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  • So do I brother. Jazzak Allah for Acknowledgment. If I'm not wrong are the the same Omer in another Pakistani Def Forum ? I always felt my heart's voice when you write. God Bless. Keep Lighting the Devil : )
    Omar bro, the tide had change on this forum, now we are basically dealing with ......like handicap, anything regarding their soft-belly, you know what i mean? either threads or arguments will be deleted in no time if not banning will be next, so nothing much we can do except lay back and taking all those bashing from our dear friends on a daily basis. Sometimes i wonder if this is still a Pakistanis forum. take care bro.
    Bro, you are most welcome, actually we been friends for quite a long time...
    Long live China, Pakistan Friendship.
    Thanks for your friendship, i thought you were once asking where were those members from 2009? haha, take care bro.
    Salamii bro, i really like your comments, you don't give a bias view, and your arguments and comments are always well balanced.
    What will be the Impact on Middle East if USA, Russia, China & India backs Israel

    I opened a thread on World Affairs Please post your comment, It’s Research Journalism
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