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  • i will join any international uni that offers me a good schrshp. bcoz i cant afford higher studiz at my own expence. if i come to UK thn inshallh i will meet with u
    thats good in fact Pakistan is so lovely land and pakistani ppl are so loving that one cant forget it. i havn't visited any foreign country. but Inshallah i will. inshallah i will do My Phd from abroad
    my study going good but design project is quit tough sorry for late reply and what about ur job
    I am great/ Thanks for the wishes :)
    Yeah, I did get a job at United Nations. It was contract based so at the end of contract I had to say good bye lol
    Ahan, its really bad to hear that you have to travel this much. It must be annoying I know. Well, Best of luck :)
    Rest is fine. I'm not feeling well by the way. Fever, body ache etc etc. But I'll be alright soon insha Allah, I hope so :)
    Do pray for me.
    Take Cares and cheers!
    hello. how are you young man? :)
    what's up? No news of my result so far. keep praying. I'm just fine and free. still trying to get a job.
    what's new with you?
    Assalm -o- alikum how r u? ya iam busy now days anyway eid mubark i know its too late. I not want to email u sorry please don't mind it . Eid kese guzri?
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