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Shed insecurities: India to Pakistan

There exists insecurity in pakistan about alleged indian involvement in NWFP, baluchistan and afghanistan. So even that is in purview of discussion.

dude, that is only a allegation, members in this forum NEVER gave anything called as proof for that allegation.

These guys are mentally affected about the fact that the Taliban they created is kicking their *** badly.

So they want to find solace, and because of that though deep down they know that it was created by them, they choose to blame others, what a sick mindset.
As long as they kill soldiers, they are not terrorists. If they kill civilians then they are. I never disputed that. Our support is only to kill Indian soldiers, that too only those serving in Kashmir.

We have an official, genuine beef with India and killing the soldiers is a genuine demand.

We can't trust India, since in response she sends suicide bombers in to Pakistan and supports all kinds of terrorist organizations against Pakistan. The root of the problem lies in Kashmir. If you resolve Kashmir, we won't kill you, you won't kill us. Then we can trust you.

With people actively killing each other, there can be no trust.

Listen, you cannot keep ranting that India sends terrorists into your soil...
First give us proof... DO YOU UNDERSTAND PROOF ?
Pakistan should be paid back in the same coin. GOI needs to support all the freedom movements in pakistan.

GOI should provide all the Moral and diplomatic support.

That will bring them to senses for supporting terrorists (oops. Jihad)

Why don't you tell that to your that Ms, who just came up with such statements to shed insecurities, as with hawks having thoughts like what you have living in India and occupying the seats in power, its difficult that we will see peace and end of hostilities against each other.

You do the same, we will do the same, Kashmiris, naxals, maos, khalistan etc etc are all up there to be funded and India is more vulnerable compared to us, or what problems we are facing.

Hope it doesn't happens that in the end, your plan backfires.

So next time try to come up with some sensible proposals, as hate will be replied with hate, funding an insurgency will be replied with the same also.
Listen, you cannot keep ranting that India sends terrorists into your soil...
First give us proof... DO YOU UNDERSTAND PROOF ?

Well before going on a rant yourself, why don't you show proof also about the involvement of GOP.

All Indian come here and say there are freedom fighter training camps in Pakistan and there are so many number of these camps and we will do surgical strikes, why hasn't the Indian govt shown one single picture of the camp from their mighty satellites or from wherever they get the info from.

So show your proof, then give us an advice.
Why don't you tell that to your that Ms, who just came up with such statements to shed insecurities, as with hawks having thoughts like what you have living in India and occupying the seats in power, its difficult that we will see peace and end of hostilities against each other.

The statement is made by India foreign Secretary... and not by India PM...though it still is an official Indian statement......

Well the concept of mutual peace is ....as they say mutual....I scratch your back and you scratch mine...and not I scratch your back and you stab mine....like what happened in Kargill....

You do the same, we will do the same, Kashmiris, naxals, maos, khalistan etc etc are all up there to be funded and India is more vulnerable compared to us, or what problems we are facing.
Well you have tried almost all of them ..and look where you are .....its not India burning...its Pakistan thats burning.....

Hope it doesn't happens that in the end, your plan backfires.
Speaking from experience ehhhh

So next time try to come up with some sensible proposals, as hate will be replied with hate, funding an insurgency will be replied with the same also.

Well thats the kind of reply we are giving to you right now.....I hope we are ..because if we are not ...I am not paying my taxes this time around.
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You think Maritans did 26/11 ? Do you think Ajmal Kasab is from Mars ?

Ok I will repeat my point again, make sure that you pull your head out of what every you have it stuck in. To understand what I am trying to say;
Where is the proof that Pakistan is involved in destabilizing activities in india, see the key word here is Pakistan. Not a man, not a group but a country.

So dont try to act up like you are the one who knows every thing, and look at the query in the light of it.
Well before going on a rant yourself, why don't you show proof also about the involvement of GOP.

All Indian come here and say there are freedom fighter training camps in Pakistan and there are so many number of these camps and we will do surgical strikes, why hasn't the Indian govt shown one single picture of the camp from their mighty satellites or from wherever they get the info from.

So show your proof, then give us an advice.

hmmm so your freedom fighters aka TERRORISTS are coming into India without any training... do they come to India just one fine morning thinking that okay let us go for a walk and took their AKs mistakenly instead of their walking stick ?

Do you think Kasab is from Mars ? And how the heck your idiotic non state actor MORONS are getting trained to cross the border ? or are you saying that they do not get trained they just simply come to India ?
Ok I will repeat my point again, make sure that you pull your head out of what every you have it stuck in. To understand what I am trying to say;
Where is the proof that Pakistan is involved in destabilizing activities in india, see the key word here is Pakistan. Not a man, not a group but a country.

