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  • i guess 4444 is ur lucky number....

    by the way what line of work r u in... and which car do u own... if u dont mind..
    samsung has a great widget ;programme monitr;in samsung widgets'' , alonge that i use advanced task manager, 3g watchdog, samsung built in task killer widgetetc-- there are other widgets on the market , which are either the same as these or add unnecessary options like flashlish light etc thus corowding the screen
    All the bickering seems like good pass time for some Chinese and Indians members here.
    I have never ever come across an Indian who actually hates Chinese in real life. All this only ever happens online it seems :)
    I've gotten like 3 infractions so far but never gotten myself banned, I guess you have to play it calmly and not get too eager or too enthusiastic about anything that gets posted here on this forum. I enjoy my occasional dig but I try not to go too far and I tend to stay away from all the name calling and other personal insults.
    I think there are many false flaggers on this forum and their sole intention is to create a stir.
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