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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

No Yemen didn't cut ties with Qatar, a Saudi stooge living in Riyadh named 'President Hadi' has cut ties with Qatar. Those who are actually controlling Yemen and its capital actually are supporting Qatar.

Please don't spread fake news, Iraq, Tunisia and Pakistan have NOT cut ties with Qatar.
No fake news. you'll come to know it very soon..

Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Nafis Zakaria said in a statement quoted by Reuters
"Nothing at the moment concerns the Qatari issue and we will issue a statement if there is a development," Zakaria said.


Maldives just cut its diplomatic relations with Qatar..
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Four Arab nations cut diplomatic ties to Qatar on Monday over its relations with Iran and support of Islamist groups, isolating the tiny energy rich country by cutting off its land, sea and air routes to the outside world.

Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE began withdrawing their diplomatic staff from Qatar as regional airlines quickly announced they'd suspend service to its capital, Doha.

Qatar, which will host the 2022 FIFA World Cup and is home to some 10,000 American troops at a major U.S. military base, criticized the move as a "violation of its sovereignty." However, it immediately wreaked havoc with long-haul carrier Qatar Airways, sent its stock market tumbling and raised questions about how a country reliant on food imports would be affected.

Saudi Arabia also said Qatari troops would be pulled from the ongoing war in Yemen. Yemen's internationally backed government, which no longer holds its capital and large portions of the country, also cut relations with Qatar.

The countries all ordered their citizens out of Qatar and gave Qataris abroad 14 days to return home to their peninsular nation. The countries also said they would eject Qatar's diplomats from their territories.

Qatar's Foreign Affairs Ministry said there was "no legitimate justification" for the countries' decision, though it vowed its citizens wouldn't be affected by it.

"The Qatari Government will take all necessary measures to ensure this and to thwart attempts to influence and harm the Qatari society and economy," it said.

All the nations also said they planned to cut air and sea traffic. Saudi Arabia said it also would shut its land border with Qatar, effectively cutting off the country from the rest of the Arabian Peninsula.

Qatar Airways, one of the region's major long-haul carriers that routinely flies through Saudi airspace, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Some of its flights were going through Iranian airspace Monday.

Etihad, the Abu Dhabi-based carrier, said it would suspend flights to Qatar "until further notice." Emirates, the Dubai-based carrier, announced it too would suspend Qatar flights starting Tuesday, as did budget carrier FlyDubai.

Even before Monday, Qatar had appeared unperturbed by the growing tensions. On May 27, Qatar's ruling emir, Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, called Iranian President Hasan Rouhani to congratulate him on his re-election.

The call was a clear, public rebuttal of Saudi Arabia's efforts to force Qatar to fall in line against the Shiite-ruled nation, which the Sunni kingdom sees as its No. 1 enemy and a threat to regional stability. Qatar shares a massive offshore gas field with the Islamic Republic.

Qatar is also home to the sprawling al-Udeid Air Base, which is home to the forward headquarters of the U.S. military's Central Command. It wasn't clear if the decision would affect American military operations. Central Command officials and the Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Saudi Arabia said it took the decision to cut diplomatic ties due to Qatar's "embrace of various terrorist and sectarian groups aimed at destabilizing the region" including the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaida, the Islamic State group and groups supported by Iran in the kingdom's restive Eastern Province. Egypt's Foreign Ministry accused Qatar of taking an "antagonist approach" toward Egypt and said "all attempts to stop it from supporting terrorist groups failed."

The tiny island nation of Bahrain blamed Qatar's "media incitement, support for armed terrorist activities and funding linked to Iranian groups to carry out sabotage and spreading chaos in Bahrain" for its decision. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet, based in Bahrain, did not respond to a request for comment about whether the decision would affect its operations.

In Sydney, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said he didn't believe the diplomatic crisis would affect the war against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria.

