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  • Well, I'm more of a Space Marine guy. My favorite Chapter/Legion are the Imperial Fists. But I like the IG as well, especially the Cadians. I can’t wait for the new books coming out this year: Cadian Blood and Sons of Dorn.
    You are correct that there are some more general discussions taking place on Bajaur, but merging the two would create a massive thread, since it woudl have to incorporate so much more.

    For now we'll leave them separate.
    Thank AG for the friends request…I love reading your posts too, very informative…keep up the good show

    Few books that I read and like to recommend are:-

    Air Warfare in the Missile Age (by Lon Nordeen)…One of my fav…He also gives a very detailed accounts on both Indo-Pak

    Every man a tiger (By General Horner, written by Tom Clancy)…It’s a great read. Gen Horner was Allied forces commander in GF1…very well written and you won’t put it down once started...

    Fighter Wing ( by Tom Clancy)…gives you a great insight about how fighter squadrons function…you will like this too…

    Air Combat: An oral history of Fighter pilots ( by Robert Dorr) ..Fun to read with loads of great illustrations

    All the best, X
    LOL, could be, all options on the table, didn't know he meant Indians trolling Pakistani forums hahahaha!
    Thanks man, I enjoy reading your posts, they are realistic, hopeful yet sensible! Keep it up my friend.
    Not retired. Left after twelve years. 1-17th and 2-218th Field Artillery Regiments. Our regiments aren't like the British system. They are brigade-sized units of three battalions linked by a common regimental lineage. The only regiments which serve as combat forces are our Cavalry regiments and our ranger regiment. So the above would read 1st Battalion, 17th Field Artillery Regiment.

    1-17th F.A. was a nuclear-capable, 155mm M109A1 unit. I commanded a M101A1 105mm Towed battery with the 2nd Battalion, 218th F.A.

    Sounds like your father was an air defense artilleryman. Good for him.


    Ah I understand!
    And yes, it has alot of benefits being married to a Pakistani woman, oh man, now I can't wait to get married simply for THOSE PARATHESSS! :P
    Those are some very interesting games my friend.
    I play Gears of War 2 online quite alot, how about you?
    My gamertag: PK JC0oL
    Roger, will keep in touch, and damn, I haven't had an aloo paratha for ages now! :(
    You lucky bastard! :P
    Sincere apologies for my late reply to your message!
    I was and still am a huge DBZ fan, that's actually the only anime I really loved.
    I watched a few others like Bleach or Gundamwing, even tried Naruto.
    GundamWing appealed to me because of the robots and the storyline.
    The other animes were great too, but I haven't watched all of them, merely tried a few episodes.
    I should follow an anime soon, my sister is a huge fan, she has DVDs of naruto and all that.
    So when I would like some good anime, i'll definitely inform myself about it by contacting you!

    Keep in touch, also, what games do you play on the 360 if you don't mind me asking?
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