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Tajikistan: No Hajj, No Hijab, and Shave Your Beard

Is secularism inherently dogmatic and intolerant ?

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I would rather have a minimum age limit of 40-45 years old for haj---one haj in lifetime---one Umrah.

People over a certain income level would have to donate a certain amount of money towards the states welfare funds---for performing haj or umrah.

Anyone known to have performed more than one Umrah without permission---will be fined 10 times their total expenditure of the trip.

People will be encouraged to donate their money for Hajj and Umrah towards the welfare of the poor---till the over all condition of the poor people improves.

Now for those who will gibve eamples of corruption---to them---if this was implemented---the corrupt would have been strung by their necks by now---so the fear of corruption would not be there.

A ' good muslim ' does not need a BEARD.

Hi MK,

I just find it funny how people like yourself want to have have all these standards for religious activities such as hajj or umrah. The only REAL "problem" is during hajj, where the concern is of management and safety hence there should be a reasonable set upper limit there. First timers should be preferred in the government schemes (speaking from a Pakistani perspective), as it is a lot cheaper and is usually the only way the less fortunate people are able to go.

Other then that ... If I WANT to go, and can PAY to go, and I can get a visa to do so ... WHY SHOULDN'T I go would be my question? It's my personal affair.

Like I said, I really find it funny when people have all these standards/suggestions for religious activities, that people do FOR THEMSELVES to find peace and we have the lot of you proposing we should charge them X amount of money and if they have been there many times they should be FINED ? Fined for what exactly ? Visiting a country and performing a religious activity ?

And don't bring up the "improving the condition of the poor" EXCUSE .. Yes I call it an excuse because I don't see suggestions from you where you go out and say, A consumer of an Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes, BMW and any of the luxurious brands or cars that go above a certain price limit will have to pay 2 times the amount so that an amount can be donated to the poor to alleviate them from poverty. I don't see any criticism on extravagant marriages -- and no suggestions from you where you have to pay a sum of money so that it can be donated to the poor if you go beyond a limit of spending on marriages. No standards or suggestions on expensive getaways, trips abroad, spending on luxurious watches etc etc. I thought we were concerned for the poor .. or are we just concerned for the poor when a person wants to go perform a religious activity ?

Lastly, its up to me if I wear a beard or not ... my personal choice ... you can go all in about how a good muslim doesn't "need" a beard... the only choice you get is your own face, not anyone else's ..:coffee:
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I just find it funny how people like yourself want to have have all these standards for religious activities such as hajj or umrah. The only REAL "problem" is during hajj, where the concern is of management and safety hence there should be a reasonable set upper limit there. First timers should be preferred in the government schemes (speaking from a Pakistani perspective), as it is a lot cheaper and is usually the only way the less fortunate people are able to go.

Other then that ... If I WANT to go, and can PAY to go, and I can get a visa to do so ... WHY SHOULDN'T I go would be my question? It's my personal affair.

Like I said, I really find it funny when people have all these standards/suggestions for religious activities, that people do FOR THEMSELVES to find peace and we have the lot of you proposing we should charge them X amount of money and if they have been there many times they should be FINED ? Fined for what exactly ? Visiting a country and performing a religious activity ?

And don't bring up the "improving the condition of the poor" EXCUSE .. Yes I call it an excuse because I don't see suggestions from you where you go out and say, A consumer of an Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes, BMW and any of the luxurious brands or cars that go above a certain price limit will have to pay 2 times the amount so that an amount can be donated to the poor to alleviate them from poverty. I don't see any criticism on extravagant marriages -- and no suggestions from you where you have to pay a sum of money so that it can be donated to the poor if you go beyond a limit of spending on marriages. No standards or suggestions on expensive getaways, trips abroad, spending on luxurious watches etc etc. I thought we were concerned for the poor .. or are we just concerned for the poor when a person wants to go perform a religious activity ?

Lastly, its up to me if I wear a beard or not ... my personal choice ... you can go all in about how a good muslim doesn't "need" a beard... the only choice you get is your own face, not anyone else's ..:coffee:
Another Thing is Will He Answer for the people who were Below 45 and could afford Hajj yet could do perform it as MR here Doesnt Want them to do so before 45?
Now can you list the things which you think are against the ''type of Sharia'' Pakistanis want?

