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  1. H

    Turkey's 61% inflation forces central bank to hike interest rate to 40%

    https://apnews.com/article/turkey-interest-rate-increase-inflation-8cc9cf03ef15d2490ea06935effa76fc So Erdogans "we gonna do what China did in the beginning of the 90's"-economic policy failed miserably! So even a decade ago, when he was an "enemy" of Israel, Turkeys economic relations with...
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    The racism towards Black Palestinians in Gaza!

    Isn't this interesting? I know, other people are also racist towards Blacks, but you would guess the people, who since decades claim to be oppressed more than anyone else in the world, would be the most compassionate people on earth, but no, not if you have a black skin color.... By the way...
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    Gigantic Kuffar festival in Saudi Arabia.....while Gaza is being destroyed!!!

    Riyadh Season 2023 | Riyadh Season Opening Ceremony | Shakira Ronaldo Salman Khan and Mike Tyson Just look at this huuuuuuuuge Kuffar event with the Kuffar sport called "boxing" and these Kuffar singers....and this huuuuuuuuge amount of Saudis participating voluntarily in this Kuffar...
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    Why Israel Created Hamas (new, detailed article by Swiss Policy Research)

    Why Israel Created Hamas Israel, Hamas, and the United States (Revolver News) Published: October 2023 Insider insights into the creation of Hamas – and other designated terrorist groups. ∗∗∗ “Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas...
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    Family of Palestinian Hamas leader get medical treatment in Israel!!!

    October 2014 https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-leaders-daughter-said-to-receive-medical-care-in-israel/amp/ https://www.arabnews.com/node/647501/amp May 2021 https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-chiefs-niece-has-been-hospitalized-in-israel-for-over-a-month-report/amp/ Isn't it nice that...
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    Iran's proxy fleets-in-being

    IRAN’S PROXY FLEETS-IN-BEING SHAWN BUNTING JULY 24, 2023 When discussing the risks posed by Iran’s asymmetric capabilities and proxy tactics at sea, observers have overlooked the possibility of Tehran employing a historical maritime strategy called the fleet-in-being. Going back to the 17th...
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    Iran’s Mohajer-6 Drones May Tilt the Battlefield Balance in Ukraine

    Iran’s Mohajer-6 Drones May Tilt the Battlefield Balance in Ukraine By: Sine Ozkarasahin June 9, 2023 05:30 PM Age: 1 week The Mohajer-6 via The Drive While the West is still contemplating sending sophisticated unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to Ukraine, such as the Reaper and the Predator...
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    Is China erasing the Hui Muslim identity?

    And these are not Uighur Muslims! Hui Muslims are ethnic Hans, so this narrative that the Chinese Kuffar are only acting against Uighurs and not against Muslims in general is a pure lie!!! Just imagine Israeli Kuffar destroying Palestinian mosques and making them look like synagoges, what an...
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    Arab states are normalizing with the Assad regime. This is the Middle East’s 1936 moment.

    Arab states are normalizing with the Assad regime. This is the Middle East’s 1936 moment. April 6, 2023 By Malik al-Abdeh and Lars Hauch With tensions between the West and the Russia-China-Iran axis escalating, observers increasingly resort to ever-alarming historical analogies to avert a...
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    Inside story: Iran-Iraq security accord set to up pressure on Iranian Kurds

    Inside story: Iran-Iraq security accord set to up pressure on Iranian Kurds Apr. 6, 2023 Mustafa Saadoon Female Kurdish Peshmerga fighters affiliated with Iran's seperatist Kurdistan Freedom Party take aim at a base in Erbil, Kurdistan Region of Iraq on Dec. 1, 2022. (Photo via Getty Images)...
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    The racism against Black people across North Africa

    https://www.youtube.com/live/QvfLWj9sH9g?feature=share And these people call Europeans racist when they dont want Arabs in their countries!!!! But I guess in this case it cannot be compared to Arabs in Europe, right?! Because these people are Black, so they are only Abeed, right?! (Or as...
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    Iran Joins China in Dredging Russia’s Volga River, Further Solidifying Anti-Western Axis

  13. H

    Turkey’s Push to Change How the World Pronounces its Name Causes a Flap

    Turkey’s Push to Change How the World Pronounces its Name Causes a Flap In part weary of bird comparisons, the country wants everyone to say ‘Tour-key-yeh.’ The rebranding has been a head-scratcher for many people. By Vivian Salama in Washington and Jared Malsin in Istanbul Nov. 27, 2022...
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    Saudi Arabias horrible treatment of migrant workers!

    ‘Modern-day slavery’: Kenyan domestic workers tell of abuse in Saudi Arabia | Domestic workers Kenyan government urged to act as migrant housekeepers complain of physical, mental and sexual abuse in Gulf state Caroline Kimeu and Ventura Kireki Tue 27 Sep 2022 When Joy Simiyu left Kenya for...
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    Iran Expanding Its Influence in the Muslim Regions of Russia

    Iran Expanding Its Influence in the Muslim Regions of Russia - Jamestown By: Paul Goble November 8, 2022 Chechen delegation meeting with Iranian delegation in Grozny (Source: Kavkazskiy uzel) Due to Moscow’s growing reliance on Tehran for weapons and its desire to use Iran as a means of...
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    While Official Figures Claim Turkey’s Inflation Rate Is 85%, Third-Party Stats Say It's Closer to 200%

    https://news.bitcoin.com/while-official-figures-claim-turkeys-inflation-rate-is-85-third-party-stats-say-its-closer-to-200/ Every country in the world wants a president like Erdogan!
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    Halloween in Saudi Arabia 2022

    https://www.arabnews.com/node/2191576/art-culture Beautiful! 😍😍😍
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    Türkiye is faced with a 'methamphetamine epidemic,' says main opposition leader

    Türkiye is faced with a 'methamphetamine epidemic,' says main opposition leader Kılıçdaroğlu has accused the government of attracting "drug barons" to the country in order to finance the current account deficit. The authorities have said they will file criminal complaints against him...
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    Iraq: New pro-Iran government in power!

    https://www.thenationalnews.com/mena/iraq/2022/10/27/iraqs-parliament-approves-new-government-headed-by-mohammed-shia-al-sudani/?outputType=amp It is wonderful that despite all the attempts and dreams to weaken Irans influence in Iraq, once again a pro-Iran government will lead Iraq! This is...
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