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  • If I didn't Know you, I would absolutely say your hypocrate but I know your not. Why I haven't seen this post of yours only once in many threas that intended in humiliating Saudis?
    Hahahaahaha!! I accept it is a bit cruel but funny too :D But you should never mention that near them if you want to have a social life :) Women talks and when you insult one that means all of them will remember you as the jerk who made fun of another woman :P
    Common!! You shouldn't post my secret on my wall!! Really insensitive of you!! And I shave my beard and mustache :D

    Don't become another victim of FB... FB is dangerous Y_Y
    Working on a project and I really can't go outside... PDF is helping me with keeping my sanity :) I didn't do anything other than this project for nearly two days :(
    I heard that bangladesh was pretty much involved in Pakistan movement and my mom said bangladeshis were then very much in love as own country with pakistan. Everyone then pakistani, right so obviously they loved it as their own country.
    personally bro i loved the movie, it was moving. It showed jinnah was as much influencial as gandhi....hardly in the west people dont know about jinnah, it showed how a man created pakistan.the film is very good and brings out the best about Jinnah- a leader who sacrificed his home, family and love for his people.
    i'll check when i find a time, to bussy with school and work right now!

    it is in english i hope :D
    I understand the covert financier for the project was Jinnah's daughter Dina, whom he had disowned for marrying a non-Muslim. She used to live in USA but her son, a textile king of India, had given up his passport to become an Indian. He is known to be a Christian.
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