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Recent content by get straight

  1. get straight

    Jehadi takeover can prompt Indo-US attack on Pakistan: Book

    indians dont seize to have sweet night dreams
  2. get straight

    The Difference Between Muslims and Sikhs.. Misses the Point

    it actually tells the extreme cowardice of people who ever they are
  3. get straight

    The Difference Between Muslims and Sikhs.. Misses the Point

    maybe the aussies while racst attacking indians also knew they were muslims because muslims are dark as indians :rofl:
  4. get straight

    Happy Birthday, Pakistan and PDF

    Pakistani national song - YouTube
  5. get straight

    PTI, AML form electoral alliance

    wow, atleast mian sahab ganja guys mustnt say anything, it does feel good to hear from mian sahab takla guys who do hair transplant and fool common poor people, mian sahab and his collection of village idiots
  6. get straight

    Pakistan's Flag, Pictures Only 23 March 2010

    i like this one beautiful
  7. get straight

    The potential of Gwadar Port

    you low life troll first read it properly before starting your rants
  8. get straight

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    much better than being toiletless nation, largest open air Defecation and where there are so many poor people, rather than spending on poor people india finds rather spending on ICBMs and fail tanks, fail military projects
  9. get straight

    Subak Raftar: The Pakistani segway

    i find this vehicle very useless
  10. get straight

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    another video proof india is becoming shupar powar
  11. get straight

    PTI Refuses MQM's Invitation to APC

    no body is talking about alliance, its about APC and on principles PTI should throw out all the members or ministers which were affiliated with musharraf's govt under PMLQ
  12. get straight

    Dedicated secrion for 'anti pakistan news'

    news about scarcity of indian toilets in also from indian media
  13. get straight

    Taliban threaten to kill Pakistani cricket star

    protesting against US drone attacks and these al quaeda are in a worry speaks loud about the true talibans i-e alquaeda supported by america and india
  14. get straight

    Dedicated secrion for 'anti pakistan news'

    ban all anti pakistani members and flush them to the toilet, simple as that
  15. get straight

    PTI Refuses MQM's Invitation to APC

    should have attended it, MQM above all is a matured party not like PMLs and PPPs free media, has made countries forgive pakistan's foreign dept, increased the investment, pakistan had money, planned and developed gawadar, made us realise the potential of pakistan, developed karachi, developed...

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