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  • Israeli delegation on the move over 'Iran threat'
    An Israeli government delegation has set off to London in an attempt to divert attention away from its illegal settlements and onto Iran.
    Iraq grilling some 1,000 officials over graft
    The Iraqi anti-corruption watchdog says about 1,000 officials are being grilled over their possible involvement in graft cases
    Acting Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas has arrived in the US for talks aimed at mounting pressure on Israel to endorse a two-state solution
    The Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence was founded in 1948 by a British army officer, Maj Gen R Cawthome, then Deputy Chief of Staff in the Pakistan Army. Field Marshal Ayub Khan, the president of Pakistan in the 1950s, expanded the role of ISI in safeguarding Pakistan's interests, monitoring opposition politicians, and sustaining military rule in Pakistan.
    US Claims Pakistan’s ISI ‘Directly Supporting’ Taliban in Afghanistan
    Officials Claim ISI Provide Money, Equipment, Planning Guidance to Taliban Earlier this month, US officials blamed the “really good weather” for the growing number of Taliban attacks across Southern Afghanistan. Today, officials have found a new scapegoat: which is really an old scapegoat since they’ve pinned assorted other security failures on them in the past: Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.
    LeT, JuD not involved in Lahore attack: PIALahore, Mar 20: Pakistan Investigation Agencies (PIA) have denied that either the Lashker-e-Toiba (LeT) or the Jammat-ud-Dawa (JuD) had a role to play in the terror strike on the Sri Lankan cricket players.Investigators said there is no evidence to more
    Lahore, May 26: -More than 20 dead according to official reports

    Buzz up!-TV channels report 180 injured

    -Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari orders probe into the incident
    12:36 PM

    Reports suggest that 40 people are feared dead
    11:55 AM

    Attack could be related to Hafeez's trail

    -220 injured
    Dimming of moon today
    MIL/Hindu/PTI, Feb 9, 2009

    New Delhi: February 9, 2009- On a full moon day on Monday, skywatchers will find lunar radiance rather dim as the country witnesses a penumbral eclipse.
    Sat collision highlights growing threat
    MIL/BBC News, Feb 12, 2009

    February 12, 2009 - The collision between a US and Russian satellite in space highlights the growing importance of monitoring objects in orbit. It also shows that there are still major capability gaps in current systems set up for this task.
    Sensual Women Viewed As 'Objects'
    MIL/Oneindia, Feb 17, 2009

    February 17, 2009 - While most men will argue and deny the fact that they do not regard attractive women as objects, a new study has just proved otherwise. The study involved scanning the brains of selected men while viewing images of women in a swim wear. It was found that the sections of the brains that usually responded for objects, lit up!
    Setting new highs with nano satellite
    MIL/TOI/TNN, Feb 18, 2009

    Kanpur: February 19, 2009 - IIT-Kanpur with its nano satellite -- `Jugnu' is ready to set new highs in space research. A team of students, working under the guidance of faculty members of the institute and scientists of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) are set to launch India's first nano satellite.
    Manned space flight: Govt adds Rs95cr to kitty
    MIL/TOI/TNN, Feb 24, 2009

    Mumbai: February 24, 2009 - Apart from the Planning Commission approval to ISRO's Rs 12,400-crore manned space flight programme scheduled for liftoff in 2015 from Sriharikota, the Centre has hiked the pre-project funding for the mission by about Rs 40 crore this year, indicating its keenness to back the project.
    BrahMos India successfully launched to boost Army morale
    MIL/Agencies/TOI, Mar 5, 2009

    New Delhi, India: March 5, 2009- IR Summary/Agencies : Last time the BrahMos cruise missile had failed disappointing India but this time a new version has made up the deficiency, the test of new version of 290 km-range supersonic BrahMos cruise missile was successfully launched on Wednesday at a firing range in Pokhran in Rajasthan desert. The defect that had occurred last time in the softward has been rectified and the device is perfectly successful.
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