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Nawaz Sharif, (negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban )


Aug 23, 2006
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Pakistan's prime minister has said his government will organise a national conference on ways to combat terrorism.

Yousuf Raza Gilani's announcement followed a demand by the country's main opposition leader that the government should negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban in an effort to improve security.

It also came just two days after suicide bombers killed 42 people at a Sufi shrine in Lahore, the capital of Punjab, a province where the opposition controls the government.

Nawaz Sharif, leader of the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N), called on Saturday for the government to negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban "who are ready to talk and ready to listen".

The agreement to hold a national conference represents a rare moment of
consensus between the two parties, which have clashed over how to address the
problem of growing violence in Punjab, the country's most populous and richest region.

Officials in the ruling Pakistan People's Party have called on Punjab's PML-N government to crack down on fighters, once supported by the country's intelligence agencies but now allied with the Pakistani Taliban against the state.

Peace conference

The developments come against the backdrop of a peace conference, or jirga, over the issue of fighters in the tribal region of South Warizistan, on the border with Afghanistan.

According to Dawn News, a private TV station, the jirga failed to reach a consensus.

The government has brokered peace deals with Pakistani Taliban fighters along the Afghan border in the past, but they have usually collapsed and often given the fighters time to regroup and consolidate their control.

On their part, the fighters have continued their campaign of attacks in the country's northwest near the Afghan border.

A roadside bomb struck a vehicle carrying members of anti-Taliban fighters in Dara Adam Khel on Sunday, killing two and wounding three others, Mohammad Shafiq Khan, a local official, said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but suspicion fell on the Pakistani Taliban.

Groups linked to al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban have launched a wave of attacks across the nation in apparent revenge for the military offensives in their bastions in the northwest of the country near the Afghan border.

Ties between armed groups in Punjab, the Taliban and al-Qaeda are especially worrying for the Pakistan government, which has said the military is stretched in campaigns in the northwest.

While most of the reprisal attacks have taken place there, fighters have also stepped up operations in the country's heartland, mainly Punjab, in recent months.
Pakistan to hold peace conference - CENTRAL/S. ASIA - Al Jazeera English

Clearly Nawaz and clan aren't in it for Pakistan or its people Its time for Islamabad to stop playing politics and have SOB Nawaz and others like him meet Their dad Zia In hell .
Keeping your hatred for Nawaz Sharif aside, he has taken a wrong logic saying that if US can consider dialogue with Taliban, why can't Pakistani Govt. Fact of the matter is that US/NATO forces are invaders in Afghanistan and they are considering ways to back off and pull out from Afghanistan sooner or later, they'll not stay there for ever so they will have to come to negotiations with the Afghan groups or stake holders. The terrorists in Pakistan, on the other hand, are not fighting to free their land from invaders but they are rebels so they must not be dealt in the same way as US is considering to deal with Afghan groups. Terrorists in Pakistan must be treated as Tamil Tigers were treated in Srilanka.

