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  • I've had enough of the Shia crowed here and their lies and insults and this damned forum support for them. A lot of my friends were banned recently for stupidest of reasons. So right now I am being an ideal PDF user.
    AQIM (Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghrib) and their African supporters. They had a fight with Morocco over borders and the west Sahara thing is just a couple of stupid separatests.
    Silko kardeşim,

    Turkiye bildiğin gibi etnik bölücülükten ağzı yanarken bir taraftan da siyasiler kanadıyla politik bölücülük te yapılıyor ve her siyasi organın desteklemiş olduğu veya yayın organının sempati duyduğu görüş parti vardır ve haberler buna göre ısıtılıp halka servis edilir...

    Örneğin benim bildiğim,


    gibi gazeteler AKp ideolojisine yakın duranlardır...

    Cumhuriyet ve Sözcü gbi birkaçı da Ulusalcı kimliğiyle diğer tarafa ağırlık basar.

    Ortada durmaya çalışıyor gibi gözükmeye çalışan fakat arada eğilip bükülenler var mesela;



    Silko muhtemelen silah taşıyıcısı araç ihalesinin açıklanmasıyla bir netliğ kavuşabilir. Aralıkta SSIK var diye biliyorum hayırlısı :)
    I don't believe in countries really at the end of the day countries seize to exist one day. But our brotherhood that prophet muhammad peace be upon him gave us will stand by us until judgement day. I am also very sensitive regarding turkey because of my Turkish blood and all lol. Always nice to have good friends.
    The other one is in the gulf war when it was just starting. (before our air force was told to stand down and were only sent on suicide missions) two Iraqi mirages were shot down by our F-15s. There is a video about that on YouTube. It is actually recorded as the fastest double kill in history. Some people like to say that our pilots were so stupid they needed annAWACS (and how he was guided like a baby, or the US guided the planes for us and other crab because they can't say it was a foriegn pilotmso they make up stuff like that) for that one. But that is how an organized war is conducted. he'll even the iranian jets we shot down Iranians say it was piloted by Americans lol, they just can't comprehend the fact tat our pilots are some of the best trained in the world.
    You can google it. It is a very popular incident in the F-15 world. But in a nutshell two Iranian F-4Es crossed an imaginary line set up by the RSAF on the middle of the Arabian gulf. And because their trajectory showed they were heading to Saudi soil probably to sink some more of our oil ships (the very reason the line was set up) our F-15s intercepted them. They gave them two warnings to back off and they didn't reply so two of our F-15s hunted them. When the F-4Es started to make a run for it our F-15s shot them down they followed them until they entered iranian territory.
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