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  1. C

    Are there two Al Khalids Allready?

    as you can see on this pic. The drivers hatch is somewhat offset to the right if one is facing the front of the tank. http://www.warbirdsofindia.com/Museum/IAFM-T-55.jpg on that pic of al khalid that you are calling al zarrar the drivers hatch is evenly in the middle. I think Paakistan got...
  2. C

    Are there two Al Khalids Allready?

    Im sorry but here is an al zarrar http://image2.sina.com.cn/jc/2004-09-15/U2...40915111204.jpg there are simmilarities between the two. but there is a missing hatch on the hull. http://img98.exs.cx/img98/6744/alkhalid2nd054ai.jpg http://image2.sina.com.cn/jc/2004-03-15/U2...40315103320.jpg
  3. C

    Are there two Al Khalids Allready?

    http://members.tripod.com/collinsj/images/Al_khalidD.jpg Here is the well recognised Al Khalid. http://image2.sina.com.cn/jc/2004-11-08/U2...41108094854.jpg The same turret with different earlier pattern of ERA. http://img98.exs.cx/img98/6744/alkhalid2nd054ai.jpg Now whats this? I have seen a...
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