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  • Hi there, I was wondering if there was anything you could do about the member "Pakistani Nationalist" his posts are rude, offensive of topic antagonizing and just not needed on this site.
    private organisations,sites also have rules and policies im sure there r SOPs and procedures to be followed...And as a senior member of PDF who has given more than 2 years to this site it is my right to ask you tht how am i breaking ANY RULES OF THIS PRIVATE WEBSITE on internet tht i pay for...... and what has this site got to do with a muppet from sesame street and american landmark like statue of liberty...... i hate elmo the muppet coz its kinda scary and retarded and i hate lady liberty coz its a symbol of hypocrisy..... now where am i violating ANY RULES OF THIS FORUM? as a member n a fellow Pakistani im askin u with respect to kindly guide me.

    Thank you.
    If i aint breakin any forum rules u cant complain or take action against me.... i have read the forum rules and yet to know how im violating any of them.
    I have freedom of speech without violating others peoples rights... if im doing anything illegal or breaking any forum rules..... i swear i will change them.
    Thanks bro.
    Its a huge development. ICBMs are like muscles that you show off to the world hoping you would never have to use them. India has today knocked on the door of P5 + Israel - the high table. Pakistan is an albatross around India's neck propped up by America till the 80s and China in the late 90s and early 2000s. Today India has demonstrated capability which proves that its strategic interests and capability to protect them go beyond Pakistan stretching to China/ASEAN. On the other hand, Pakistan is hamstrung by Chinese unwillingness to transfer anything that hits beyond India. A little more range would mean Pak can hit Israel. This crosses a red line in the US which China, for reasons best known to itself, doesn't want to cross.
    Hi Asim,

    On members club there is a thread---which book are you reading? Could you please kindly make it a sticky. Thank you.
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