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  • "Kashmir: Pandits fighting evil invaders/oppressors like sikandar butshikan since 13th century."

    And losing to just about all of them.

    Also, Sikander wasn't an invader, he was a Kashmiri Gujjar.
    Facts disagree, good bye.
    who ever the a$$.... was it gives him no right to destroy others religious places or oppress ppl.
    Shah Mir arrived in Kashmir in 1313 along with his family, during the reign of Suhadeva (1301–1320), whose service he entered. In subsequent years, through his tact and ability Shah Mir rose to prominence and became one of the most important personalities of his time.
    He only did so because they rebelled against him, which is ironically the same justification you guys use to oppress Muslims in the region.

    His father might have been from Swat, but Sikander himself was born and bred in Kashmir. Gujjars are also a pretty large group in Kashmir on both sides of the LOC (my grandmother was a Kashmiri Gujjar).
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