Lets make it precise
1- would shia Sunni be slaughtered , like in the case of Syria and Iraq, in deobandi/wahabi sharea system

2- would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to celebrate Mellad Sharif and hold Muaharam possessions in a doebandi/wahabi sharea system

3 would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to visit Shrines of Saints

4 would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to Chant YA RASUL ALLAH S.A.W.W AND YA ALI R.A

5 Would Shia muslims be allowed to practice their faith as per their Jurisprudence

6 would non Muslim citizens of Pakistan be allowed to live their lives freely without having to worry about some religious nutjobs in a -------

Arfan-Shah Mashwadi-Brelvi says about Shia!

He's an imbecile not a scholar why don't you listen to the majority of sunni scholars what they have to say about shias, e.g peer Syed Mehar Ali , peer syed Haroon Ali , Syed Abdul Qadir , Syed jmaat Ali-, Syed Shabbir Shah peer Syed Nasir udin Shah-----

We disagree with the deobandia and wahabbia on points of aqeedah.

The Hudud enjoined by Almighty in all Sunni madhabs are almost the same , anyways that's not the point the crux of the matter is the Aqeedah and you'verightly pointed out our difference with the deo/ wahabis------

Apart from froy ikhtilafat with shias our Aqeedha is the same , Imam Raza even declared wahabis/deo deviant sects but nowhere he mentioned that either of these three are infidels , we've been living with shias for centuries and never ever we witnessed a sectarian clash with em , the bond of mutual respect between us is strong, which I cannot say about the wahabi/deobandis,
Lets make it precise
1- would shia Sunni be slaughtered , like in the case of Syria and Iraq, in deobandi/wahabi sharea system

2- would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to celebrate Mellad Sharif and hold Muaharam possessions in a doebandi/wahabi sharea system

3 would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to visit Shrines of Saints

4 would Muslims of Pakistan be allowed to Chant YA RASUL ALLAH S.A.W.W AND YA ALI R.A

5 Would Shia muslims be allowed to practice their faith as per their Jurisprudence

6 would non Muslim citizens of Pakistan be allowed to live their lives freely without having to worry about some religious nutjobs in a -------

He's an imbecile not a scholar why don't you listen to the majority of sunni scholars what they have to say about shias, e.g peer Syed Mehar Ali , peer syed Haroon Ali , Syed Abdul Qadir , Syed jmaat Ali-, Syed Shabbir Shah peer Syed Nasir udin Shah-----

The Hudud enjoined by Almighty in all Sunni madhabs are almost the same , anyways that's not the point the crux of the matter is the Aqeedah and you'verightly pointed out our difference with the deo/ wahabis------

Apart from froy ikhtilafat with shias our Aqeedha is the same , Imam Raza even declared wahabis/deo deviant sects but nowhere he mentioned that either of these three are infidels , we've been living with shias for centuries and never ever we witnessed a sectarian clash with em , the bond of mutual respect between us is strong, which I cannot say about the wahabi/deobandis,

Here's the deobandi perspective on Shias. Please read it.


Question # : 127


Are all Shias non Muslims?
Answer : 127

Published on: Feb 1, 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(Fatwa: 108/L=108/L)

All the Shias are not kafir. Only the Shias are kafir who believe in the following:

that Hazrat Gebriel (the angle) mistakenly put revelation to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instead of Hazrat Ali.
who believe that Hazrat Ali (Razi Allahu anhu) was a god
who blame on Hazrat Ayshah (Razi Allahu anha) of adultery
who believe corruption in the Holy Quran
and who deny the companionship (Suhbat) of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu) (Fatawa Shami, 4/135)

But the Shias who believe only that Hazrat Ali was better (Afzal) than other companions and do not have other Shiite beliefs then they will not be considered as kafir.

Allah knows Best!

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband

Please also see Mufti Rafi Usmani (who is deobandi) who believes that deobandis and barelvis etc should be united and should not fight and must cooperate. He also says that the deobandi and barelvi ulema had come to an agreement about the laws to be implemented in Pakistan. The files are with the CII.

Watch from 29:00 onwards please
Who are you to decide who can and cannot live inside Pakistan?

The same way you are constantly spewing your hatred for Muslims in our country. Polite suggest, LEAVE! Guess what, the Christendom nations don't want you. Just looked at another thread on Pakistanis being refused visa. GOOD! Keeping trying and maybe NSA will hear your pleas.

Get this into your head, the land of the PURE is a MUSLIM country!
Here's the deobandi perspective on Shias. Please read it.


