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2 Russian pilots killed as ISIS shoots down chopper near Palmyra – MoD

The turks shot down their plane, killed their pilot and what did the Russians do?

Must have done something which forced the "Sultan" to get off his high horse and beg for forgiveness.
Must have done something which forced the "Sultan" to get off his high horse and beg for forgiveness.

Nope, nothing!! There was nothing the Russians could do except for war and the Russians didn't fancy it.

The turks will do what is in their interest, if its on their interest to make friends with the Russians again then they will. If the Russians accept even aftet the Turks shot down the Russian plane then so be it
Nope, nothing!! There was nothing the Russians could do except for war and the Russians didn't fancy it.

The turks will do what is in their interest, if its on their interest to make friends with the Russians again then they will. If the Russians accept even aftet the Turks shot down the Russian plane then so be it

Try that again and see what happens. A sneak attack is looked down upon in Islam.
Nope, nothing!! There was nothing the Russians could do except for war and the Russians didn't fancy it.

The turks will do what is in their interest, if its on their interest to make friends with the Russians again then they will. If the Russians accept even aftet the Turks shot down the Russian plane then so be it

Hehehe.. Sure . If that makes you sleep better.
What sneak? The Russians crossed Turkish border and were shot down and killed

No proof of that. Next time a Turkish jet get near Russia airspace, the same can be applied for a shoot down.
The Russian plane was shot down sunny, thats all the proof you need
Go and Google for S400 batteries installed by Russian after they were being stab at the back by Turkish force in their divine love for Daesh.
RIP to the Russian Soldiers, I hope Russians continue to kill more isis pigs.
China is smart not to get involved but they should get 'involved'. Maybe not in the sense of full on invasion or involvement but China should be cashing in on flying their drones covertly and getting some drone/military experience in. Meanwhile bombing some ISIS never hurts either. Just don't bomb the dams, electrical grids or poison the water system and you should be alright :P
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