So dont try to act up like you are the one who knows every thing, and look at the query in the light of it.

See the point is simple, Pakistan's land is being used for activities against India, we DO NOT care whether your GoP supports it or some Maritan supports it... the point is as simple as that...

DO NOT allow your land to be used for training terrorists...

And another thing is no personal attacks... If you want a different clarification you can say it clearly... it would not take time for me to write something like take your ears out of *** hole and listen carefully...
See the point is simple, Pakistan's land is being used for activities against India, we DO NOT care whether your GoP supports it or some Maritan supports it... the point is as simple as that...

DO NOT allow your land to be used for training terrorists...

And another thing is no personal attacks... If you want a different clarification you can say it clearly... it would not take time for me to write something like take your ears out of *** hole and listen carefully...

I didnt know that you had your head stuck up, all I said was where ever it is stuck you might have had your head stuck in the sand. Well people have weird fetish!!
On the point, can you prove your bs with some facts or shall I take it for what its worth as bs.
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Why don't you tell that to your that Ms, who just came up with such statements to shed insecurities, as with hawks having thoughts like what you have living in India and occupying the seats in power, its difficult that we will see peace and end of hostilities against each other.

You do the same, we will do the same, Kashmiris, naxals, maos, khalistan etc etc are all up there to be funded and India is more vulnerable compared to us, or what problems we are facing.

Hope it doesn't happens that in the end, your plan backfires.

So next time try to come up with some sensible proposals, as hate will be replied with hate, funding an insurgency will be replied with the same also.

As long as pakistan keeps on supporting terrorists and sending them into J&K and keeps saying Non-state actors or Jihadis / freedom fighters, there is no other option left for India but to payback in the same coin.

When pak stops using terrorism as a state policy then we can talk like civilized people.

Pak understands only the language of voilence, hope they change their tune soon.
I didnt know that you had your head stuck up your ***hole, all I said was where ever it is stuck you might have had your head stuck in the sand. Well people have weird fetish!!
On the point, can you prove your bs with some facts or shall I take it for what its worth as bs.

You don't seem to be civilized, so there is no point in talking to you... anyways take your ears out and listen again...

Kasab is from Pakistan... which implies Pakistan's land is being used for breeding terroists...

your freedom fighters aka terrorists are also from Pakistan... which implies Pakistan's land is being used for breeding terrorists...

Now prove your rants that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan...
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The statement is made by India foreign Secretary... and not by India PM...though it still is an official Indian statement......

Well the concept of mutual peace is ....as they say mutual....I scratch your back and you scratch mine...and not I scratch your back and you stab mine....like what happened in Kargill....

Well you have tried almost all of them ..and look where you are .....its not India burning...its Pakistan thats burning.....

Speaking from experience ehhhh

Well thats the kind of reply we are giving to you right now.....I hope we are ..because if we are not ...I am not paying my taxes this time around.

Well i did not said anything about the PM, i said Ms, which was for the Foreign Secretary as she is a lady. Yes it is an official Indian statement, but in the past we have seen many hawkish statements also from the establishment.

And before reminding me of the Kargil, do yourself remember what India did in 71. Don't come up with the refugee excuse, as that is no excuse for arming and training people for insurgency.

Hadn't 9/11 happened, the tables would have been different, let US exit, then we will see.

And don't worry, your number will come also and we will reply in the same manner, this is a cat & mouse game which will keep continuing, till one gets fully destroyed or peace finally prevails.
As long as pakistan keeps on supporting terrorists and sending them into J&K and keeps saying Non-state actors or Jihadis / freedom fighters, there is no other option left for India but to payback in the same coin.

When pak stops using terrorism as a state policy then we can talk like civilized people.

Pak understands only the language of voilence, hope they change their tune soon.

Dude u need to watch your mouth with this civilized crap, because if others will start then it will be allot more messier. And I sure dont want a ban over a sh!t tossing contest with a retard.
You don't seem to be civilized, so there is no point in talking to you... anyways take your ears out of *** hole and listen again...

Kasab is from Pakistan... which implies Pakistan's land is being used for breeding terroists...

your freedom fighters aka terrorists are also from Pakistan... which implies Pakistan's land is being used for breeding terroists...

Now prove your rants that India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan...

And you have proved your worth as I said it is noting more then bs and that is what I will take it for. This debate is over.
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