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  • Dear sir ,
    Thank u for giving me positive ratings and tagging in a thread which u have posted . I'm overwhelmed from ur warm approach towards members even though their postings are few. I'm a big admirer of urs and will be . Haven't seen u angry in any post but giving a reasonable reply to every post u r tagged in or u r involved with a fair understainng that even a troll .
    Hello sir, I have a question for you. Do you have any inside information about the development of RTA/MTA ? China has moved fast to designing and building their own aeroplanes, while we are still in planning stage to build an MTA. Do you think we have a chance where we can see such aero structures to be designed and built in India ?
    Firstly bro, the RTA and MTA are entirely seperate projects. Whilst the RTA is a civil project and is moving ahead (albeit very slowly) the MTA is a military project and is effectively dead in the water now.
    Such a project would cost 10s of billons of USD, decades AND mammoth expertise.

    If the proposed capbilities of the LSA were more modest (aka a "stealthy LCA") I could take it more seriously but as it stands it seems the LSA is going to be the best thing since sliced bread.
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    And that something can only be 1 thing. A plane that isn't plagued by the same kind of availability issues as the K/KUB, that has operational expereince in spades ( the IN is the de facto test flight for the K/KUB with the Russians without an operational carrier most of the time and behind the IN in ordering the K/KUB)
    What would further interst the IN is the localised spare/MRO capabilties that are soon to be set up in India but that Mikoyan has NEVER set up (outside of superfical work for the IAF's BRDs) in India- not in 4+ decades of operation for the Fulcrums.
    The N-LCA doesn't even factor into the above analysis as it is NOT going to be a frontline carrier fighter for the IN
    It is not a single claim I take issue with but the sum total of the claims. The LSA, as it is proposed, will seemingly be superior to every comparable fighter in the market depsite being created by a non-existent entity (today), will cost less than all other fighters (Rafale, MKI, F-35 etc) and will be in service in the almost unfathamobly short time span of 4-5 years.
    -Be the result of Indo-Israeli collaboratio with Israel as possible customers in the future

    There has been no indication Israel and India are exploring such an advanced joint project nor that the Israelis are interested in another next gen fighter to serve alongside their F-35s
    - Have a range greater than Rafale whilst also having 16 (internal and external) hardpoints

    I mean this just seems too absurd to even bother discussing. The Rafale is the product of decades of R&D from one of the world's most advanced and established a/c manufacturers. If it could be done Dassualt would have done so long ago.
    It is claimed the LSA will:

    - Be developed/in service in 4-5 years

    This despite the fact that the LSA is to be made and developed by an as of yet unknown entity in India that has ZERO expertise in aircraft manufacture (HAL and ADA is the ONLY such organisations in India and they have no part to play in the LSA that is confirmed).
    Hey bro, I've just been reading through the LSA thread on the Indian defence forum. Whilst I am no expert the LSA strikes me as too good to be true and it is the case that something that appears to be too good to be true often is.
    Only one superstar... Kabali fever catches all Indians across the Globe
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    Yep South Indian movies have more original stories than Bollywood. But the presentation of their movies is somewhat awarked. Maybe that is because most of the south Indian movies I watched were dubbed in Hindi. I see you are a fan of Dexter's laboratory too.
    Ya Hindi dubbed dialogues loses the fun part.. that's why subtitles are better..
    Yes Dexter lab was a good funny cartoon..
    I used to watch that cartoon too as a kid along with the powerpuff girls, Jhonny Bravo, Courage the cowardly dog and my all time favourite SWAT kats.
    Nevet knew this side of yours. Maybe you should take more part in such threads in members club.
    Do you believe in the Bullshit fantasy of LSA ? I am not a member in that forum, but who is that jockey guy ?
    well he is given a pprofessional credential there like picdelamirand is.. so i am hoping the admins and mods would have surely done due diligence. bcz normally for professional tag you have to furnish some kind of proof in mail correspondence.
    I say you at least sign up and discuss.. you dont need to be fully active.. bcz its a bit slow there as members are limited.. bcz Vstol does nt wish to come to pdf. or else it would have been good to have discussions here.. have a chat with him there by tagging him.. i am sure he will give you better insights of the project
    for me what matters is if MOD accords the approval or not.. if its given then its well and good. bcz in general without such approvals everything is just paper talk only. Once approved the realistic project management and reality will come in..
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    Reactions: zebra7

    Today morning I opened a thread in Middle East section

    Before Opening that thread I asked a MOD about which section should I post it

    I did nt get any reply

    SO I posted it in Middle East section

    After a while I got a message that this Thread is AWAITING Moderation before being displayed

    Now after Eight hours there is NO progress

    That thread is still in a LIMBO
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    Reactions: PARIKRAMA
    Certain keywords in either subject or in content requires a moderation or a n approval from a moderator/webmaster for thread to be approved for display in any section.
    It seems the thread in ME may have such a key word which requires the approval..
    i suggest use the same thread material in GHQ for seeking approval for posting.. Meantime, you can go to waz and wajsal profile and request for the same to get a quick view on the same.
    unfortunately we TT don have such options to help you as it comes under mod privilege,, so pls do msg mods or start a thread in GHQ for the same.
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