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Trump Issues Reckless, Anti-Muslim Statement Following Berlin Truck Attack

Fair enough. And btw Trump does not have a mandate of any kind. The US population is bitterly divided. And Trump lost the popular vote.

That's post mortem nitpicking sir. Trump has been elected by you as your leader. Modi has been elected by us as our leader.

Don't like the way elections happen at home? Change the rules for next time.
No see thats the beauty of the USA. Your right the election happened. And the result was respected. There is currently a peaceful transition of power. However, i am within my rights to be critical of the President elect as theres such a thing called the first amendment. That being said i hope Trump does well for the country and the world. I have my doubts.
No see thats the beauty of the USA. Your right the election happened. And the result was respected. There is currently a peaceful transition of power. However, i am within my rights to be critical of the President elect as theres such a thing called the first amendment. That being said i hope Trump does well for the country and the world. I have my doubts.

By all means. We have the same rights being freely exercised by millions of Indians about Mr. Modi as well. But you are right. Every American must realize that for him or her to do well, Mr. Trump has to do well. There is no fun in moral I-told-you-so thumbing of noses when you're neck deep in the smelly brown stuff.
Why are you surprised by Trump statement .,
Trump is busy for new team in parliament, after this Trump, Russia alliance will make life more difficult for Muslims.
Russia has also experience to deal with Chechens separatist movement, Russia demolished them , Putin government want good relation with Trump, this is very deadly alliance in Making, Expect 3 or 4 wars in coming next 4 years.My prediction is china will also join this alliance, china also suffered militancy & extremism in some cities .
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Fair enough. And btw Trump does not have a mandate of any kind. The US population is bitterly divided. And Trump lost the popular vote.

Winning the presidency is the mandate. Who decides whether a president has a mandate?
Trump has control of the House AND Senate. Nothing to stop his policies because Democrats are out of power. You bet Trump has a mandate because there is no opposition to stop his policies.

As for popular vote, you can't lose something there isn't a contest for. The election is decided by the popular vote of each state. When you win the popular vote of the state (either in a big or small margin), you collect the electoral college votes given to that state.

You can win a state like California by 4 million votes or 4 votes, you receive the same number of electoral college votes.

It's like in tennis where you can win a set 6-0 or 7-6, you still win only 1 set. A player can win more points in a match but lose the match by losing more sets. The contest is for who won the most sets, not who won the most points. This is why you can't win or lose the overall popular vote because there is no such contest for it. The contest is for who accumulates 270 electoral college votes. Players play according to the rules of the contest.
Winning the presidency is the mandate. Who decides whether a president has a mandate?
Trump has control of the House AND Senate. Nothing to stop his policies because Democrats are out of power. You bet Trump has a mandate because there is no opposition to stop his policies.

As for popular vote, you can't lose something there isn't a contest for. The election is decided by the popular vote of each state. When you win the popular vote of the state (either in a big or small margin), you collect the electoral college votes given to that state.

You can win a state like California by 4 million votes or 4 votes, you receive the same number of electoral college votes.

It's like in tennis where you can win a set 6-0 or 7-6, you still win only 1 set. A player can win more points in a match but lose the match by losing more sets. The contest is who won the most sets, not who won the most points. This is why you can't win or lose the overall popular vote because there is no such contest for it.

Just because You are President, does not mean You control the Congress.
He will get a Honeymoon, but after that is over, he needs to learn to work with the Congress,
or end up getting nothing done.
His policies are in many cases in conflict with Republican policies.
Ban all Muslims?
not going to happen, there was never a real possibility of that happening either, and he walked back on that a long time ago.

Trump, Russia alliance will make life more difficult for Muslims.
why is there this perception ?

A Trump - Putin alliance will make life very difficult for extremist terror groups like FSA, ISIS, taliban etc, why would regular people be affected ?
Winning the presidency is the mandate. Who decides whether a president has a mandate?
Trump has control of the House AND Senate. Nothing to stop his policies because Democrats are out of power. You bet Trump has a mandate because there is no opposition to stop his policies.

As for popular vote, you can't lose something there isn't a contest for. The election is decided by the popular vote of each state. When you win the popular vote of the state (either in a big or small margin), you collect the electoral college votes given to that state.

You can win a state like California by 4 million votes or 4 votes, you receive the same number of electoral college votes.

