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  1. Durran3

    #Sanction Pakistan is idiotic and childish at best

    Afghan's that are rallying to make Pakistan a scapegoat for the Taliban uprising and insurgency need to understand that you are giving Pakistan more credit than it actually deserves. That's not to say that Pakistan isn't complacent in some shape or form but it's no way near what most Afghans...
  2. Durran3

    Florida imams arrested for aiding Pakistani Taliban

    Florida imams arrested for aiding Pakistani Taliban - Yahoo! News MIAMI (Reuters) - The imam of a Florida mosque and his two sons, one also a Muslim spiritual leader, were arrested on Saturday on charges of financing and supporting the Pakistani Taliban, U.S. officials said. The three...
  3. Durran3

    Meet the War dogs that took out bin laden

    I am a big fan of Dogs and have always had one since childhood so naturally this Article is really Awesome :D MMA Underground Forums ]
  4. Durran3

    Why did the media ignore the crucial Peshawar Declaration?

    The Peshawar Declaration Peshawar Declaration ---------------------------------- The documents of *Peshawar Declaration* which is endorsed by Political Parties and Members Amn Tehrik, (an umbrella organization of all walks of civil society), was formally launched in a gathering in a...
  5. Durran3

    Pakistan national anthem by paul van dyk HQ

    Awesome no doubt..
  6. Durran3

    Egypt's Muslims attend Coptic Christmas mass, serving as "human shields"

    Pakistan the Thekedar of Islam needs to learn a few lessons from other Muslims around the world rather than think that somehow they are the most pious ones and all others are non-existent. ------ Muslims turned up in droves for the Coptic Christmas mass Thursday night, offering their bodies...
  7. Durran3

    Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani possibly Free at last

    If you have anxiously been following the news of Sakineh Mohammadi who was suppose to be stoned to death in Iran for Adultery you'd be happy to hear that she is finally free :) Confusion surrounded the fate of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, the woman whose sentence of death by stoning for adultery...
  8. Durran3

    WikiLeaks: Saudi 'critical' finance base for Qaeda, Taliban

    RIYADH: Saudi Arabia is the key source of funding for radical Islamist groups including Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas and Lashkar-e- e-Taiba, according to a US diplomatic cable leaked by WikiLeaks Sunday. “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni...
  9. Durran3

    WikiLeaks Document Dump Exposes Muslim Governments' Hypocrisy

    WikiLeaks is in the process of dramatically transforming foreign affairs and international relations. It is revealing over 250,000 cables from US embassies worldwide to the State department and other classified documents. The consequences of this 'mega-scoop' will be very far reaching indeed...
  10. Durran3

    Graveyard 'purified' for the Muslims

    By Aamir Yasin RAWALPINDI, Dec 1: ‘Peace’ returned to Ratta Amral graveyard on Tuesday night after the body of a little Hindu girl buried there a year ago was exhumed by her family and reburied in the adjacent Christian graveyard. Their act of assuaging ‘Muslim sensitivities’ took place in...
  11. Durran3

    Fatima, 4-Year-Old Deaf Iraqi Girl, Given The Ability To Hear In India

    Though her parents had initially lost all hope, a deaf Iraqi girl has been granted the ability to hear thanks to a team of tireless Indian doctors, the BBC is reporting. Four-year-old Fatima had never even heard the sound of her mother's voice, but Delhi surgeons utilized a groundbreaking...
  12. Durran3

    New Zealand's West Coast Holds Vigil for Trapped Miners

    Families and friends of 29 men trapped in a coal mine on New Zealand’s West Coast are pushing for the start of a rescue operation three days after an explosion at the pit. Rescue teams late yesterday were waiting for air quality to improve before entering the Pike River Coal Co. mine...
  13. Durran3

    Pakistan women beat Bangladesh; win first Asiad gold

    GUANGZHOU: Pakistan bagged its first gold medal at the 2010 Asian Games when its women’s cricket team beat Bangladesh in the final on Friday. Nida Rashid’s brilliant all-round performance guided Pakistan to a 10-wicket win in Guangzhou, China. After being sent into bat, Bangladesh were...
  14. Durran3

    Why America will come to regret the craven deal Obama is offering Netanyahu.

    A stupendous article by Christopher Hitchens Those of us who keep an eye on the parties of God are avid students of the weekly Sabbath sermons of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. In these and other venues, usually broadcast, this elderly Sephardic ayatollah provides an action-packed diet that seldom...
  15. Durran3

    Nawaz Sharif's Corruption--almost 1.3 billion dollars worth in foreign lands

    Zardari becharey tu bachey hain... lol
  16. Durran3

    Punjab: Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy

    For the first time, a woman is sentenced to death in Pakistan for this kind of “offence”. The blasphemy law was introduced in 1986 by then Pakistani dictator Zia-ul Haq and since then it has become a tool for discrimination and violence. Part of the Pakistan Penal Code, the law imposes life in...
  17. Durran3

    Every Pakistani must watch and know the correct history of Pakistan's Wars

    An absolutely brilliant Interview with Najam Sethi. Every Pakistani must watch it to know the correct history of Pakistan and how it has been changed by the military, feudal and religious elite in Pakistan. Najam Sethi talks about the 65 and 71 war as accurately as possible and talks about...
  18. Durran3

    Righteous Among the Nations: Muslims Who saved Jews from Holocaust

    By Tim Townsend St. Louis Post-Dispatch ST. LOUIS (RNS) In 2003, Norman Gershman was looking for some of the righteous. What he found astonished the investment banker-turned-photographer, and led him toward a project now on display in a St. Louis synagogue. The Righteous Among Nations...
  19. Durran3

    Another Episode- Farooque Ahmed Arrested For Plotting DC Terror Attack

    Another 'Kom ka Beta' WASHINGTON — A Virginia man was arrested Wednesday and charged with trying to help people he believed were al-Qaida operatives planning to bomb subway stations around the nation's capital, the FBI said. The FBI said the public was never in danger because its agents...
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