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  1. shazlion

    Iran Deal: A Big Set back for India

    India's Foreign Ministry and media welcomed the Iran deal, much as their counterparts in Western capitals did. But country's defence establishment and business community are raising their concerns about the newly negotiated deal with Iran. Recent defence procurements show that India is...
  2. shazlion

    Bangladesh Army Modernization by the Help of Pakistan

    Throughout its existence, the Bangladesh Army has had to contend with severe shortages of weapons, communications equipment, spare parts, and transport vehicles. One 1982 report maintained that target practice--a basic military skill--was restricted because of ammunition shortages. Under these...
  3. shazlion

    Unsung Forgotten Heroes-The Pakistani Indian Muslims Contribution to WWI & WWII

    With Remembrance Day today, Somaiya Khan-Piachaud and Ayman Khwaja remember the sacrifice of Muslim soldiers, who gave their lives and their limbs in the name of duty in both the first and second World Wars Inscribed in stone, along with tens of thousands of other missing war dead, are the...
  4. shazlion

    Suggestion to form New Defence Forums for EU, USA, N-S Americas- Thanks

    Dear Administrator & All Kind Members (New, Senior, Elite, Full etc.), Peace be on Truth Seeker, I want to give humble Suggestions of Creating a Forum for USA Defence alone only, also for EU alone only plus N-S-Americas alone only of Course and Asian-African Countries with Australia, Newzland...
  5. shazlion

    Forget Israel. Arabs are their own worst enemy - ArabNews

    Forget Israel. Arabs are their own worst enemy - ArabNews The Arab world is its own worst enemy Abdulateef al-Mulhim said that Israel should be at the bottom of the Arab world's enemy list If I were to argue that the real enemy of the Arab world is not Israel, but the Arab world itself, what...
  6. shazlion

    Gandhi family member - Member of Indian Paliament on Rape Allegations

    Rape case against Rahul Gandhi quashed India's Supreme Court has dismissed a petition which accused Congress party MP Rahul Gandhi of raping a poor woman despite over whelming Evidence The court also ordered the petitioner, a former legislator, to pay 500,000 rupees ($9440, £5,852) in damages...
  7. shazlion

    India is the Biggest State-sponsored terrorism in the World

    First Read Following Blogs, so you will get some Idea that Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri lanka, China, even Indian Punjab and lot of Asian countries are blaming India for supporting Terrorism and Terrorist Organization inside these countries State-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia...
  8. shazlion

    Saudi Arabia Uses India to Balance Pakistan

    By TOM WRIGHT The Wall Street Journal India Ministry of Defence/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony, right, with Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Minister of Defence Khalid Bin Sultan, left, in Riyadh, February 14. More evidence is emerging that Saudi Arabia is...
  9. shazlion

    Democracy, Capitalism, Corruption and Bankruptcy

    Extreme Corruption of Bhutto, Sharif, Zardari & Khan Families of Pak., Bankrupted Pakistan Extreme Corruption of Bhutto, Sharif, Zardari & Khan Families of Pakistan in Billions of $$$ in reality Bankrupted Pakistan Democratic Elected Politicians of Pakistan put in their Pockets almost 100...
  10. shazlion

    Extreme Corruption of Bhutto, Sharif, Zardari & Khan Families of Pak., Bankrupted Pakistan

    Extreme Corruption of Bhutto, Sharif, Zardari & Khan Families of Pakistan in Billions of $$$ in reality Bankrupted Pakistan Democratic Elected Politicians of Pakistan put in their Pockets almost 100 Billion $$$ in last 58 Years of Pakistan Existence, they are Most Corrupt Politicians on the...
  11. shazlion

    Black African People in USA & West Believe that they are Off Springs From Egyptian pharaohs

    Ancient Egyptian race controversy From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is about the "history of the controversy" about the race of the ancient Egyptians. For discussion of the scientific evidence relating to the race of the ancient Egyptians, see Population history of Egypt. The...
  12. shazlion

    The West (USA, UK,EU,Russia,China etc) Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination

    The Elite’s Plan For Global Extermination Webster Tarpley conducts the most detailed study to date of John P. Holdren’s Ecoscience in a bombshell new video interview Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet.com Monday, June 6, 2011 In a bombshell new video interview, historian and author Webster...
  13. shazlion

    USA & Israeli Lobby & Senators in USA are No Friend of Arabs, Africa, Islam & Muslims

    USA, UK, France, EU are Slaves of Jewish International World Bankers and Jewish Lobby & Senators in USA Who Really Controls World & USA Economy, Read following Blog for more insight Who Controls the Economy? | Who Controls America? Finance's Most Famous Fact but Not Conspiracy Theories...
  14. shazlion

    Real Role of USA, UK, EU, Israel, Russia, China in 1971 Bengal-PAK-India War

    Russia, India, Israel Planned almost One Decade before 1971 War to How to destroy and Divide East & West PAKISTAN (Fall of Dacca - East Pakistan Now Bangladesh) Russia and India were the Main Planners and Actors and Israel give Military, Diplomatic, Spy, Espionage Support to India against...
  15. shazlion

    Hypocrisy, Pure Lies of Bangladesh, Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971

    Hypocrisy, Pure Lies, Human Rights Violations of Bangladesh against Pakistan during and After 1971 War Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 - Al Jazeera English Rethinking the big lies from 1971 - The Express Tribune In Pictures: Plight of Biharis in...
  16. shazlion

    Yemen is thousand times Worst then both Somalia & Afghanistan for Foreign Armies

    (Reuters) - The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday said. U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world's 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based...
  17. shazlion

    313 Warriors of Light, Who Changed the World forever till the End Times!

    Bismillah hir Rahman Nir Raheem In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent & the Most Merciful Ask Allah`s Protection from The Satan (Shaitan) the Cursed One 313 Believers Versus 1300 Heavily Armed Kafirs The Battle of Badr, fought 17 Ramadan 2 AH - Hijri in The Islamic calendar (March 17, 624...
  18. shazlion

    Indian Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) Prog. further Destabilize S-Asia

    The Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme is an initiative to develop and deploy a multi-layered ballistic missile defence system to protect from ballistic missile attacks Introduced in light of the ballistic missile threat from Pakistan and China, it is a double-tiered system consisting...
  19. shazlion

    Racist Afghans Hate towards Pakistanis & Love for India

    Pakistan is the country who gave Refuge to almost 6 Millions Afghan in last 3 decades, Almost 3 Millions of Afghans got Pakistani Passport & IDs through the corruption of Pakistani Ministry of Interior and Govt. Officials, Now they live in Pakistan and still there are 1.6 Afghan Refugees in...
  20. shazlion

    USA sold Highly Degraded Versions of M1 Abrams MBTs variants to Saudia, Egypt and Iraq

    Why is the Iraqi army losing Abrams tanks so easily? ISIS militant standing over burnt out Iraqi Army M1A-1 Abrams. The Iraqi Army has about 140 M1A-1 Abrams tanks in its inventory, and they are steadily taking casualties at the hands of ISIS. Recently, an entire column of Abrams and M113...
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