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An Appeal Against the Bloodshed

This part in bold applies in equal measure to Pakistan.

Its about the land & the water that feeds Pakistan.

If it were love for Muslims then wouldnt Pakistan do something about the Shia & countless others who get bombed every now & then.

I think you need to think of another one.

This thread was created with good intent , I can see it slipping as the 'default ' response is kicking in .
Not really, not in case of Pakistan. I have already said before that we should forget about IOK, get our people from across the border in anyway we can. Sick of the suffering. Let's face it Indian is never letting go of the land, even if there is a referendum against it. As i said before hatred for Pakistan needs to be put aside.
Who do you think the people issuing the appeal are? Would you rather listen to us or to the lunatic fringe?
Let's face it they are in good number...Deep down they are happy with these killings, actually happy with the whole situation. As they think it would give an excuse to Indian security forces to wipe out the masses.
Please join the appeal.
Appeal should be made to both Indian security forces and the locals, more emphasis needs to be given to security forces.
As i said before the stronger party is to be blamed for the bloodshed, after killing 35 and injuring 400 plus you expect folks to stay at home and relax. They will just come out and do the same thing they have suffered, it's only a logical thing to do. Any human being will come out and look for revenge, only one party is to be blamed for all this mess and it's the Indian forces and government.
Secondly, even now the Indian government and forces should be urged to cool down not the locals, this is what you should be urging to do...They are emotional and rightly so, i wonder how we will react if we lose our family members in such manner.
How about working to look for a permanent solution?

Worst part: A good number of Indians would be bothered with any of these killings, and are actually happy that these people were killed. Actually a good number wouldn't be bothered if all of Kashmiri population is wiped. It's about the land not the people. The reaction from Indian public is pathetic and quite embarrassing.

@Arsalan ...

Agreed. Some posts made by Indians were shocking. They were celebrating the deaths of innocent people and many trolls on social media ( its a muck I know) were advocating mass cleansing of Muslims in Kashmir. I can understand the hurrahs and celebrations of burhan wani's death but celebrating the death of 35 people and 400 injured is very much not right and so far nobody has criticized the govt for such a heavy hand.

That's over 435 families that have reasons to resent the Indian govt and such acts create a sense of separation. Yes bloodshed should stop but you can't blame the people. Its the authorities who have to keep peace by showing restraint. Even now the govt and the Indian people feel a full blown crackdown is the answer. Its not...

The ones getting shot are protestors not gun tottering militias. You can't treat them like that.

This will only escalate if the state keeps shooting. Its time they reign back and reach the people who are protesting bcz they are not some foreign entity. They are people of Kashmir who have the right of protest.

But I will say that there is a good segment as well who want this to end. Who don't want bloodshed.. With every good there is bad and hopefully the good is able to raise their voice the highest.
Not really, not in case of Pakistan. I have already said before that we should forget about IOK, get our people from across the border in anyway we can. Sick of the suffering. Let's face it Indian is never letting go of the land, even if there is a referendum against it. As i said before hatred for Pakistan needs to be put aside.

This has been my POV all along.

We need to reconcile ourselves to our Geography . Then & only then can we move on & realise our potential which we have denied to ourselves Generation after Generation.
As i said before the stronger party is to be blamed for the bloodshed, after killing 35 and injuring 400 plus you expect folks to stay at home and relax. They will just come out and do the same thing they have suffered, it's only a logical thing to do. Any human being will come out and look for revenge, only one party is to be blamed for all this mess and it's the Indian forces and government.
Secondly, even now the Indian government and forces should be urged to cool down not the locals, this is what you should be urging to do...They are emotional and rightly so, i wonder how we will react if we lose our family members in such manner.
How about working to look for a permanent solution?
What you say is true to some extent but then again there should not be any doubts on efforts mad from other side, forget the history for once and lets just hope things will change. After all, hope is what we base most of our solutions to this problem.

The suppression of humans and there right of freedom wont do anyone much good. This is a lesson that the world should have gotten by now. How many forces have we actually seen that were suppressed by greater forces and they just succumbed to that? How many conflicts actually ended with the oppressor being the ultimate winner? I do not see many such examples. Whether it is the modern example of Vietnam or Chechnya or Afghanistan or some case studies from the past, the suppressed people always have retaliated and they keep doing so till the very end.

