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  • I believe I was being rather economical with his fascist views in my first post. however, when Gandhi refers to Hitler, in his letter to him as "my friend" and belittles Jews, then I am sorry but the truth must be told.

    We do not, and will not accept fascist racist views, not form the National Front, Combat 18, Waffen SS, KKK or the likes. And for sure in hell not even Gandhi.

    I am aware that when someones "leader" is bought out like this it would hurt their feelings, but hell, these are recorded facts with dates and publications from Gandhi himself.


    “A general belief seems to prevail in the colony that the Indians are little better, if at all, than the savages or natives of Africa. Even the children are taught to believe in that manner, with the result that the Indian is being dragged down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” (Reference: The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Government of India (CWMG), Vol I, p. 150)


    His description of black inmates: “Only a degree removed from the animal.” Also, “Kaffirs are as a rule uncivilized - the convicts even more so. They are troublesome, very dirty and live almost like animals.” - Mar. 7, 1908 (Reference: CWMG, Vol VIII, pp. 135-136)

    wow....what a fascist, refers to blacks as almost animal like. oh yeh,.... he is a father of peace


    In my next post I will also bring comprehensive details of Gandhi's involvement in the massacres of the Zulu of Africa and his crucial part and perspective
    here is your research of the deleted link, hope you use it in future somewhere.


    Statues are erected to Ghandi and hi "peace" methods are taught to Western schoolchildren, and there is eve a film about him. Gandhi is portrayed as the peacemaker, the living example of multi-culturalism.

    But in reality, Gandhi was a first class Indian racist who not only despised Blacks, but also lower caste Indians!

    Those who have been subjected to some "conventional" Gandhi propaganda will know that he was born in India, studied to become an attorney in England, spent many years "organizing passive resistance" in South Africa, and then returned to India to lead the passive resistance movement against British rule in that country. He was finally assassinated by one of his own kind.


    When Gandhi addressed a public meeting in Bombay on 26 September 1896, he had the following to say about the Indian struggle in South Africa:

    "Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness." (1)


    In a letter to the editor of the Times of London, published in 12 November 1906. Gandhi complained that under British rule, "Kaffir police" were "hustling" Indians in South Africa. Gandhi wrote:

    "At present, only the Permit Secretary is authorized to inspect a permit. Under the new Act, every Kaffir police constable can do so. Under the new Act, a Kaffir police constable can ask for particulars of name and identity, and, if not satisfied, can take him to the police station." (8)

    After dealing with a number of other grievances with the law, Gandhi added:

    "Is there any Indian who is not roused to fury by such a law? We should very much like to know the Indian whose blood does not boil. And it is incredible to us that any Indian may want to submit to such legislation."


    Kaffir was an abuse term used by Ghandi often.....much like the term Chandal for Hindu or Muslims


    Gandhi, like many caste conscious Indians (he was born to a fairly high shop owner caste) was all in favor of segregation from the Blacks. His reaction to a 1906 petition launched by non-Whites in South Africa to the British King, demanding voting rights, reveals this attitude clearly:

    "It seems that the petition is being widely circulated, and signatures are being taken of all colored people in the three colonies named. The petition is non-Indian in character, although British Indians, being colored people, are very largely affected by it. We consider that it was a wise policy on the part of the British Indians throughout South Africa, to have kept themselves apart and distinct from the other colored communities in this country."


    The Famous Train Incident

    In the Hollywood film made about Gandhi, much emphasis was placed on a scene where he was arrested for riding in a South African train coach reserved for Whites. This incident did indeed occur, but for very different reasons than those the film portrayed!

    For the liberal myth is that Gandhi was protesting at the exclusion of non-Whites from the train coach: in fact, he was trying to persuade the authorities to let ONLY upper caste Indians ride with the Whites.

    It was NEVER Gandhi's intention to let Blacks, or even lower Caste Indians, to share the White compartment!

    Here, in Gandhi's own words, are his comments on this famous incident, complete with reference to upper caste Indians, who he differentiated from lower caste Indians by calling the former "clean":

    "You say that the magistrate's decision is unsatisfactory because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram, and that even the Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the magistrate's decision is quite different. The Court declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by tram. And according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court's decision, only clean Indians or colored people other than Kaffirs, can now travel in the trams."


    More to come

    hat explanation is pathetic at best from yourself......you asked for threads links, and you got just that. My thread on gandhi pointed to FACTS...let me repeat that for you sir, FACTS....I gave references with quotes made by Gandhi, not me or you. This issue and facts of Gandhi have not been posted before, I have checked the forum as much as possible.

    Your point about "we are a Pakistani forum" is counter-productive. The thread opened, would ultimately hurt peoples feelings, just like many threads on this forum when opposing sides are members, but a healthy discussion on topics like that opened would have educated many.

    You seem to be more confused in your own actions and your views are more clouded, rather lame or say the least. Having asked for threads, which I have provided now you ask for posts. If you were now sincere in your actions then you would have read the thread which as a moderator would be your task when highlighted by a member. As I have said, you have cherry picked the word "Islam bashing" allowed on this forum, which I stand by, and have not given any real argument for my thread which has been deleted altogether, despite the length of work gone into the research I placed and posted on the forum which is now all lost.
    I asked you to give the link of the threads & posts which have anti-islam or Islam bashing material, not topics. Plus we have lot of members who are participating in these threads and when they see any offensive material they report, which is deleted, posting members gets a warning or gets banned in most cases and most of the times the threads get closed or deleted. The policy over here is not to talk about religion of each other and if muslim members starts a topic, it is made sure to be kept within limits or else gets deleted or banned as we or others on the forum are authoritative figures to speak about religion. Same case goes for War heroes, religious leaders, heads of state, national leaders. Your thread lead us to counter threads about Jinnah and others by Indian members with stupid posts. Gandhi whatever he was, was and is a national hero leader of India and they respect him, and we are not here to make a joke or insult of others. We try to make this forum as neutral as possible and if something gets overlook, it will be taken later when it gets reported or when we see it. And your thread was moved to World Affairs, it wasn't posted there.

    Also this Gandhi topic has been posted and discussed many times with the same result as yours got it, even before i became a moderator.

    The names of the threads which you posted if have offensive material do report it, but there is a offensive material and then there is a discussion about something, both are different.

    Still if you have issue with moderation, plz feel free to take it up with WebMaster and definitely he would entertain your request for expulsion of membership.

    We are a Pakistani forum, no religious bashing, nation bashing, founders bashing etc etc etc will be allowed, but within moral and ethical limits discussion about something can be allowed.

    So, Gazzi, Sir,
    Did you find what is the Quranic justification for blaspheny laws? I have searched the internet in vain for a Quranic passage that is the basis for blasphemy laws. Did your mullah friends explain where in Islamic jurisprudence is found the basis for blasphemy punishments in Sharia law or, better still in the laws of a State like Pakistan?

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