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Beijing to Modi: Don’t raise Pakistan terror issue at BRICS

Is nobody going to address the subliminal elephant about global times linking islam to terrorism or do you have your China blinders on?
In an interesting twist, the hawkish Global Times indirectly blamed Islam for terrorism, and said India is mostly free from terrorism because it is largely a Hindu nation. Terrorism exists in an "arc" of Asian countries including Pakistan and Philippines with significant Muslim presence, it said."
We already know, this from their previous article. China wants to avoid defending pakistan from their own public, thus stopping India from raising terrorism issue
LOL I didn't know "Saibal Dasgupta" wrote for Global Times.
China is one up on India in BRICS with Veto power.
China commands, India performs.

While the Chinese brick is vital & essential for BRICS to not crumble......India's case may not be the same:


"In an interesting twist, the hawkish Global Times indirectly blamed Islam for terrorism, and said India is mostly free from terrorism because it is largely a Hindu nation. Terrorism exists in an "arc" of Asian countries including Pakistan and Philippines with significant Muslim presence, it said."
We already know, this from their previous article. China wants to avoid defending pakistan from their own public, thus stopping India from raising terrorism issue
The hypocrisy of the muslim world is baffling when they criticize us for 'massacring' muslims in Kashmir which to all indians is a political issue of maintaining our sovereignty and turn a blind eye towards the status of the uighurs. It will be interesting to see how the Sino-Pak relationship develops in the future as there are fundamental issues that can affect it's longevity, especially since Pakistan and China are next door neighbors.
Modi is known for turning stones thrown at him into stepping stones to success.

China will soon realize it at BRICKS

After BRICKS They will strart a campaign just like Doklam about submitting India to their demands :p:
Lets see what actually happens at BRICS. Terrorism is a issue India realized it with LTTE i have no idea when Pakistan will realize and change.
if india is do concerm abt terrorism, they should support fencing pakistan afghan border for good.
now you should make yourself appear as large as you can and make as much noise as possible, to show dominance over your enemy
China and it's never-ending cycle of warnings. We only have one lifetime to get things done you know.
moodi will be slpped around in brics. both china and and russia will spank moodi.:haha::haha::haha:

china told modi to shut up and modi did it. like good dog. he is a good chinese lapdog.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
The hypocrisy of the muslim world is baffling when they criticize us for 'massacring' muslims in Kashmir which to all indians is a political issue of maintaining our sovereignty and turn a blind eye towards the status of the uighurs. It will be interesting to see how the Sino-Pak relationship develops in the future as there are fundamental issues that can affect the longevity, especially since Pakistan and China are next door neighbors.
China has many advantages in siding with Pakistan :
1. Chinese arms manufacturer gets a huge market to sell their weapons
2. Chinese can check India by stoking Pakistan
3. Chinese needs another market to sell their stuff which Pakistan provides
4. Without any competition they can almost win any contract they want from Pakistan
5. Pakistan stock market is still nascent and it will rise, and guess what China bought it without any problem
6. Pakistan gives china access to middle east

There are pros and cons, but in Sino-Pak case Pro's weighs more than cons, atleast till now.
You are just reinforcing things for our cause, Osama protectors, LeT protectors, lying generals, good Taliban. Bhartis like showing your true face to the world, not everybody gets swayed by the air you release windy.
Do you ever listen to your self, ever wondered how much leverage you exercise or who pays attention to your tantrums....pray that one day your true face doesn't get exposed, hell had even Israel tried they would have made it to the UNSC but the world somehow seems to ignore the curry loving version of snow white... where the military kills innocents for monetary incentives and civilians kill low caste for sport.... but Indians are busy telling the world Osama was found in Pakistan.... what harm did he do to Indians or is it habitual for you people to prove more loyal than the four legged friend.
They say a word to the wise should suffice.
May be this 10th grade PM of India does not have discernible mind.

China has invested 100 + billion in Pakistan or will invest gradually. But not only this, both the countries have very good relations between them.

Modi tang kyu adata hai beech me?
Itna bhi common sense nahi kiya?

It was undesirable from Modi to bring Pakistan into BRICS.
Off-topic. Should be warned.
3 strike and banned a la PDF.
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moodi will be slpped around in brics. both china and and russia will spank moodi.:haha::haha::haha:

china told modi to shut up and modi did it. like good dog. he is a good chinese lapdog.:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Please start typing your posts beginning with the words "Dear Diary..." from now on. Your brain farts shouldn't be pushed onto others who expect to indulge in a serious dialogue.
if india is do concerm abt terrorism, they should support fencing pakistan afghan border for good.

How about you support fencing indian border with pakistan first.
Do you ever listen to your self, ever wondered how much leverage you exercise or who pays attention to your tantrums....pray that one day your true face doesn't get exposed, hell had even Israel tried they would have made it to the UNSC but the world somehow seems to ignore the curry loving version of snow white... where the military kills innocents for monetary incentives and civilians kill low caste for sport.... but Indians are busy telling the world Osama was found in Pakistan.... what harm did he do to Indians or is it habitual for you people to prove more loyal than the four legged friend.
Are you paying attention to the geo-politics right now? Even if you ignore the terrible state of affairs of the US-Pak relations, you have to be cognizant of the massive global rise in anti-islamic terror pitch. Pakistan gets quoted as a hotbed of islamic terrorism now more than ever.
I think you are using the wrong KPIs to measure the effect of our foreign policy performance

So what will Modiji do now after we humiliated him with such a warning? Does he want to be arrested in China for Gujarat massacre?
When you use words like humiliation, you are stating your opinion which is misplaced while you are quoting me.
China threatened war for a month over many many warnings coming from multiple mouthpieces.
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