If history is to be the source of any information or knowledge, it should alone be enough to confirm that the India occupation of Kashmir wont kill the struggle ever, specially when it is marred with acts of brutalities. People will keep fighting back, Indian forces being better trained and equipped will keep killing those who raise there voices, only for them to be replaced by new faces. Aggression is NOT the solution. This is a lesson we should have learned from the history. Unless serious efforts are made from both sides, BOTH, we wont be getting anywhere. It is we who are playing with the future and present of the population there and if anyone thinks that killing all those people or that leading them to some glorified death will resolve the problem then there are utterly wrong. Only way to settle this will be for Pakistan and India to agree on letting the Kashmiris deciding there own future and then accepting whatever they decide. We cannot keep the people who are the actual subject here out of our dialogues and discussions.

Worst part: A good number of Indians would be bothered with any of these killings, and are actually happy that these people were killed. Actually a good number wouldn't be bothered if all of Kashmiri population is wiped. It's about the land not the people. The reaction from Indian public is pathetic and quite embarrassing.
This is nothing new. I would admit that we have seen similar kind of reaction from our Pakistani members in similar kind of situations in the past but the number and intensity was no where near the hostility i have seen from Indian members on this matter. People are literally celebrating the news of killings in Kashmir and are Boasting about it. There are a very few members who have used there brains and acted sane in this situation. Are the killings by ISIS or Taliban the only ones that should be condemned? Or do the life of every living human equally important?
All those celebration of killings of innocents in the valley in last few days are shameful! Only if one feels that! The sad thing is we see a majority of similar members here on this forum, something that only educated people are supposed to be accessing but still. :hitwall: A vast majority of Indian members are not just defending but actually boasting and celebrating the killings.

The OP by @Joe Shearer in such an environment becomes that much more appealing and i sure am thankful for that.
Not really, not in case of Pakistan. I have already said before that we should forget about IOK, get our people from across the border in anyway we can. Sick of the suffering. Let's face it Indian is never letting go of the land, even if there is a referendum against it. As i said before hatred for Pakistan needs to be put aside.

Let's face it they are in good number...Deep down they are happy with these killings, actually happy with the whole situation. As they think it would give an excuse to Indian security forces to wipe out the masses.

Appeal should be made to both Indian security forces and the locals, more emphasis needs to be given to security forces.

The trouble that any peace effort, or even the initial attempt at holding a plebiscite faces is the need for a 'perfect' solution. We can all jointly address a fresh appeal, with more emphasis given to the security forces. Meanwhile, in the absence of anything else, why don't we all join this appeal? Why not get things cooler?
The WILL of people of INDIA is more important than what the Kashmiris want

Kashmir will REMAIN in INDIA ; no matter what
Well thanks for stating the obvious,,
Kashmir and India are two different things as per your own statement with India always being more important than Kashmir. This is exactly the Kashmirs never accepted the Indian occupation. Now only if your concerned authorities can realize this fact as well i hope the issue will be resolved.

Everybody wants PEACE

If THREE terrorists are eliminated ; what is the need for the locals to show "SUPPORT "
to the dead terrorists

The earlier 2010 violence started AFTER a FAKE encounter

Those soldiers have been punished

This time the people killed were Genuine and certified terrorists

Kashmiri EGO has been hurt because of Burhan Wani who was a POSTER BOY
WEll that is exactly the point. You know what, you have been more then helpful!!
This is the point,, ALL THOSE PEOPLE do not think that the three killed were terrorists! For them they gave there lives fighting for there freedom and that is what we have been trying to state. Thank you for giving the example.
I'm afraid its not that easy for a Kashmiri Muslim to forget and move on. Most of the Muslim families must have at least one member who lost his life in the struggle. Look at it from a young Kashmir's PoV who has martyrs in his family and perhaps even friends who were hurt, harassed or killed and now hundreds will lose their eyesights as a result of what has been happening lately. Remember that losing your sight is no less tragic than losing your limbs. And no, I don't think that I am exaggerating because I have seen the graveyards, mass graves and many Indian members boasting about fertilizing Kashmir's soil with thousands of rebel corpses. I know that those rebels are not Punjabis, Sindhis, Pukhtoons or Baloch because I do not seen any leaving for Jihad in Kashmir. And then there are the daily reminders for Kashmiris in shape of curfews, crackdowns, searches and Military Patrols in the streets etc. Seeing our own Pakistan Rangers patrolling in Islambad's streets with their MG3 mounted pick ups was enough to creep me out. Imagine what a Kashmiri must feel like when he has to go through all that.

