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  • brother one thing more which i want to say if we want change then our flag should be pakistani only............we are fighting from last 63yrs that which flag we should support but we forgot that our flag is one and thats my PAKISTANI flag............... i hate politician because they are not sincere to Pakistan they only talk about things like sindhi, punjabi, balochi, pathan but they bunch of idiots forgot that we have one thing is common and that is the most important thing....WE ARE ALL PAKISTANI.......no doubt Imran khan is good person and he talk about pakistan and he is only hope left for us..........My support is for Pakistan and Imran support Pakistan so i support him
    aoa.......brother avatar can not bring change.........the thing that bring change is honesty and commitment to our nation and how much we sincere to our nation.......... i dont support specifically anyone......my support is for those who are sincere to my nation and i think Imran Khan is one of those few........
    If we realy want change then 1st we should change ourself we should change the mindset of our people we should educate them what is right and what is wrong......we should think as a nation
    Salam Brother and Good Morning,

    Hope all is will with you and yours.

    It's a sad day today specially when you wake up and hear the news about whatever happened last night in Karachi and by default the TTP has claimed the responsibility and some Pakistani sheeple jumps to conclusions that Islamists did this again. Muse in specific who's agenda is to brainwash the masses here on PDF in accepting that Islamists are the sole responsible for the destruction of Pakistan. What a pity yaar.

    I've created a thread recently ''WW3 Iran Pakistan and the Nuclear Terrorists'', where I posted a video stating the obvious coming into Pakistan's way. The start of a civil war means our nukes are not safe and soon the UN will pass a resolution to save Pakistan from itself. What's your take on that brother in regards to the incident happened last night?

    everyone my family and even my friends support PTI.

    i think the whole Pak common peoples has now knew that PTi is our only hope
    and in the coming election i dont think even the PPP leaders sons will vote to them.
    I totally agree & would go for PTI based avatar BUT little different from each other because this helps recognize our posts when we are in a hurry & going thru threads quickly. :)
    Hi- nice suggestion- i hv changed it- if the masses agree upon a common avatar- let me know- Thank You-
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