.
Many in Europe want end NATO. Big majority in italy for example. You are americas poodle and the 5th wheel.

Will the EU army a bigger desaster than your new navy ships that cant operate in warm water or a smaller desaster?

If we are a military dwarf as you claim, what is Italy?

Italy itself spends just about as much as Iraq on its military:lol:, Germany doesnt want to even hear about anything military even less so deployments/fighting a war overseas, this leaves only France as the country who will carry everything on its shoulders. How can this European Army function with such 'committed' countries?lol:rofl:. Good luck with that though. :D
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If we are a military dwarf as you claim, what is Italy?:undecided:

I dont know what you are amigo. All i know is that im glad that we get rid of people who do inbreding since generations, have no production or industrial sector, play no role in the world anyways ad whose only contribution to europe was a clownshow called "royals". With a demented old queen ho married her own cousen...given birth to several freaks like sail ear charles and that other horse faced guy. Oh and i hope you guys paid for the cracked pillar in the Paris motorway tunnel.
I dont know what you are amigo. All i know is that im glad that we get rid of people who do inbreding since generations, have no production or industrial sector, play no role in the world anyways ad whose only contribution to europe was a clownshow called "royals". With a demented old queen ho married her own cousen...given birth to several freaks like sail ear charles and that other horse faced guy. Oh and i hope you guys paid for the cracked pillar in the Paris motorway tunnel.

We play no role or have no influence in the WORLD?? Even more so, Coming from an Italian ?? JOKE OF THE CENTURY.:rofl:
Why are you speaking English in the first place? Ask yourself why. Lool
We play no role or have no influence in the WORLD?? Even more so, Coming from an Italian ?? JOKE OF THE CENTURY.:rofl:
Why are you speaking English in the first place? Ask yourself why. Lool

because its an easy bastardisated lingua franca.

what role or influence do you have? for us its best you are out. you did hold us back. I expect from our leaders to make the best deal for our interests and use your position of weakness at full extent.
We play no role or have no influence in the WORLD?? Even more so, Coming from an Italian ?? JOKE OF THE CENTURY.:rofl:
Why are you speaking English in the first place? Ask yourself why. Lool
Lol, Mate, if you press anymore further, i think Markus will call for the invasion of UK with the United EU army. :p:
because its an easy bastardisated lingua franca.

what role or influence do you have? for us its best you are out. you did hold us back. I expect from our leaders to make the best deal for our interests and use your position of weakness at full extent.

HAHAHA.....you sound more like superboy alias @ultron . :lol::D
The Scots will look at Europe and run a mile. The independence idea isn't very popular there. Do also remember that their islands will break away from Scotland leaving them without oil and gas....It's not that simple. Do remember that Wales and England voted clearly in. The Scot nationalists don't have collective bargaining power.
Man Britain will replace the bureaucracy of Europe with red of British civil service. Some gain here.

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