PS: I have no sympathy for Afghan Taliban as far as their terrorist and inhumane pseudo religious philosophy is concerned.
Their is no reason to talk with MAD DOGS(taliban)!
N.Shareef is obeying the order of his lord saudi sheikh who want to save their DOGS(taliban) even though they know that they are gone mad now.
Nawaz Sharif has once again proved through his latest statements, actions and activities designed by the establishment that the traditional perception about him is right and he is a real heir of General Ziaul Haq. He is playing havoc with the nation and country by portraying non-issues as issues. He is not doing issue oriented politics, just mudslinging against PPP-and now it’s obvious that Punjab based PML-N’s gang leader is a biggest threat to democracy and federation, as he is not ready to accommodat and accept democratic realities. It is a historic fact that most arrogant politician [Mian Nawaz Sharif] in Pakistani political history had not only served as Ziaul Haq’s man in the past but also attacked the Supreme Court.
The power hungry Nawaz Sharif is just focusing on midterm polls or early elections. during recent “secret dates” Powerful lobbies ensured PMLN leadership that despite losing support in masses, PML-N will win Punjab and it’s rule will continue in big province. Powerful lobbies recently helped PMLN to win by polls. So therefore Mian Nawaz Sharif is not showing any interest, seriousness and responsibility in present political system, parliament and its proceedings. PMLN even betrayed its voters, during election campaign PMLN promised that after winning election, it will work for the supremacy of parliament and strengthened federation but now PMLN is once again standing with establishment, as it is only talking about independence of judiciary and forget parliament’s supremacy.The nation has been disturbed by the sudden apprehensions raised by the PML-N about the constitutional elected civilian government.
No talks with the Taliban. We tried it once in SWAT, remember what happened?!
Yeah, I remember what happened: the populace looked forward to the Taliban as an improvement, until they actually experienced them. Now they are back to the same government as before.
The power hungry Nawaz Sharif is just focusing on midterm polls or early elections. during recent “secret dates” Powerful lobbies ensured PMLN leadership that despite losing support in masses, PML-N will win Punjab and it’s rule will continue in big province. Powerful lobbies recently helped PMLN to win by polls. So therefore Mian Nawaz Sharif is not showing any interest, seriousness and responsibility in present political system, parliament and its proceedings. PMLN even betrayed its voters, during election campaign PMLN promised that after winning election, it will work for the supremacy of parliament and strengthened federation but now PMLN is once again standing with establishment, as it is only talking about independence of judiciary and forget parliament’s supremacy.The nation has been disturbed by the sudden apprehensions raised by the PML-N about the constitutional elected civilian government.

Nawaz sharif inspite of being Dmn witted has come out of this process amore consistent leader than Zardari , who has back tracked on everything he has said. Also the fact that inspite of having had ample chances of inciting riots and problems in Punjab and destabilizing the government , he has not done so in the greater interest of the country.
As to the topic of negotiations with the taliban, I am sorry to rock the boat by saying that we will have to negotiate. However, unlike last time, where we had not had a position of strength, this time round PA has a different position , and the terms of negotiations can be much more in our favour.For national builup, we need peace and an environment where people can work without fear of blasts and suicide bombers.Irrespective of how many raids and army adventures, you will not be able to stop this. the longer you leave this the more problematic it will become, so I think it is wise that we negotiate with them on our terms, ie no outisders, tangible army presence in their areas to imose the conditions of the accord and severe reprisals in case of breaking their accord. There is ample evidence from the festering fueds in Egypt and Ireland that you cannot force a party of people hell bent on causing trouble just by use of force.Americans are learning this the hard way in Afghanistan and perviously in Viet nam, and also in Iraq. So whether we like it or not we will have to negotiate a truce and clear the area from outsiders and restore peace and calm in our country.
If this idiot ever becomes Pakistan president, I'll shoot myself.

hmmm EmO GiRl once said, if chance offered she is willing to wear suicide jacket and explode Nawaz Sharif :rofl:

You are going to suicide better explode his brother and Zardari with you :lol:

The entire Pakistan will be thankful to you

Talibans are part of the solution and Nawaz Sharif's demand to negotiate with them is a pragmatic approach . Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's announcement to organize a national conference is also good approach.
If this idiot ever becomes Pakistan president, I'll shoot myself.

hmmm EmO GiRl once said, if chance offered she is willing to wear suicide jacket and explode Nawaz Sharif. You are going to suicide better explode his brother and Zardari with you
The entire Pakistan will be thankful to you

Now we know how normal people become suicide bombers !
He is enjoying the protocols and luxuries at the tax payers expense even then launching salvos against government just to prove to the masses that he is in opposition ... by the way congratulations to PMLN for winning 'fake degree' race ... its a well deserved victory ...
if negotiantions with the taliban in pakistan brings peace then why not. but the problem is that the taliban dont beliieve in peace, we shouldnt forget buner and dir.

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