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  • Yes brother, I agree with you completely. If only our stupid leaders think on the same lines, we can have a bright future together.
    Thank u for the kind words brother?We also would like to see tht..dont want to fight r hate india but u have to understand tht the basic problem between PAK-IND is kashmir.
    It has become some wat a NATIONAL ISSUE for both of the countries...people on both sides have developed emotions for this piece of land n its people.
    The only solution in my eyes is a JOINTLY ADMINISTERED KASHMIR.
    After tht we as 2 countries can work towards a better future together n change our destiny.
    Its a shame how the chinese have lifted millions from poverty while we r still having scores of poor n are hell bent on buying weapons instead of developing our future.
    Thanks again for ur post.
    Ali Khan.
    India and Pakistan are 2 great nations. I urge every Indian and Pakistani to have love and respect for each other. Remember, war and hatred will get us nowhere. Peace and love will get us everything.
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