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  • Are you on Facebook? Need to get in touch with you on some political issues in BD or contact me at MBIMunshi@gmail.com

    What do you think about this CHT army pull out? I think we might also face a severe food crisis later in the year but this government doesn't seem prepared. Hasina seems to be concerned about getting a Nobel Prize rather than running the country.
    I think we should stay out of this. Its none of our business provided PDF doesn't change policy and become too friendly with India.
    Hopefully there won't be any major policy changes. Am not sure why this happened but lets wait and see how it works out .....
    Things here seem to be getting a little out of control. Now AM gone. Hope things settle down fast. A lot of members have also gone apparently. Not sure what all this is about.
    Salam Brother,

    Things have been hectic for me recently. I have been posting mainly articles now. When I get my energy back I will put up comments on the BD thread. Many changes now at PDF. Seeing how that works out.

    Don't worry I will get back into the action soon. Things are difficult in BD as you know. I have to a be a little careful nowadays.
    I think Pakistan is busy with its own problems right now brother so once all these problems finish i am sure Pakistan will try to have better relations.The breakup of East and West Pakistan was a huge tragedy for Muslims of Subcontinent.Either there should have been greater bengal that also includes indian bengal or East Pakistan..the current bengladesh cannot face all enemies alone.I think ISI Should setup a network in BD and remove all RAW Assessts.
    Brother whatever you say about BD Pakistan wont happen..Your AL Government is hell bent on destroying PAK BD Relations.
    Salamun Alaikum Brother Zakir,
    I am extremely happy to see u call me a brother, which we all are of course. I am sorry I did see the notifications but missed opening them out to see who it was from as I thought these will be usual admin notifications of welcome and blah blah blah .. sorry again for that brother Zakir.
    I am a humble servant of our Lord who is out on a service that restores His dignity and glory and I am sure you are no different either.
    Yes we do have a common purpose and the same goals and will help in getting to know each other better.
    Lets keep in touch.
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