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    Punjab Police draws up firearms shopping list

    As per the documents, Punjab police plans to procure: 500 Sig Sauer P226 9mm 400 9mm pistols no manufacturer specified just 'glock/berretta or equivalent' 250 Sig Sauer 516 rifle 5.56mm 7.5" barrel personal defense weapon 25 SC-76 Sniper Rifle 7.62mm - I'm not sure if they genuinely want to...
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    'Antibiotic resistance: World on cusp of 'post-antibiotic era'

    Until now, polymyxin resistance has involved chromosomal mutations but has never been reported via horizontal gene transfer. During a routine surveillance project on antimicrobial resistance in commensal Escherichia coli from food animals in China, a major increase of colistin resistance was...
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    Sindh police SSU to get small arms upgrade

    It appears the Norinco AKs, POF MP5 and G3s are to be replaced with the M4 for anti-terror duties. The tender also includes a request for small number 7.62x51 rifles presumably with a similar Stoner design along with an assortment of 9mm pistols. Most baffling however is a request for the HK...
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    Classic airliners

    Have a browse of this youtube channel if you're an airliner aficionado. I'll kick it off with my favorite airliner:
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    Surplus OH-58D, an option for Pakistan Army?

    The US budget cuts are coming into effect and the US Army has decided the OH-58 is surplus to requirements. Given the commonality of the frame with the Bell 206, the simplified spares logistics and training would make it a good fit for Pakistan. That is if the price is right: The US Army has...
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    China's persecution of religious minorities continues

    BBC News - Chinese Christians fear crackdown Tibetan Buddhists , Uighur Muslims and now oppression of Christian minorities. Disgusting.
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    Air Force to acquire Glock 17 pistols

    Whilst perusing ppra tenders (as normal folk do), I came across an interesting tender issued by the Pak defence attache presumably on behalf of the PAF (PAF is to take receipt of tender). http://www.ppra.org.pk/doc/2-4/dgdp24-154.pdf At a guess, this tender will go some way in equipping...
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    Boeing delivers 8000th 737

    Amazing. I can still remember my first 737 flight in 1990 as a kid on a British Airways 737-200. Over 20 years later, Boeing has just delivered the 8000th to UA as a -900ER variant (about twice as capable as the -200). Boeing Delivers 8,000th 737 - Apr 16, 2014
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    CENTCOM dog captured by Taliban

    BBC News - Afghan Taliban 'capture US military dog' The "Colonel" needs rescuing. Another job for the seals perhaps.
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    Apartment rental prices in Islamabad

    Hello folks. I'm considering applying for a job in Islamabad. I would be working in the diplomatic enclave, so the property would preferably be within a 15min walking distance and would only need to be a two bed. Would anyone be able to provide me with an idea of the rental market and how...
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    Gun ownership in Pakistan

    salaam brothers :wave: following the recent clashes between students and police in islamabad in the lal masjid area, i have a number of questions regarding gun ownership. as i am a UK resident and have not been to pakistan for the past 7 years i have very little knowledge on the matter of...
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