Question # : 127


Are all Shias non Muslims?
Answer : 127

Published on: Feb 1, 2016

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

(Fatwa: 108/L=108/L)

All the Shias are not kafir. Only the Shias are kafir who believe in the following:

that Hazrat Gebriel (the angle) mistakenly put revelation to Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) instead of Hazrat Ali.
who believe that Hazrat Ali (Razi Allahu anhu) was a god
who blame on Hazrat Ayshah (Razi Allahu anha) of adultery
who believe corruption in the Holy Quran
and who deny the companionship (Suhbat) of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (Razi Allahu anhu) (Fatawa Shami, 4/135)

But the Shias who believe only that Hazrat Ali was better (Afzal) than other companions and do not have other Shiite beliefs then they will not be considered as kafir.

Allah knows Best!

Darul Ifta,
Darul Uloom Deoband
Keep your fatavas to yourselves iam not subscribing to these imputations vis a vis a Muslim school of thought , they may not believe in the first 3 caliphs but that does not make them kafir rest of the allegations made on shias are lies, (neither nusyaris are shia nor nasbis like you are sunnis) shame on you, the more I get in an argument with you the.more your evil.face comes into the lime light,
Future of Pakistan Muslims is dreadful in case your lot comes into power
He's an imbecile not a scholar why don't you listen to the majority of sunni scholars what they have to say about shias, e.g peer Syed Mehar Ali , peer syed Haroon Ali , Syed Abdul Qadir , Syed jmaat Ali-, Syed Shabbir Shah peer Syed Nasir udin Shah-----

Well...calling a scholar an imbecile is your prerogative. As far listening to other scholars, we listen to them when they're correct. You're most welcome to come to Mirpur and meet scholars of caliber in our Madrassar.
Keep your fatavas to yourselves iam not subscribing to these imputations vis a vis a Muslim school of thought , they may not believe in the first 3 caliphs but that does not make them kafir rest of the allegations made on shias are lies, (neither nusyaris are shia nor nasbis like you are sunnis) shame on you, the more I get in an argument with you the.more your evil.face comes into the lime light,
Future of Pakistan Muslims is dreadful in case your lot comes into power

Did you even read what was said in the deobandi fatwa? It said that shias are NOT kafir unless they have the beliefs listed.
The Hudud enjoined by Almighty in all Sunni madhabs are almost the same , anyways that's not the point the crux of the matter is the Aqeedah and you'verightly pointed out our difference with the deo/ wahabis------

What has hudood have to do with what we're discussing? We're talking about Shariath-Allah, entirely! Do you think Sharia is limited to cutting the hands of the thief, etc, etc?
What has hudood have to do with what we're discussing? We're talking about Shariath-Allah, entirely! Do you think Sharia is limited to cutting the hands of the thief, etc, etc?
The lad above thinks like wise , iam making him realize------

Did you even read what was said in the deobandi fatwa? It said that shias are NOT kafir unless they have the beliefs listed.
Oh thank you very much , what a pleasant day on earth that a nutjo. Takfiri has considerd and issued a certificate that shias are not kafir , and after few years we Sunnis would be begging to take us in the fold of deobandi islam

You my deobandi friend seems to have an inflatable sense of your importance, the Muslim world does not revolve around your sects whims
Apart from froy ikhtilafat with shias our Aqeedha is the same , Imam Raza even declared wahabis/deo deviant sects but nowhere he mentioned that either of these three are infidels , we've been living with shias for centuries and never ever we witnessed a sectarian clash with em , the bond of mutual respect between us is strong, which I cannot say about the wahabi/deobandis,

That's like saying apart from the ikhthilaf with the nasara our aqeedah is the same! Sorry, but our difference with the Shia go to heart of the Islamic belief and hence there is an ijma amongst the Brelvi ulima-ikram about the shia. Infact, the deobandia and the wahabbia hold the same view on the Shia.

Only a Mufti declares someone kafir, and I've already gave evidences on when a person can be declared murtadd in another thread from evidences from Al-Mukthasar Al-Qudri.

No ONE has said anything about killing anyone! Where are you getting this from? Even when our Ulima declared the Qadiyqania kafir, they've never declared the lame person to take the law into their hands. Pakistan is NOT an ISLAMIC STATE!
The lad above thinks like wise , iam making him realize------

Oh thank you very much , what a pleasant day on earth that a nutjo. Takfiri has considerd and issued a certificate that shias are not kafir , and after few years we Sunnis would be begging to take us in the fold of deobandi islam

What are you talking about? I showed you a video of Pakistan's top deobandi scholar saying that deobandis and barelvis should be united. Why are you assuming that I am against Barelvis?

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