"I think what we're witnessing is a growing list of disbelief in the countries for some time, and they've bubbled up to take action in order to have those differences addressed," Tillerson said. "We certainly would encourage the parties to sit down together and address these differences."

The decision comes after Qatar alleged in late May that hackers took over the site of its state-run news agency and published what it called fake comments from its ruling emir about Iran and Israel. Its Gulf Arab neighbors responded with anger, blocking Qatari-based media, including the Doha-based satellite news network Al-Jazeera.

Qatar long has faced criticism from its Arab neighbors over its support of Islamists. The chief worry among them is the Muslim Brotherhood, a Sunni Islamist political group outlawed by both Saudi Arabia and the UAE as it challenges the nations' hereditary rule.

Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia fell out with Qatar over its backing of then-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a Brotherhood member. In March 2014, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors from Qatar over the rift. Eight months later, they returned their ambassadors as Qatar forced some Brotherhood members to leave the country and quieted others. However, the 2014 crisis did not see a land and sea blockade as threatened now.

In the time since, Qatar repeatedly and strongly denied it funds extremist groups. However, it remains a key financial patron of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and has been the home of exiled Hamas official Khaled Mashaal since 2012. Western officials also have accused Qatar of allowing or even encouraging funding of Sunni extremists like al-Qaida's branch in Syria, once known as the Nusra Front.

Global oil prices rose 1.24 percent to $50.57 a barrel in early trading Monday in Asia amid the Gulf diplomatic crisis. The Qatar Stock Exchange fell 7 percent.

Kuwait, which earlier had tried to mediate the crisis, had no immediate comment.

The crisis comes after U.S. President Donald Trump's recent visit to Saudi Arabia for a summit with Arab leaders. Since the meeting, unrest in the region has grown.

At that Saudi conference, Trump met with Qatar's ruling emir.

"We are friends, we've been friends now for a long time, haven't we?" Trump asked at the meeting. "Our relationship is extremely good."


SORRY, just noticed that there is a thread on it already running since yesterday.

@The Eagle can you please merge it? :)
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Qatar's first reaction to the decision to cut ties

Qatar's Foreign Ministry issued an official statement on Monday (June 5th), in which it responded to the decision by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain to sever diplomatic ties.

In its official statement, the Qatari foreign ministry expressed its regret over the decision to sever the relations, noting that the measures followed were "unjustified".

"The decision to cut ties is based on baseless allegations " .

"Doha will seek to thwart attempts to influence Qatari society and economy, and decisions will not affect the normal lives of citizens and residents" .

It also said that "there are no legitimate justifications for the measures taken in coordination with Egypt, which is intended to impose the tutelage on Qatar, and this is a violation of sovereignty and is absolutely unacceptable."

The Qatari Foreign Ministry confirmed that the cut-off measures were an undisclosed effort, confirming the advance planning of media campaigns, which included many fabrications.



Russia is carefully considering Qatar's alleged support for terrorism
All Currency Exchange Companies have now stopped purchasing Qatry reyal here in pakistan today , because all companies trading with UAE main exchange companies and UAE now banned qatri reyal there in dubai
No fake news. you'll come to know it very soon..

Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Nafis Zakaria said in a statement quoted by Reuters
"Nothing at the moment concerns the Qatari issue and we will issue a statement if there is a development," Zakaria said.


Maldives just cut its diplomatic relations with Qatar..

This is what Pakistani media is reporting

"Pakistan has no immediate plans to cut diplomatic ties with Qatar, Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said on Monday.

Zakaria, in response to news of the rift between Qatar and five other Middle Eastern nations, stated that Pakistan "has no such plans".

"At the moment there is nothing on Qatar issue, (we) will issue a statement if some development takes place," Zakaria said."


Makes sense as well. Its a fight between brothers. We have no role to play in another households fight, other than to mediate a peaceful resolution.
If Qatar and Turkey are really strategic partners as you say, then why Turkey didn't announce any statement regarding the issue. I remember when the failed military coup happened in Turkey, Qatar was one of the first countries to oppose it. Where is Erdogan right now?

