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Saudi Arabia Blames Iran for Attempted Missile Attack on Riyadh

Iranian newspaper on its first headline "Houthis missile attack on Riyadh, Dubai will be next"


then some ignorants say Iran has nothing to do with this attack, even your offical newspapers with openly say that the next target of Houthi missiles will be Dubai.
UAE should start immediately deporting all Iranians.

Here's another one from shelves so no other ignorant comes here and says it's photoshopped
If true it's s despicable...

We are indeed lucky.

And is it not a custom to kill your brothers for power?

Like your descendents the mughals. There was this Aurangzeb he killed 17 brothers or so.

On the other hand he was also considered very pious by others.

Strange world this
Yes, it was bad!!! They killed a couple of brothers but ensured prosperity and internal peace and stability (no coups etc.) for a couple of decades for millions!! On the other hands, the present folks keep their brothers alive and kicking (make them CM, FM etc) but ensures hell for the millions by inducing coups, upheavals, riots, whole sale corruption etc. I am pretty sure you have a "soft corner" for the latter for their not killing their "precious" brothers....
If we were behind it there would have not been Riyadh’s international airport right now. stop this nonsense.
Yemen has had missile program since 1978 and has bought a various types of scud missiles from the Soviet Union , China , Russia and North Korea ... back in 1994 and during civil war btw north and south Yemenis fired scud missile from Sanna to Aden ... in 2000 the US captured a ship carrying N Korean missile which was delivered later on to Yemen. Even back in 2015 at the beginning of the war in Yemen Saudi coalition claimed they attacked Yemen missile arsenals and destroy it ... so when Yemen has missile why on earth Iran should send them missiles?

The missile that was fired at least has 12~15 M length with more than 5 tones weight , as the news says Iran has managed to smuggle such a missile and its launchers into the Yemen while mighty Saudi coalition in cooperation with American and rest of gang has imposed blockade on this country and Yemen is surrendered ...
The Houthis unveil a new naval missile named "Al Mandab 1" during the opening of a maritime exhibition opened by Saleh Al-Samad.


C-704 ?
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There are 2 conditions for peace in Yemen.

1. Saudi Arabia cease support for that dictator Hadi.
2. Yemen hold its first multi candidates election ala Syria election in 2014.
1) Saudi Arabians and Yemenis are neighbors, fellow Arabs and brothers and sisters.

2) Wars involving KSA and Yemen can be counted on 3 fingers. 2 of those wars are aimed at a less than 25 year old terrorist cult called Houthis. Using your logic Iran is at war against Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese.

3) There is nothing in this world called "Southern Persian Gulf region".:lol: Yemen does not even border the Gulf expect for the Gulf of Aden. Other than the Arabian Sea, the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb. Yemen is an Arab country located on the Arabian Peninsula. The southwest of it. In West Asia/Southwest Asia/Asia/MENA/Northern Hemisphere.

4) Qatar is boycotted by almost all Arab countries and almost all Arab governments are heavily against Qatari policies. The reason why Qatar was boycotted is explained in detail in this video below:

I suggest watching it. Only 5 minutes long. You and others will learn a lot.

As for Qatar, Saudi Arabians and Qataris are brotherly people as well. 90% of all Qataris originate from KSA and so does the ruling Al-Thani dynasty. Not only that the temporary political dispute has not claimed a single life. Anyway rest assured, Qatar will change their behavior. They have already.

5) Bahrain is an extension of Eastern Arabia. 90% of the historical territory of Eastern Arabia lies in Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province. It's the same story as in Qatar. KSA won't accept instability in a brotherly nation that relies heavily on KSA or give backward and failed Islamists with a foreign agenda (Wilyat al-Faqih supporters ) any room to breath. They will never rule anything. The demographics of Bahrain nowadays (the majority is Sunni today) will ensure this as will common sense and the desire to progress and not regress.

6) It was the Egyptian military that decided to remove an incompetent regime. KSA had nothing to do with it other than always standing beside the Egyptian people and the Egyptian people spoke clearly. Ask any Egyptian user on PDF. Not a SINGLE one supports Morsi or the MB. Foreigners (non-Arabs) have no clue about what went on in Egypt back then.

@Frogman @EgyptianAmerican @MICA @Hell NO @Gomig-21 @Amir_Pharaoh @Mahmoud_EGY @Ahmad Torky @Amun etc.

7) Do you have any proof that UAE was involved in the coup in Turkey? Moreover do you have a prove of it not being an inside job? Many observers, locals as well as foreigners believe that. @Khafee

8) Hadi has a transitional figure and his government was on the right cause until the incompetent Houthi terrorist cult started attacking Yemen and Yemenis and causing trouble. Aided by a removed president (Ali Abdullah Saleh).

