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10 Middle East predictions by year 2030

Electric Vehicle battery can be recycled and yes there will be issues if nickle and cobalt become very scarce but the technology will make battery become more efficient as well.

Oil will be staying but the industry will likely shrink quite large. Indonesia, for instant, if after 2030 has 50 % of their vehicle go electric, we likely dont need to import oil anymore and will be self sufficient. Oil will be used for airplane, helicopter, ships, heavy vehichle like trucks, and military vehicles and tanks. It will be still considered as strategic asset for any country who own enough oil.

Coal and gas usage will be shrinked as well but not as many as oil since renewable energy will be favored and increased over time. That is my prediction.

Plastics will also have to be made so they can be recycled easily (as lead by one of the largest plastic users in the world Coca Cola), so even less oil will be needed.

Of everything possible by 2030, hopefully all plastic items will be made so they can be fully recyclables. This is a prediction that is hopefully the most likely.

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Plastics will also have to be made so they can be recycled easily (as lead by one of the largest plastic users in the world Coca Cola), so even less oil will be needed.

Yup and there will be some transformation as well, electricity company will now take the role of gas station.
9. The Taliban enter Kabul and the Afghanistan government falls. Fighting is not prolonged and a new government takes shape headed by the Taliban.

This one was probably the easiest to predict. Looks like the Taliban is 3-4 days away from taking over Kabul without a fight.
Why all the doom and gloom, man?! Sheeesh. How about some positive outlooks for a change.

And BTW, I wouldn't be so quick to discount the importance of oil. Electric batteries are doing a number on the environment in the sense that lithium & nickle batteries are a huge burden and mining for the precious metals that are in all these batteries is not something that will last forever, either. And the further along the technology gets and the longer they want these batteries to hold power and the stronger that power needs to be and the demand could very well eventually create long lasting damage and scarcity to these metals.

What about cost? As mining gets scarce, so will cost go up and then what? Revert back to fossil fuels and certainly back to good ol' gasoline & especially diesel fuel will most certainly be the option. So hold on to that oil because the need for fuel will make a full circle and they'll be coming back for it in due time. There's my bold prediction!
10 wishful thoughts rather than predictions.. based on thin air, empty of any substance, facts or rationality..
My 2030 prediction for Middle East:

1. There is no more Middle East, only several failed states sinking in wars, after the Great War of 2025 triggered by Israel against Iran.

That's all.
My 2030 prediction for Middle East:

1. There is no more Middle East, only several failed states sinking in wars, after the Great War of 2025 triggered by Israel against Iran.

That's all.
Are you just projecting because Spain seem to be a failed state economically now!!??
That is wishful thinking again..
Are you just projecting because Spain seem to be a failed state economically now!!??
That is wishful thinking again..

It's just because Israel and Iran is threating Iran every day since one decade ago, and someday will be truth.

And war between Israel and Iran means the end for Middle East and turn GCC into a failed state desert just like Iraq and Libya.
It's just because Israel and Iran is threating Iran every day since one decade ago, and someday will be truth.

And war between Israel and Iran means the end for Middle East and turn GCC into a failed state desert just like Iraq and Libya.
Still baseless assumptions and apparent wishful thinking..
Still baseless assumptions and apparent wishful thinking..

I dont wish that, so it's not wishful thinking.

Baseless assumptions is what you say from me.

Israel vs Iran will be a big war, do you need bases for that assumption?

And last decade is full of headlines of Israeli threats against Iran, do you need bases for that assumption too?
And this is my prediction which will happen in near future:

israel will get wiped off in 2022

Iran may unveil nuclear weapons or some other secret weapons

Civil conflicts will happen in the USA

European countries will fight against each other

Pakistan and India will go to war against each other

China will attack India and will defeat Indians

Russian and Turkey will go to war against each other

Turkey will attack Syria, Iraq, Jordan, SA and the UAE

Yemen will become an independent powerful country and Al Saud will go to war against each other

Egypt will be conquered by foreign forces
OP. Good predictions, sensible.

Not a fan of predictions, they are invariably wrong. However a good talking point.

Pointless saying one has already come true!
seems prediction number 6 about to become a reality with today’s event in Iraq.
4. Israel goes to war with Lebanon and Syria causing massive destruction to major cities including complete ruin of Damascus and Beirut. Israel loses 50% of Golan heights and cost of war exceeds $150 billion.

I now think Israel will lose the entire Golan heights if this current war develops and the northern front is activated.
You failed in almost all of them except for 8 and 9 you were correct there.

Turkey won't exit NATO, Ikwan won't be back in egypt and also 5 is completely wrong the Yemen war is in the past with two defacto separate states MBS partially achieved his objective he will be around for another 20-25 years.

Also Israel going to war with Lebanon and Syria not happening. You got right Taliban taking over Kabul and the US closing base in Qatar and moving to Jordan

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