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  • Hmmm.. I was thinking its obvious
    Not happening for me....on the forum front page where it has threads, new posts , new threads..
    when you click ‘ new threads’ there is no option for ‘click title’
    What am I missing? By the way ..thanks
    Hey brother..can you explain something to me plse... I tried emailing support to no avail.. “ how do you start a new thread or a new post”
    assalam alaikum,welcome back, why the ban brother? everything ok?
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    I am blushing with all the kind words you guys have for me when I was gone this ban was totally unjust since I shared a article with a source ,@Itachi I would not say I am Pro Russian but a Eurasiansts politically I think the way the world is heading its gonna be Eurasian order the Atlantists order since 1991 and post Cold War era is thankfully dying off but it's up to Pakistan to take advantage of that future order
    Soviet-Pakistan ties is a underated subject despite us being in the US/China camp during the Cold War the Soviets helped Pakistan with Pakistan Steel Mills,The Soviets and the Eastern Bloc were a large exporter of agricultural equipment decades later in rural Pakistan they are still used that's why tractors are often called "Belarus" cause they were manufactured in Belarussian SSR
    other tech transfers also given to Pak tho the Soviets were closer to India hasdthe 1979 incursion into Afghanistan not occur I think Soviet-Pakistan ties would have been more cordial or expanded it is what is at least now the Russian Federation is improving ties slowly
    I am connecting dots. 1) coldness in current CPEC projects meeting 2) Increased pressure in Zinjian 3) Kashmir issue and its solution-. I think Pakistan really needs to take China on board. But I may be wrong too. @Indus Pakistan
    Xinjiang is China stuff tbh the Yanks are using that to gain cuddle in the Muslim world and in Pak not saying that they are no issues in Xinjiang between Uyghurs and Han
    For Pakistan it will be a puzzle. And we better be careful.
    I don’t think that CPEC has gone cold. It had until the last 1 month as per various news. Yea, sometimes, human mind definitely while connecting dots, try to change almost every situation according to situation perception. Just normal human nature, nothing bad.
    But the cowbelt is a lost case. Gujurat, Rajastan, Haryana, UP, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand and so on.
    All we can do for now is pray to God that these jokers are removed from power, else india will not exist as a unified entity for too long.
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    You seem versed about Russia have you been there you plan to go abroad soon
    My interest in Russia began with the Ukraine-crimea episode, which I think was a defining geopolitical event.
    I have been to Russia last year for the world cup, It was fun. :)
    I visited the beautiful city of Kazan, Brazil vs. belgium.
    As for "going abroad soon", lets see if that BJP disease of treating minorities like 2nd class citizens spreads to the south, then I will leave. My family has been Syriac Christians for almost two thousand years; this we will not compromise.
    Well, I'm not from diaspora. I live in Chennai. Generally in the south people correctly view BJP as a party that spreads religious hatred and is inclined to hindi language-chauvinism. So there is opposition here towards BJPs nonsense and many people see right through the optics that BJP does about how great everything is in india and blah blah.
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    Reactions: Yankee-stani
    Ref: China; Maybe I'm naive but I m not a fan of what China did and is doing. Chinese/ East Asians are the most ruthless people on the planet, bar none. An example of their ruthlessness is in action in Xinjiang; nothing short of ethnic cleansing.
    Therefore I would not like to follow chinas model for population control.
    Oh no I never implied Chin being a role model the one child policy long term f.cked them with more men but I meant the use of cheap labor that generated to propel a good chunk to achieve middle class standard
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    Ahh Okay.
    I guess the red-tape-ridden Indian culture prevents such a streamlined efficiency defined by the Chinese.
    Besides the guys is power these days are more busy writing and feeding fake history to students and "protecting" cows.
    Won't find quality workforce from these brainwashed fools.
    How can one expect anything when these clowns are in power.
    India used to be a better place.
    Should I start a Ottoman/Turkish military music thread in the Turkish part of this forum?? Because on youtube there is some excellent tunes. I feel like it should be shared on a thread so everybody can enjoy them?
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