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Assam Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma Says Hindu Migrants Welcome, Muslim Migrants Are Our Enemy

I've often admired Chinese strategic vision when it concerns their land or sea borders.They draw out a plan , set out priorities , remain focused , raise the issue when they believe the time is right for them & force a resolution one way or another in their favour.

If you look at all their boundary issues , PRC has been anything but consistent in articulating it's version of the issue at hand .It hasn't changed a bit in nearly 7 decades .

Then there's India .We believe these problems will just go away with the passage of time.Hence , inertia is not just a state of mind , it's actually a policy! Much like having no opinion is also an opinion. If any nation deserves credit for introducing metaphysics of the hair splitting kind into their foreign policy , you know whom to credit or blame.

Look at our foreign policy w.r.t Kashmir with Pakistan .In the nearly 70 years since the first Indo Pak war, we've yet to see a categorical statement from India to Pakistan stating that there is no Kashmir issue save the return of the so called Azad Kashmir to India.This ambiguity on India's part courtesy Nehru's blunder in dragging the issue to the UN , in the hope of Pakistani's seeing reason has dragged on the issue till date with no resolution in sight.

Let me draw your attention to Assam & by extension our relationship with Bangladesh .Although Indian intervention which led to the creation of Bangladesh was purportedly on a/c of the more than 10 million exodus of mostly Bengali Muslims into India namely the border states of Assam & WB primarily , there was absolutely no interest displayed in ensuring that every single one of those refugees made their way back to Bangladesh once Bangladesh was created .

What to speak of strategic vision , we didn't even display common sense in ensuring that India cash in on the goodwill & leaned on Bangladesh to accept all pre 1971 Bengali speaking Muslims back too apart from the refugees the events of 1971 generated .

Everyone seems to be unanimous in mouthing their 2 cents that these changes in the demographic profiles of both WB & Assam pose a clear & present danger to the political & economic well being of Eastern & N.E.India.

Yet , till date we see only statements no action.Time will tell whether the present CM will actually carry out his promise or is just another occupant of the CM's chair like so many of his predecessor's who came to power on the same promise only to betray them .

Personally speaking , I believe the BJP wants to expel the illegal migrants but has not thought out a plan , it's execution , the difficulties it'd face , the ramifications , etc .

In due course they'd realize they're out of their depths.
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I've often admired Chinese strategic vision when it concerns their land or sea borders.They draw out a plan , set out priorities , remain focused , raise the issue when they believe the time is right for them & force a resolution one way or another in their favour.

If you look at all their boundary issues , PRC has been anything but consistent in articulating it's version of the issue at hand .It hasn't changed a bit in nearly 7 decades .

Then there's India .We believe these problems will just go away with the passage of time.Hence , inertia is not just a state of mind , it's actually a policy! Much like having no opinion is also an opinion. If any nation deserves credit for introducing metaphysics into their foreign policy , you know whom to credit or blame.

Look at our foreign policy w.r.t Kashmir with Pakistan .In the nearly 70 years since the first Indo Pak war, we've yet to see a categorical statement from India to Pakistan stating that there is no Kashmir issue save the return of Azad Kashmir to India.This ambiguity on India's part courtesy Nehru's blunder in dragging the issue to the UN , in the hope of Pakistani's seeing reason has dragged on the issue till date with no resolution in sight.

Let me draw your attention to Assam & by extension our relationship with Bangladesh .Although the purpose of Indian intervention which led to the creation of Bangladesh was purportedly on a/c of the more than 10 million exodus of Bengali Muslims into India namely the border states of Assam & WB primarily , there was absolutely no interest displayed in ensuring that every single one of those refugees made their way back to Bangladesh once Bangladesh was created .What to speak of strategic vision , we didn't even display common sense in ensuring that India cash in on the goodwill & leaned on Bangladesh to accept all pre 1971 Bengali speaking Muslims back too apart from the refugees the events of 1971 generated .

Everyone seems to be unanimous in mouthing their 2 cents that these changes in the demographic profiles of both WB & Assam pose a clear & present danger to the political & economic well being of Eastern & N.E.India.

Yet , till date we see only statements no action.Time will tell whether the present CM will actually carry out his promise or is just another occupant of the CM's chair like so many of his predecessor's who came to power on the same promise only to betray them .

Personally speaking , I believe the BJP wants to expel the illegal migrants but has not thought out a plan , it's execution , the difficulties it'd face , the ramifications , etc .
In due course they'd realize they're out of their depths.
Then there's India .We believe these problems will just go away with the passage of time.
what are you smoking these days??
I am not smoking but I am serious. U talk of selective secularism in your earlier reply,I see. First check yr own backward before commenting. Don't try to be evasive. Why is Pakistan not accepting its citizens who r stranded in Bangladesh
You are free to believe the way things you want to. Jinnah was right for his people(who followed him). Hitler were right for his people. (who followed him).

You are intelligent person figure it out.
As your arch enemy it is our duty to pick every opportunity :) . simple
All this talk about Assam being separated from India, Hindus being a "minority" etc etc....yet strangely the BJP was elected there decisively :lol:

Guess some people know what is around the corner for their ilk....and they have only small amount of time to show their desperation.
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