9) Sure, Iran was "against" it in another universe maybe. In other news, Iran is home to more jungles than Congo.

10) There is no 24/7 bombardment. Do you think that 5000 civilians killed by the Arab coalition (UN data) would be this few after almost 3 years of war if there was bombing 24/7? Houthis have killed more civilians and are the root cause of the war.

KSA has every right to protect itself and prevent Yemen from turning into another Afghanistan as Yemen is a very strategic country just for the Bab el-Mandeb strait alone where 15% of the world's trade passes by.

11) There were no Houthis back in 1962. This just shows how little you know about Yemen. The Houthi
terrorist cult was founded in 1994.


KSA supported Northern Yemen and the Zaydi monarchy when Egypt (Nasser) invaded Yemen during the North Yemen civil war back in the 1960's. This was due to the split between Arab countries that supported Arab nationalism and secularism and mostly monarchies.


Absurd. You don't even know that UAE is the second most important participant in the Arab coalition after KSA. In fact they have done a tremendous job so far. Don't you think that you should refrain from commenting on topics that you have no clue about? I am saying this to you despite you being one of the more informed Iranian users. What should that tell you?


Well, some people love to shot themsleves in the foot. The Mullah Wilayat al-Faqih regime has been doing that continuously ever since 1979. You can't learn an old dog new tricks.
it is strange that to this day some people are saying saudi money took morsi and the brotherhood down what about the millions in the streets who wanted an end to the brotherhood rule in Egypt i was one of them and i didnt take any money to protest all i wanted was a better future for Egypt as it is a fact that every extremest rule end in failure some people most of them are not Egyptian thinking that they are good muslims for simply supporting any group who follow political islam
it is strange that to this day some people are saying saudi money took morsi and the brotherhood down what about the millions in the streets who wanted an end to the brotherhood rule in Egypt i was one of them and i didnt take any money to protest all i wanted was a better future for Egypt as it is a fact that every extremest rule end in failure some people most of them are not Egyptian thinking that they are good muslims for simply supporting any group who follow political islam

By the logic of most Iranian regime supporters on PDF, KSA is in control of the entire region and whenever something happens that they or some others are not happy about, they blame KSA. For instance they believe that KSA created the current civil war in Yemen when the fighting started long before KSA/Arab coalition even became involved.


The so-called ally of the Houthi terrorist group, Ali Abdullah Saleh, himself fought against the Houthis many times when he was the president.


I guess that the civil war in Lebanon in the 1970's and 1980's was also created by KSA in an alternative universe.


As you can see by my post brother, I am discussing with ignorant people who act like they know it all when not even knowing the basics. This is very common on PDF among Iranians who comment on Arab affairs, I am afraid.

But as one of them "cleverly" (irony) wrote, KSA wants a weak Yemen because Yemen is not an important neighboring country for KSA, is not a fellow Arab country, is not a country that we wish well and moreover as everyone knows, having unstable countries bordering you is always preferably rather than stable and prosperous nations that you can trade with etc. Irony once again.

After all Egypt is not interested in a stable Libya (irony again), a stable Sudan (irony again) or a stable KSA (irony again) either.
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By the logic of most Iranian regime supporters on PDF, KSA is in control of the entire region and whenever something happens that they or some others are not happy about, they blame KSA. For instance they believe that KSA created the current civil war in Yemen when the fighting started long before KSA/Arab coalition even became involved.


The so-called ally of the Houthi terrorist group, Ali Abdullah Saleh, himself fought against the Houthis many times when he was the president.


I guess that the civil war in Lebanon in the 1970's and 1980's was also created by KSA in an alternative universe.


As you can see by my post brother, I am discussing with ignorant people who act like they know it all when not even knowing the basics. This is very common on PDF among Iranians who comment on Arab affairs, I am afraid.

But as one of them "cleverly" (irony) wrote, KSA wants a weak Yemen because Yemen is not an important neighboring country for KSA, is not a fellow Arab country, is not a country that we wish well and moreover as everyone knows, having unstable countries bordering you is always preferably rather than stable and prosperous nations that you can trade with etc. Irony once again.

After all Egypt is not interested in a stable Libya (irony again), a stable Sudan (irony again) or a stable KSA (irony again) either.

No one in Yemen wants Hadi. No one elected him. He was the only candidate in the election. He is a dictator. Saudi Arabia can't make Hadi back in power.
No one in Yemen wants Hadi. No one elected him. He was the only candidate in the election. He is a dictator. Saudi Arabia can't make Hadi back in power.

How many times do you need to be told that Hadi is not relevant here? Did you not read the news? Hadi has apparently been banned from traveling back to Yemen.

It's about removing a terrorist cult from the remaining 10% of Yemen that they control. The Yemenis themselves (mostly) will ensure that.

