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  • The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is one of the oldest unresolved issues of the world. The people of Kashmir have suffered all types of atrocities, but their resolve could not be broken. India’s illegal occupation of Kashmir is a dark chapter in the history of human rights; it was in total disregard to the Independence Act and Partition Plan of 1947, which stated the formation of two independent states — India, with Hindu-majority areas, and Pakistan, with Muslim-majority areas. Unfortunately, the fate of Kashmir was left to the whims of the Hindu Maharajah Hari Singh, who went against the will of the Muslim majority and announced his decision to join India.

    A continued denial of the right to self-determination is unacceptable, economically unsustainable and politically inadmissible. Peace in the region is linked to a just settlement of the Kashmir dispute.
    Facts are facts and can’t be twisted. The time for realization has come. Conscience has forced even some of the Indian leaders to speak their mind.

    “If the people of Kashmir are in favor of opting for Pakistan, no power on earth can stop them from doing so. They should be left free to decide for themselves.” (Mahatma Gandhi, Speech at Prayer Meeting, Oct. 26, 1947.)

    “Kashmiri women were being treated in the most inhumane way all over Kashmir.” (Dr. Mohini Giri, the chairperson of the Indian Commission for Women, Aug. 10, 1997.)

    “I believe Kashmir is not an integral part of India. It is a historical fact. By describing the pro-freedom leaders in the Valley as separatists, India in a sense has already acknowledged that secession has taken place.” (Arundhati Roy)

    The quotes above are a true reflection of the facts that annexation of Kashmir by India was an unjust deal and the time has come to resolve the dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Kashmir.
    Lol.....i just saw that. I guess she didnt read the posts in the thread...X D. Oh well....i guess i'll just grab a couple of seseme street videos and burn em.....Revenge is sweet. >.<
    if you are interested in acquiring knowledge and apply back in your home land, and become facilitator its what I call a Man's choice !

    Yes man should choice manly options.

    Anyway, sometimes I think, that is, if our countries like BD or PK would bring more foreign students to their own countries then it would be great. There we will build new universities, and if necessary then we will bring teachers from abroad to provide education to our local and foreign students as like UK, USA standard in our countries. As like our students go to USA, UK for study and living.
    If I had power, then I would bring 1000s citizens from many countries, and then facilitated them with jobs, education, and easy accommodations which ultimately would bring multicultural and diversity in our countries. Just like New York city or London, thousands of people from different countries go there and live with diversity and fun.
    Thank you for sharing drama. I like veer zara type stories. I hard that there is a nice drama which is called "Khuda or Muhabbat" in PK. I will see that later if I will get time. I will also see the drama "Dastaan" that you have recommend to me if I wll get time. The problem is serials are so long and need time to watch those.

    Hmm, thank you for the suggestion about not to live in abroad after a certain time. Many talent Bangladeshis are in abroad just because they to not get enough facilities here. But still its their responsibility to create their facility here. So I will try to back in BD. I guess, many talent Pakistanis are in abroad like us.
    Hahaha........why it's necessary to make drama on that story? There are thousand of stories around the Earth but unknown to us.

    I will do business in future. And still I live in Dhaka, but don't know where time will take me in future, USA or Canada. Anyway, what do u do?
    well we have problems, but they dont matter if the direction is right, unfortunately somewhere in the middle of alll this, direction is lost or forgotten, once we opt it again, things will turn back to the right track...

    okay I do understand, my name is Yasir and Im from Lahore. Whats your specialization? I dont have FB account, otherwise we would have chatted there... where did your grandpa lived here? thats nice to know...

    so hows Bangladesh's political situation?
    Nice to know that you have the courage to acknowledge trues, a few people can do that only. I also want a brotherly relation between two countries. I am concerned about the present govt here and the terrorism problems in PK. These two things really annoy me. And I am sill student, doing post graduate. Name can not be exposed for privacy, so sorry, after all this is not like FB. Anyway, my grandpa was in PK for 11 years in the decade of 60. I have some Pakistani friends through internet, for them I started to like PK and I like PK's cultures and songs.
    Thanks for adding me. There is some exceptional sincerity in your posts about Bangladesh.

    Anyway, I'm well wisher of you and your country.
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