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  • Last question to you sir is i have heard this particular war story from my elders now m not sure how much truth this story has in it i believe only a PAF personal can tell the true stuff on this story. One of our PAF plane got stranded from its formation on enemy base & it was surrounded by IAF planes. Now one of the IAF pilot told the PAF pilot to land the plane & surrender the PAF personal said yes to the IAF request & pulled its landing gears down upon seeing this the IAF made way for the PAF plane to land on the base. PAF person was the 1st to land on the base seeing this that the PAF person has landed his plane on the base the rest of the IAF planes followed him behind and landed on the base. Now upon seeing that the IAF planes have landed behind him & the coast is clear the PAF person again tookoff with full afterburner & headed straight back home. Pls enlight me wheather the above is a true story or just a made up story. Allah Hafiz.
    Respected Sir MuradK.
    My name is Shahzad. I am a proud pakistani Alhamdulilah. I m a new entry here but i have been reading the forum regularly from the past 6 months. Firstly i would like to tell you that i love reading ur posts i just can't get enough of it. They have helped me a lot in my knowledge on our beloved PAF. Now am not a military man nor anyone of my family member has ever served our armed forces. But i would like to tell you that i am a die hard fan of our military forces specially our Airforce. Highly professional & respectable in the whole world. My reason to send you a msg is i need to ask some questions from you. I hope i will get the reply soon. My 1st question Do you know AVM ( R) Arshad Toor ? Was he your coursemate, senior or junior ? I believe ( not sure completly ) he is the current defence secretary of Pakistan. 2ndly my question is do you know Air Comodore ( R ) Hadi ? He is a captain in PIA at the moment. Continued on next msg ...
    Atleast have a BA doing CPL is a piece of cake one of the Major obstacles are getting a job in PIA you got to have big time sifarish otherwise they wount even accept your application. I am sorry to say this but our system in PIA is all screwed-up.
    what r the requirements for a commericial pilot? i.e i want to work ina commercial airways like PIA or any other airways....
    Please check out new thread PAF AIRSHOWS TEAM started by me, your comments are requested...
    Hello sir long time no talk plus u never send me that stuff u were gona send me! kahir np iam glad your son is here now it is a pleasure to him with us!
    sir u've asked for the picturs of my idea about jf-17,y not sir just giv me ur email.or tell me how to mail u,because i dont know much about df.pk.
    when u wrote a reply on this treat,same time i was checking ur threat,i really want to see indian aircrafts going down by paf hand,but those videos r not working dat u hav posted there.im very glad to know that ur a retired fighter pilot of paf.i wanted to join paf as an aircraft engineer but the damm % of mine,it made me join comerce
    the questions are very basic and are from the book used in metric. remember read the question carefully before answering , you will know all the answers but what happens it they change and put a twist into the question just to confuse you so read it 2 or 3 times , know all the laws of motion and the theory behind it. Go in confidently dont freek out its just a simple test and you know tha answers, please dont look at any one except you paper and dont answer if some one is asking just stand up ans say I liked to change my seat they know when you say this that someone is asking you something , every question paper will have different question from the one sitting next to you.
    Could u plz tell me to get 1st position in Physical test in 124 PMA long course I m appearing in that couse this year??????????
    Sir, I have sent you both an email and a PM, please confirm their receipt and reply, I am anxiously waiting. Thankyou!
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