It's like in tennis where you can win a set 6-0 or 7-6, you still win only 1 set. A player can win more points in a match but lose the match by losing more sets. The contest is for who won the most sets, not who won the most points. This is why you can't win or lose the overall popular vote because there is no such contest for it. The contest is for who accumulates 270 electoral college votes. Players play according to the rules of the contest.

But isn't there a linear correlation between the number of voters in a state and the number of electoral college votes it has?
Trump Issues Reckless, Anti-Muslim Statement Following Berlin Truck Attack
By Sean Colarossi on Mon, Dec 19th, 2016 at 7:57 pm
Blaming an entire religion for the senseless violence of a few is a whole lot easier than actually knowing what you're talking about.

Reacting to the news that 12 people were killed and dozens more were injured after a truck drove into a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, President-Elect Donald Trump issued a statement capitalizing on the tragedy and blaming “ISIS and other Islamist terrorists” for the attack – before any hard facts about motives have been released.

Full statement from Trump:

Our hearts and prayers are with the loved ones of the victims of today’s horrifying terror attack in Berlin. Innocent civilians were murdered in the streets as they prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday. ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad. These terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks must be eradicated from the face of the earth, a mission we will carry out with all freedom-loving partners.
As he did frequently throughout his campaign, Trump is again exploiting a tragedy in order to push an anti-Muslim narrative. After all, blaming an entire religion for the senseless violence of a few is a whole lot easier than actually knowing what you’re talking about. It’s a simple way to frame what is a much more complex issue – one Trump likely doesn’t know how to address in a thoughtful, honest way.

Like many of Trump’s “shoot first, aim later” statements following various world tragedies, this one was rooted in no hard evidence. It’s only been hours since news of the attack broke and very little known information has come out.

As Germany’s own interior minister said a short time ago, “There is a psychological effect in the whole country of the choice of words here, and we want to be very, very cautious and operate close to the actual investigation results, not with speculation.”

Caution? Allowing an investigation to play out without running your mouth? What a novel concept.

We may very well learn that the person or people behind this heinous act are ISIS sympathizers who follow the terror group’s warped ideology. What we already know, though, is that Donald Trump doesn’t care one way or the other.

Instead, the incoming president prefers to act quickly and recklessly to exploit tragedies in a way that cannot be undone. It doesn’t matter what the facts end up being – enough people will take Trump’s initial statement as gospel because it’s what both he and they want to believe.

It’ll only help him achieve his campaign promise of banning Muslims from entering the U.S. and isolating and demonizing those who already live in the country.

What’s particularly frightening is that, in one short month, this dangerous man will no longer just be reacting to these tragedies over social media or through a spokesperson. He will be commander-in-chief. He will be in charge of coordinating international responses using the power of his office.

If he doesn’t spend the next 31 days growing up, the United States and the rest of the world are in big trouble.

Another Muslim playing the victim card.
Learn English, before You start to make comments.

The Trump statement can be divided in two parts

  1. Our hearts and prayers are with the loved ones of the victims of today’s horrifying terror attack in Berlin. Innocent civilians were murdered in the streets as they prepared to celebrate the Christmas holiday.
  2. ISIS and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad. These terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks must be eradicated from the face of the earth, a mission we will carry out with all freedom-loving partners.
Part 1 gives condoleances to the victim.

Part 2 states his position on terrorists which happens to believe they are Muslims.
The second statement does not claim that Muslim terrorist are to blame for the attack.
That is also in no way implying that all Muslims are to blame for "Muslims" performing terrorist acts.

By putting both statements together, Trump acknowledges that the attack follows a pattern
of previous attacks proven to be done by Islamist terrorists.

You, on the other hand, is a war monger inciting a war between religions.
I wonder if California is going to have a rough 4 years.

I mean, I like the man. But forgiveness is not one of his many virtues.
It's been a liberal bastion for a very long time, he was never going to have a chance there, spl given the demographics but why would they have a tough time ?

He's spoken about stopping funding for sanctuary cities (they don't go after illegal immigrants), that's about all I can think off.

@LA se Karachi might have some to add.
This statement is not particularly anti muslim. However his past statements and the proposed ban on muslim immigration are. Look up his past body of work. Any its not muslims playing the victim card.

I will be the first to condemn violence committed by Muslims. However no one cried about the thousands of iraqis maimed or killed by the US invasion in the last decade. An illegal war of shock and awe. That is just one example.
Yes and this was this past year. However he was supportive of the war as it happened as was Hillary and the rest of the moronic politians we have.

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