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    Ways for the US to try to defeat China and Chinese response

    1) cia btc - China mines millions of btc so China is in the game for trade, and bid up Etherum for Etherum to replace btc, and to stockpile precious metals to back the yuan
    2) stealth hypersonic missiles and drones - new ADS and 1000s of subs
    3) blame China over trump bioweapon - China stockpiles every metal and resource China does not have decades supply
    Hey @tower9 could you please stop calling me an Indian?

    That's what you are. I've given you many opportunities to prove you aren't and you failed to do so.
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    He is an Indian.
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    remember how I stated I won't touch bitcoin b/c it is a cia plot to take over the globe.


    Remember how I stated bitcoins are a looting operation. 那将给中国带来财富。 已经破坏了东亚妇女的财富。

    trump libertarian domestic terrorist zombies are zombifying East Asian women. 奖杯小东方“妻子”。 These former women are now part of the trump borg.
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    I can't invest in it morally, bitcoin is like investing in Lockheed Martin to me. Investing in another's genocide. I am a Westerner.

    However since bitcoin is about destroying the Chinese, I can't place limitations on Chinese investing in btc to defend from the said genocide. Chinese need ammo to defend China, and if it is stacking bitcoin. Fine.
    When bitcoin reaches 100M in value per bitcoin. The amount if looting done to China is gonna be devastating. These Asian bitcoin zombie "brides" are the warning in the coal mine of low oxygen at 50K per bitcoin.

    China has to have a plan so China is not attached to bitcoin, unless China has millions of btc coins.
    My opinion is a closed Chinese economy would be better that a looting operation.

    First prepare for 100 years of closed economy by stacking every raw material that China does not have in China proper. 100 years supply worth. This would take 10 years.
    I saw your reply thx. But I am confused why did my post about Chinese racism again Indians got deleted by Admin? It says I got a warning for violating "other rules" for a month. I looked into the rules I think Non-English posts are not banned on this site right? What's wrong with the Chinese language in a China-specific section.
    My target audience is Chinese so I posted it in Chinese. If I have to write it in English it would a long-*** essay lol. I hate writing for too many words.
    Just use google translate. If your target audience is Chinese you should go to a Chinese language forum.
    I wrote what I saw on this forum. What's the point I post it on Zhihu or anywhere else? I guess they won't be interested. How ironic that racist post stays there and my post against racism got deleted. I hope this website or admin doesn't have a hidden agenda in "other rules".
    Do you live among Chinese like in the west coast or east coast or mostly with non Chinese
    Yeah most recent immigrants in general stick to their own. I would say that 2nd and 3rd gen Asian Americans do an ok job assimilating though.

    I'm actually very Americanized for a Chinese American however.
    Do you come from a Recent immigrant family many west Coast Chinese have been in the US since the 1900s
    My parents were immigrants.
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