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  • you know leo I am fed up with them so call human rights bs. while we at it let us blow some of them bastards too............
    You may like Pakistanis bro but most of the Bangladeshis hate Pakistanis so much.Check Bangladeshi Forums.I was truly shocked when i read bangali forum and they were abusing Pakistanis calling us aholes etc..
    yea man, thanks for checking on me lol. Ive been a bit busy but will be on like i used to soon
    Thank you bhai for you kind recognition and benevolence. Yes I will keep posting. However, the South Asian political environment has become interesting and it might lead to a radical change somehow.
    thx no prob inshallah i really do hope BD prospers according to some reports by goldman sachs BD economy and will rise to G-20 size in the future :)
    You are right indeed, the time is there and the time is crucial, the right decisions must be made, because we will not get a 2nd chance i'm afraid, not in this world.
    I totally understand you.
    Everything is ok here aswell brother, it's midnight, just relaxing, thinking about certain things of life, thinking about the world, about the situation in south east asia, how things will continue or unfold, it's just weird sometimes..
    thanks bro, i got ur link. looks like ive gone through it before. but thanks anyway. now tell me where can i get detailed info about gen. rahim khan (vagora). how did he manage to fly away when others didnt, and did they really took some valuables with them?
    I received it. What you need to do in order to attach images, etc... you need to go to www.imageshack.us and upload there. Because attaching thing is one time thing it wastes our bandwidth.. unless it is something that will be used for a long time. Thanks.
    u know urdu, r u really bangladeshi??, leonblack also know urdu i found out???
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