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  • Thanks for the reply. Can you back your statements of the stats with credible links ?

    Anyways, let us consider what you claim is indeed true. I am not talking about Kashmir, or even Afghanistan, but wider issues which are off shoots of these such as the LeT. It is highly ridiculous to assume that anyone would want to be ruled by "Taliban".. Not the idea that Taliban is, but the reality that Taliban has become. They buy kids from orphanages for sex, kill innocents for entertainment and you say Afghans want them ? Tell me, would YOU want live under Taliban rule ? Would you want your Family to live in an environment that is controlled by these barbaric freaks ? I dont think so.

    So, what I am really keen to know, what does Pakistan or even the perpetrators of these acts gain from the death of innocent human beings living in Mumbai or elsewhere ? What is their fault, just the fact that they were born in a huge country that happens to have some issues with Pakistan ? Dont you think, that as a responsible nation and for it's wider interests, Pakistan should bring an end to all the so called "terror institutions" that will certainly help Pakistan's reputation on the global level and also develop friendlier relations with India ?
    Hey, since the article regarding Iran's intentions is closed, I want to know one thing.
    Are you suggesting that Pakistan should keep ignoring the terror that is being spread from it in the world, just because nobody will take the initiative to attack Pakistan because the attacker has more to lose than gain ? Are you suggesting that Pakistan should not bother about controlling the terror it has nourished ?
    (since thrust cannot match a sudden change in mass due to momentum)

    sir I would definitely like you to explain this to me. Fear not using technical keywords I am Chemical engineer see my profile. But I really don't understand what you want to say in this line

    Best of luck to you in these testing times, inshallah it shall turn out for the best.
    I am also very busy due to situation in Pakistan which affects all the companies operating here.
    Praying to Allah that things get better and future hope of Thar coal project etc give Pakistan a major boost, inshallah.

    Life has been good so far but am troubled by things which are really not in our control, at least not in a direct manner.

    Still, hope is alive and in Allah we trust.

    It is midnight and i am in office, now running off.
    see that you are online.

    All the best
    Allah Hafiz.
    would u please moderate the dirrt this troll is littering the user is the following


    How are you doing ace?
    Long time no see.
    How are the future plans shaping up?

    Do keep in touch.

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