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  • I agree with you Bro but its just saddening. No dude I ain't taking this forum seriously but it still pisses me off to see matured adults fighting for their egos. Nonethless its good to come across well groomed gents like you every now and then.

    You take care now.
    First off, thanks for the compliment bruv. Sometimes, even I lose my cool and say some things that I later regret so yeah... not always mature. :)

    If you want my honest advice - Don't take this forum seriously. We Indians and Pakistanis fight because neither side wants to lose face in front of the other. It's all about ego mate... all about ego. Real life is completely different. Hell, not more than two hours ago. I went and got some takeaway and the dude serving me was Pakistani. He asked me where I was from and I said India and he told me he was from Pakistan. No animosity whatsoever. A simple nod of respect and a smile. The smile that says "It's good to see another familiar brown face in this country". Lol.

    So chill. I'm sure it's the same in Australia, UK, USA and even India-Pakistan. The average citizen couldn't give half a s**t about all this. This is a defence forum so you must understand we get all sorts of ultra-nationalists and even loonies.

    "You're one of the most mature forum members from the entire lot of Indians and Pakistani board members here. Why are we still fighting? "
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