There is no future for backward terrorist cults who offer no solutions, who have proven to be incapable of governing countries and who lack education, visions and allies. That's simply never going to happen. Nor will the international community accept it.

End of story really.

BTW I am sure that the people of Yemen want to be ruled by Ali Abdullah Saleh (the same person that they removed in 2011) or the Houthi terrorist cult that the Yemeni people have fought against many times before.
How many times do you need to be told that Hadi is not relevant here? Did you not read the news? Hadi has apparently been banned from traveling back to Yemen.

It's about removing a terrorist cult from the remaining 10% of Yemen that they control. The Yemenis themselves (mostly) will ensure that.

There is no future for backward terrorist cults who offer no solutions, who have proven to be incapable of governing countries and who lack education, visions and allies. That's simply never going to happen. Nor will the international community accept it.

End of story really.

BTW I am sure that the people of Yemen want to be ruled by Ali Abdullah Saleh (the same person that they removed in 2011) or the Houthi terrorist cult that the Yemeni people have fought against many times before.

After bombing Shia Yemenis for years, and you expect Saudi Arabia be welcomed with flowers in Yemen? Fat chance. Saudi Arabia would never conquer Yemen unless Saudi Arabia massacre every Shia Yemeni.
After bombing Shia Yemenis for years, and you expect Saudi Arabia be welcomed with flowers in Yemen? Fat chance. Saudi Arabia would never conquer Yemen unless Saudi Arabia massacre every Shia Yemeni.

1) KSA does not need to conquer Yemen. What is KSA going to achieve by conquering Yemen? Do we lack land? Oil? Gas? Natural resources? A coastline? 90% of Yemen is already in control of the Yemeni government and Arab coalition. The rest of the country will eventually remove the Houthi terrorist cult and Ali Abdullah Saleh.

2) No Zaydis have been targeted expect for the Houthi terrorist cult. As for civilians, Houthis have killed more civilians.

3) Zaydis are not the majority in Yemen so sect plays no role here.

4) There is a significant community of Zaydis within KSA.

5) Yemen will always be under the influence of KSA.

6) You ignored all the facts and truths that I wrote in the post that you quoted. I know why because you know that I am right. It is simple logic actually. When has a terrorist group/armed militia ever governed a country successfully? Can you name just 1 single example?

7) Not going to reply to more troll posts from your part in this thread.
By the logic of most Iranian regime supporters on PDF, KSA is in control of the entire region and whenever something happens that they or some others are not happy about, they blame KSA. For instance they believe that KSA created the current civil war in Yemen when the fighting started long before KSA/Arab coalition even became involved.


The so-called ally of the Houthi terrorist group, Ali Abdullah Saleh, himself fought against the Houthis many times when he was the president.


I guess that the civil war in Lebanon in the 1970's and 1980's was also created by KSA in an alternative universe.


As you can see by my post brother, I am discussing with ignorant people who act like they know it all when not even knowing the basics. This is very common on PDF among Iranians who comment on Arab affairs, I am afraid.

But as one of them "cleverly" (irony) wrote, KSA wants a weak Yemen because Yemen is not an important neighboring country for KSA, is not a fellow Arab country, is not a country that we wish well and moreover as everyone knows, having unstable countries bordering you is always preferably rather than stable and prosperous nations that you can trade with etc. Irony once again.

After all Egypt is not interested in a stable Libya (irony again), a stable Sudan (irony again) or a stable KSA (irony again) either.
we in Egypt are worried about about the situation in libya and we are doing what we can for libya to have a stable government and army because chaos in libya would allow terrorists to have a safe place to plan and strike in our homeland the same logic would apply to KSA why would you want civil war in yeman a country you share borders with ? immegration and safe place for any hostile group to strike in KSA is the last thing KSA would want this region is a mess i wish we can go back to before the so called arab spring we already have payed a high price for this madness .
of topic the steps taken by the saudi leaders for a more secular future are very good news for a lot of people in the region including me
KSA does not need to conquer Yemen. What is KSA going to achieve by conquering Yemen? Do we lack land? Oil? Gas? Natural resources? A coastline? 90% of Yemen is already in control of the Yemeni government and Arab coalition. The rest of the country will eventually remove the Houthi terrorist cult and Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Yemenis are sitting on the one of the biggest oil and gas fields in the world.
don't say you don't know that b/c I won't believe you.
Absurd. You don't even know that UAE is the second most important participant in the Arab coalition after KSA. In fact they have done a tremendous job so far. Don't you think that you should refrain from commenting on topics that you have no clue about? I am saying this to you despite you being one of the more informed Iranian users. What should that tell you?


IF Yemenis target us, what would happen to the largest number of Iranians outside Iran, nearly half a million, of them in the UAE.

On a serious note- Mullah weed is too strong for you to counter, don't waste too much time on them.

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