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20 Indians killed by Saudi Air Strikes in Yemen


Dec 5, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Twenty Indians killed in Yemen as more foreign troops reported arriving| Reuters

A Saudi-led alliance killed at least 20 Indian nationals in air strikes on fuel smugglers at a Yemeni port on Tuesday, fishermen said, and more foreign troops were reported to be arriving to intensify the campaign against Houthi forces.

The Houthi-run state news agency Saba also said that 15 citizens were killed in air strikes on Sanaa, and medical sources said at least 15 civilians were killed in similar attacks on Monday. It was not immediately possible to independently verify the figures.

The alliance, made up mainly of Gulf Arab countries has increased air strikes on Sanaa and other parts of the country since Friday, when a Houthi missile attack killed at least 60 Saudi, Bahraini and United Arab Emirates soldiers at a military camp east of Sanaa.

They were part of a force preparing to assault the capital, which the Iranian-allied Houthis seized last September.

Friday's attack was the deadliest yet for Gulf soldiers in the war and may herald a turning point as Saudi-allied countries appear to be committing to a ground war they had so far avoided.

In western Yemen, local residents and fishermen said planes from the Saudi-led alliance struck two boats at al-Khokha, a small port near Hodeidah used by Indians to smuggle badly needed fuel supplies into the country, killing 20 of them.

Officials were not immediately available to comment on the report.

Qatari-owned Al Jazeera TV reported that the number of forces deployed by the alliance had risen to 10,000.

A Yemeni military official denied any foreign reinforcements had arrived on Tuesday and a source close to the exiled Yemeni government, now based in Riyadh, said he believed the number of foreign troops reported by al Jazeera might be exaggerated.

Al Jazeera on Monday said that 1,000 Qatari soldiers had crossed the al-Wadia border crossing from Saudi Arabia.

"A second contingent of Qatari soldiers has entered the al-Wadia border crossing," an Al Jazeera correspondent in southern Saudi Arabia was quoted as saying.


A source close to the Qatari military confirmed the report.

"The operation in Sanaa will use extensive bombing, air power, to support the ground offensive," the source said.

Qatari and coalition officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Egyptian officials told Reuters that an unspecified number of Egyptian troops would arrive in Yemen on Tuesday and Saudi-owned Arabiya newspaper quoted sources as saying that 6,000 Sudanese troops would soon join the fight inside Yemen.

The Sudanese government did not comment on the report but it was corroborated by the source close to the Qatari military.

In Riyadh, a news agency run by Yemen's exiled government said that 10,000 loyalist troops were also preparing to take part in an advance on Sanaa.

The Yemeni government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi fled to Riyadh in March as Houthi forces closed in on their last redoubt in Aden, triggering the Saudi-led intervention and fighting which has killed more than 4,500 people, many of them civilians.

Loyalist Yemeni forces and Gulf soldiers took back Aden and most of Yemen's south in July but battle lines have barely moved since as the allied forces face stiff resistance in the Houthis' northern redoubts.

The Saudi-led alliance sees the campaign as a fight against creeping Iranian influence but the Houthis deny being beholden to Tehran and say the exiled government in Riyadh and the coalition are U.S. puppets. They say they deposed a corrupt government.
Those Indians decided to stay behind knowing the risks when more sensible Indians were evacuated out of the war zone. Still bad news and thoughts with their families hope GoI helps with their funerals and some payments to their families.
Those Indians decided to stay behind knowing the risks when more sensible Indians were evacuated out of the war zone. Still bad news and thoughts with their families hope GoI helps with their funerals and some payments to their families.
regardless if they decided to stay or were forced to stay. their killing is unjustified and shows the reality of Bombing on Yemen.
rest in peace to the dead.

I am so glad that we have you, the champion of human rights and international lawyer for the Indians. Sometimes after seeing your zeal for the Indians I am tempted to step on the Pakistani flag and also chant for the Indians. But then again, I remember my ghairat....
thanks for your post. just following the Baloch example of welcoming and wishing well everyone as long as that person doesn't threaten me or harasses me, regardless of sect, gender, sexual orientation or choice of Deity.

I dont know about your age but about 20 years ago when many on this forum were not even born I was spending the nights on the Kashmir front and I did my duty for the country too. I am not a savage, I am a soldier and I dont bite everyone if he doesnt invite it.

there were people among the ranks of Muslims who questioned the decision of Muhammad PBUH on Sulah Hadabiya ..since they failed to see the wisdom behind it. I am just His PBUH Umati... I try to follow the Islamic tradition as well.

you dont have to prove your ghairat by stamping on flags or cursing your enemy. there are better ways than that are practical. there is no ghairat by pressing and hurting your enemy if he is already down. just shows your own worth.
FYI we tend the wounded enemies and look after them while they are our prisoners. here we are talking about civilians.

bless you and be good...
You should be put to death. That is for sure, but I am just saying.. Saudis and other gulf arabs will kill these Indian smugglers. Kafirs you surely are, but you are trying to aid the yemenis, and that will cost the Indians their heads. This is not my personal feelings, but my assessment
You are one sick human being,that's for sure!I wonder whether your parents still regret the decision of not using protection on the night when you were conceived:rolleyes:!!
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Notice to Pakistanis

Patriotism doesn't mean you mock and Insult the dead of a country you have problems with.
they were civilians and have been wrongfully killed
it is your attitude that results in same kind of remarks for our dead.
rest in peace to the dead.

thanks for your post. just following the Baloch example of welcoming and wishing well everyone as long as that person doesn't threaten me or harasses me, regardless of sect, gender, sexual orientation or choice of Deity.

I dont know about your age but about 20 years ago when many on this forum were not even born I was spending the nights on the Kashmir front and I did my duty for the country too. I am not a savage, I am a soldier and I dont bite everyone if he doesnt invite it.

there were people among the ranks of Muslims who questioned the decision of Muhammad PBUH on Sulah Hadabiya ..since they failed to see the wisdom behind it. I am just His PBUH Umati... I try to follow the Islamic tradition as well.

you dont have to prove your ghairat by stamping on flags or cursing your enemy. there are better ways than that are practical. there is no ghairat by pressing and hurting your enemy if he is already down. just shows your own worth.
FYI we tend the wounded enemies and look after them while they are our prisoners. here we are talking about civilians.

bless you and be good...

These are the soldiers I am proud of. I am guessing you also gave your bharti comrades chai and biscuit, like these jawans did.

Bless you and Alhamdulilah.

These are the soldiers I am proud of. I am guessing you also gave your bharti comrades chai and biscuit, like these jawans did.

Bless you and Alhamdulilah.
indeed, they are soldiers. but the thread is about the civilians. let me just clarify that such behaviour is also exhibited by Indians.
back in 1992 floods that originated in Kashmir and the earth quake.. the Indians came over to help the stranded Pakistani soldiers. I am not sure if the news of those incidents survived or were copied on the internet or not but for us it was a local news since i was in Azad Kashmir Muzaffarabad then. and I am talking about Neelum valley / Chakothi area

These are the soldiers I am proud of. I am guessing you also gave your bharti comrades chai and biscuit, like these jawans did.

Bless you and Alhamdulilah.

Oh bahi these are all Pakistani soldiers, when did BSF start wearing khaki like our's?

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