I'm all for stopping this bloodshed but what are you offering to the protesters in return? Not shooting at them?

@Joe Shearer

I don't know how this is going to help defuse the situation but I'll join it nonetheless. How do I join up?

If it were love for Muslims then wouldnt Pakistan do something about the Shia & countless others who get bombed every now & then.
I beg your pardon? Who told you that the Shia & countless others get bombed every now & then? Arnab Goswami? So what do you think OP Zarb e Azb was for?

I wasn't expecting this from you.
As i said before the stronger party is to be blamed for the bloodshed, after killing 35 and injuring 400 plus you expect folks to stay at home and relax. They will just come out and do the same thing they have suffered, it's only a logical thing to do. Any human being will come out and look for revenge, only one party is to be blamed for all this mess and it's the Indian forces and government.
Secondly, even now the Indian government and forces should be urged to cool down not the locals, this is what you should be urging to do...They are emotional and rightly so, i wonder how we will react if we lose our family members in such manner.
How about working to look for a permanent solution?

Worst part: A good number of Indians would be bothered with any of these killings, and are actually happy that these people were killed. Actually a good number wouldn't be bothered if all of Kashmiri population is wiped. It's about the land not the people. The reaction from Indian public is pathetic and quite embarrassing.

@Arsalan ...

I hope you are not denying the role of Pakistan in fueling the Kashmir unrest, I appreciate your concern and I assume it to be genuine and unbiased, so I hope you will also urge Pakistani agencies involved in Kashmir unrest to back down for the sake of Kashmiri lives, and make it a heaven on earth again.
I'm afraid its not that easy for a Kashmiri Muslim to forget and move on. Most of the Muslim families must have at least one member who lost his life in the struggle. Look at it from a young Kashmir's PoV who has martyrs in his family and perhaps even friends who were hurt, harassed or killed and now hundreds will lose their eyesights as a result of what has been happening lately. Remember that losing your sight is no less tragic than losing your limbs. And no, I don't think that I am exaggerating because I have seen the graveyards, mass graves and many Indian members boasting about fertilizing Kashmir's soil with thousands of rebel corpses. I know that those rebels are not Punjabis, Sindhis, Pukhtoons or Baloch because I do not seen any leaving for Jihad in Kashmir. And then there are the daily reminders for Kashmiris in shape of curfews, crackdowns, searches and Military Patrols in the streets etc. Seeing our own Pakistan Rangers patrolling in Islambad's streets with their MG3 mounted pick ups was enough to creep me out. Imagine what a Kashmiri must feel like when he has to go through all that.

I'm all for stopping this bloodshed but what are you offering to the protesters in return? Not shooting at them?

@Joe Shearer

I don't know how this is going to help defuse the situation but I'll join it nonetheless. How do I join up?

I beg your pardon? Who told you that the Shia & countless others get bombed every now & then? Arnab Goswami? So what do you think OP Zarb e Azb was for?

I wasn't expecting this from you.


We will have to build a separate petition. Given the character and composition of the government in Delhi, they are far from likely to understand the humanitarian motives of people from outside India writing in or appealing to either side. I am happy to do the legwork if anyone is interested, drafting the petition and submitting it for approval, for instance, to those of you who wish to join in, making sure that everyone interested gets a chance to put their signatures in, finally, putting it on line, and ensuring that it gets heard in India.

I am more than willing to help, and given the circumstances, to stay well clear so that my presence does not become a negative factor.

Please let me know.

We will have to build a separate petition. Given the character and composition of the government in Delhi, they are far from likely to understand the humanitarian motives of people from outside India writing in or appealing to either side. I am happy to do the legwork if anyone is interested, drafting the petition and submitting it for approval, for instance, to those of you who wish to join in, making sure that everyone interested gets a chance to put their signatures in, finally, putting it on line, and ensuring that it gets heard in India.

I am more than willing to help, and given the circumstances, to stay well clear so that my presence does not become a negative factor.

Please let me know.
An online petition can be created and we can ask the management and the R&D guys to share it on their facebook page and ask its followers to sign it. The objective should be to get the protests to stop and to resume dialogue between all three sides.
An online petition can be created and we can ask the management and the R&D guys to share it on their facebook page and ask its followers to sign it. The objective should be to get the protests to stop and to resume dialogue between all three sides.

What can I do for this? Can I help in any way?

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