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  1. AAHAN

    A Few Observations

    Gentlemen! I haven't seen any Chinese Bros yet. I've seen them favouring Pakistan on some other forums?Are there any around on this forum? I have an observation that many of our Pakistani bros often slip logic for emotion. I request them to be more rational.(many other nationalists may also...
  2. AAHAN


    Yara! i posted a thread(just a few days ago) to open a discussion over comparative analysis of j-10,su-30,jf-17 and f-18. Will somebody plz tell where did it go? Does someone reserves the right to delete threads? "LAB LAB KAR THAK GAYA HOON" "AY JURRAT KIS NAY KITI":tsk:
  3. AAHAN

    How to bcm a Sniper

    How can one become a sniper?Whats the requirement?Whats the training period?Can somebody volunteer?
  4. AAHAN

    infantry yo

    I have heard that all commisioned oficers will have to undergo comlete yo of infantry.Does that include Signals,Eme & AMC
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