Hes just erdogans puppet. Not that I care about qatar or saudi arabia but he probably worships qatar because erdogan does.

Erdoğan do not give hasty statements. Most possibly he is still assessing the situation.

Come on bro, dont be silly. You are talking as if hes a controlled man. He barks on TV 24/7 we are going to do this we are going to do that. 90% today he will be screaming somewhere about this issue.

Yanlis yolda, yanlis kisilerle yuruyoruz.
And why is that..Qatar has 200 000 population..and most of them are pro-Saudis, even the ruling family has sent excuses to KSA today.. so the problem is with the ruling prince and its government not with the Qatari people..
As I said many times in this forum and many laugh to me and my post Saudis want to occupy every single country in south of Persian Gulf also Saudis need seriously big amount of gas to inject in their oil wells otherwise they are going bankrupt in just few years.
Active military personnel:

Iran: 523,000
Saudi Arabia: 478,000
UAE: 100,000
Oman: 75,000
Kuwait: 58,300
Bahrain: 13,000
Qatar: 11,800 (Hosts US Central Command base)

Cutting ties with Qatar:

- Saudi Arabia
- Egypt
- Bahrain
- United Arab Emirates
- Yemeni government
- Maldives

Qatar Airways has stopped all flights to Saudi Arabia

Qatar's stock-market has fallen by over 8%

More to follow....Stay tuned!
Exactly, Gulf countries leaders contrary to what some people might think are very pragmatic and liberal when it comes to business/trade and investments. Reason the region attracts so much expats/investment and trade. For example small Qatar alone with barely 2-3million people has a GDP almost equal to that of Egypt,Iran etc.
So I believe it's very unlikely/if not impossible for a war to erupt in any gulf state. There's just so much at stake that even foreign powers will be willing to do anything to stop this from happening.
Plus KSA and gulf states account for Almost 60%of all OPEC oil production. So they have a huge leverage over world's economy/trade and they are backed by huge western military presence in the region, hence there is very little chance of conflict erupting in this region.

They also have huge trade and investments with emerging economies like India, China, Japan, S.Korea, Brazil etc. So I believe it's in their interests to solve their disputes peacefully.
Indeed the GCC impact is deep and widespread, in three ways:
  1. You're right, GCC is critical to world energy of oil and LNG, so any turmoil in the region will seriously disrupt supply and prices. If you look at GCC export destinations, the mostly affected nation is China.
  2. Impact on maritime trade routes, driving up insurance costs and logistics costs, all traders are affected. China being world's largest exporter, owner-operator of world's largest maritime network (web of seaports, fleet of tankers), is the most affected nation.
  3. There are only three Credit Hubs (supplier of capital) in the world - East Asia, Germanic/Nordic region, GCC - as opposed to a majority of debtor nations (receiver of capital). As seen in previous post, Qatar alone already owns huge amount of Europe-based assets. All six GCC nations are huge creditors, if they start to burn capital in war, dumping assets, first impact will be on debtor nations, mostly in western Europe, southern Europe and MENA that are highly dependent on GCC capital. Then creditor nations may (or may not, depending on portfolio mix) suffer from fluctuation in asset prices, East Asia, Germanic-Nordic states may suffer, China being world's top creditor nation (including Taiwan, Hong Kong) has most net assets on the line.

In all three aspects of energy supply/costs, maritime logistics and global asset prices, China has largest stake on the line. Wish GCC nations de-escalate the tension between them, and that UK should help mediate since GCC owns a huge stake of the economy.
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As I said many times in this forum and many laugh to me and my post Saudis want to occupy every single country in south of Persian Gulf also Saudis need seriously big amount of gas to inject in their oil wells otherwise they are going bankrupt in just few years.
I am sure both Oman and Kuwait are under heavily pressure by thugs to follow them.
the amount of their resist prove my point.

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