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  • What can I say?? I am the life of the party :D

    On other note. I am sticking to my deal of not saying anything about Syria.
    If I had ever offended you or your fellow countrymen then I apologize for my behavior
    I have no problem with my Syrian brothers
    my only problem is with bashar and his family
    I can understand your fear on your country believe me I do, but I want you to understand my feelings for this guy
    If I had ever offended you or your fellow countrymen then I apologize for my behavior
    I have no problem with my Syrian brothers
    my only problem is with bashar and his family
    I can understand your fear on your country believe me I do, but I want you to understand my feelings for this guy
    No. Clearly you haven't read my past posts well... King Fahad was "rotten" with all sense of the word. He made life hell everywhere. He was installed by the US after they assassinated King Faisal (who cut off the oil from the world in support of Palestine and also the one who started the Arab defense Industry center in Egypt) so King Khalid who did not know jack about ruling and was only intreasted in his Hawks came with King Fahad acting as an unofficial leader and then King Fahad came until the day he died.
    Haven't had time to enjoy mine. Medical school is burning through my time with 24/7 studying regime. I haven't been even able to open my PS3 in the weekend because I had to study some Physiology I couldn't get around to earlier..... I hate med-school >_>.
    Look at recent American Media news articles saying "Evidence of Saudi government involvement in 9/11" these are their pressure cards against us. A justification for the US to invade Saudi Arabia but it can't since the plan is too Advanced and has been on the work up while they were busy in Iraq and Afghanistan to notice.
    We wont leave one Self-interest Super Power for another.... We are creating our own bloc and have been working on that for years.

    Turkey+Egypt+The new GCC. All of those will be connected with rail roads and cheap air and will be no Visa requirements between these countries. Abdullah Gul worked for many years in Saudi Arabia and he was practically financed for his elections by us.

    Jordan and Morocco are set to join the GCC so that it becomes an equally powerful part of the Pyramid as the other two parts. The sudden change in Turkish Attitude plus the Egyptian Revolution are all due to the Plan's needs to come out earlier than planned. The Palestinians veto which will be a 100% guarantee by the US is our way of let's say "a Graceful exit" it is a win-win situation for Arabs either way.
    We are hardly edging ourselves out of a deficit the country made too many investments this year in Ship building factories in Car manufacturing companies. in Airplane research in billions of dollars not to mention the new social security plan. And no sane country gives 60 Billion in aid...ever...

    Look at General photos and Multimedia a thread I started called "Monopoly a Saudi short Film"
    we have our own problems that we can hardly tackle....we are not as rich as people think....not anymore anyways.
    Yes even if the US cuts its "Aid" to Palestine we won't... We want that state and if the US vetoes then as you can see clearly recently we are moving away from them in a grand scale.
    The deal is between me and you. I will talk to silko and naif but I can not promise anything.
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