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    5 Armenian, 1 Azerbaijani Killed in the Clashes

    Armenian armed forces suffer great losses as result of failed sabotage Baku, Azerbaijan, July 25 By Elchin Mehdiyev - Trend: The Azerbaijani armed forces prevented the Armenian armed forces’ attempted diversion along the line of contact and border areas, the Azerbaijani defense ministry said...
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    Simultaneous Attacks in Sinai: Tens of Egyptian Soldiers Killed

    Six dead, Egyptian state newspaper office destroyed in Sinai attack: state media (Reuters) - Six people were killed and 30 wounded in an attack on military buildings in the capital of Egypt's restive North Sinai province, medical and security sources said. The flagship government newspaper...
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    Russian Soldier killed 7 Armenians

    Russian soldier accused of slaughtering family to be tried in Armenia Published time: January 20, 2015 11:54 Edited time: January 20, 2015 14:08 Get short URL Tterritory of the 102nd Russian military base of the Southern Military District in Gyumri. (RIA Novosti / Sergey Guneev) A Russian...
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    Greek Jet Crashes in Spain: 10 Killed

    Greek F16 fighter jet crashes at Albacete airbase in central Spain Published time: January 26, 2015 15:50 Edited time: January 26, 2015 18:06 Get short URL Image source: Google Maps Ten people have been killed and 13 others injured after a Greek F16 fighter jet crashed at Albacete airbase in...
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    Another Lie by Western Media: Charlie Hebdo was a false flag attack

    Charlie Hebdo — Paul Craig Roberts Charlie Hebdo Paul Craig Roberts The Charlie Hebdo affair has many of the characteristics of a false flag operation. The attack on the cartoonists’ office was a disciplined professional attack of the kind associated with highly trained special forces; yet the...
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    MAP: The countries that recognize Palestine

    Map: The countries that recognize Palestine as a state the 135th member of the United Nations to officially recognize Palestine as an independent state. The act sparked a tetchy diplomatic incident with Israel, which WorldViews discussed here. On the ground, a separate, viable Palestinian...
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    Civil War in Yemen (Army-Al-Qaeda-Houthis)

    Shiite rebels are Yemen’s new masters SANAA, Yemen — The capital of Yemen, the Arab world’s poorest and perhaps most chronically unstable nation, has new masters. Shiite rebels man checkpoints and roam the streets in pickups mounted with antiaircraft guns. The fighters control almost all state...
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    Unrest in Turkey

    Appearantly, these street clashes become serious, and no longer related to Syria, I decided to open a new thread. Over 20 killed so far. First it was between Hüda-Par (Muslim Kurds) and PKK (Communist Kurds), now Turkish Police combined with Turkish soldiers try to surpress the protests, or...
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    Sweden to recognize Palestine

    Sweden to recognize state of Palestine October 03, 2014, Friday/ 18:44:05/ REUTERS / STOCKHOLM Sweden's new center-left government will recognize the state of Palestine in a move that will make it the first major European country to take the step, Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said on Friday...
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    Clashes Between Peshmerga and Iranian Army

    Iranian Casualties: 6 KIA, 8 WIA - Peshmerga casualties: N/A 18.09.2014 Clashes have intensified this week between the Iranian Army and Kurdish Peshmerga forces, where a number of Iranian soldiers have been killed. According to an announcement made by the Kurdistan Revolutionary Party...
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    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Since the old thread disappeared, I thought a new one would be needed. Regime Forces Quit Qalamoun - The Syrian Observer
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    Explosion Rocks S. Arabia's Intelligence Headquarters

    Explosion Rocks S. Arabia's Intelligence Headquarters TEHRAN (FNA)- Reports from Saudi Arabia said an explosion rocked the Arab country's intelligence headquarters and killed the Saudi deputy intelligence chief. The Arabic al-Fajr news website reported from Saudi Arabia that the deputy...
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    2 Turkish soldiers killed, 3 hurt in anti-PKK operations

    Two Turkish soldiers have been killed and three others wounded in clashes between security forces and the terrorists of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in Turkey's southeastern province of Sirnak. The Thursday morning clashes erupted near a military base bordering northern Iraq. Last...
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