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25,000 Indians 'ready to fight in Iraq to defend Shia holy sites'

No my friend, we do not. If it weren't out of fear of punishment by Mullahs, millions of Iranian Atheists would come out of closet. Hundreds of thousand already converted to other religions, Christianity, Baha'i, etc... I would say Iran's Muslim population is somewhere between 10 to 15 million, including Sunnis.

Thank you for sharing, looks like Iranians are more progressive than the media has portrayed. I hope the cancer of ISIL can be eradicated asap, for the sake of everyone in the Mid East & the world. :tup:
I read somewhere that ISIS is planning to demolish shrines in karbala and najaf. Karbala and Najaf are to Shias what Makkah Madinah is for Sunnis. I can understand the frustration of shias all over the world.
u mean to say Makkah , madina are holy only for sunnis ?
These shrines mean as much to me as to any Shia, many Sunnis will agree that these shrines must be protected if for nothing else than historical value. I am particularly concerned about the al-Askari mosque in Samarra.

But then why is it that 75 million Iranians can't change ther regime to a nationalist Persian one?

Maybe because they want to keep this government because now they believe.

I always ask Persians this same question, if they are so sure of their numbers why do they not just revolt, the truth is what Iranians in Iran say about the situation which is that many support the regime and for those that do not they are at worst indifferent.

Only in south asia sunnis have concept of shrines due to hindu influence , it does not exist among Sunnis of middle east, I was talking in context of middle eastern Sunnis for whom Shrines are centres of unislamic activities and since they dont rever any such concept, ISIS is threatening to demolish them in iraq to teach lesson to shias I believe.

You are an idiot and banned but middle east was also littered with shrine before your wahabbi brethren stormed across the region.
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Why are you saying this to him? He clearly said he doesn't support them and it's a just small minority who support them. And no, that regime is not even powerful enough to do what you just said. All sound like conspiracy theories to me. After Zionists, you've found a new one to blame.

Do not talk about things you know nothing about, the Shias are small in number but the Iranian government claims itself as the Vilayet e faqih which gives it jurisdiction over all twelvers as long as their Imam does not reappear. Now that alone gives them influence over millions (you see because when I say small I am measuring in terms of millions of shias against the Billion plus Sunnis).

So, Shias pray to both Imams and Allah, while Sunnis pray to Allah alone.

It would be a valuable addition.

1. GoI can use those individuals who return and set them up in various places throughout South Asia, notably Pakistan to get things rolling there faster, organize the Shias there to fight.
2. Even if GoI does not use these individuals, they are not enemies of the State, they are enemies of Sunni's who would have come back after fighting with sunnis.

To let you know, Shias in India, unlike Sunni's have a relatively high education, low unemployment, increasing economic mobility and prosperity. They are more integrated in the Indian mainstream than sunnis

Rarely are shias involved in terror activities against other Indians, its almost always sunni's. Shias also form the backbone of the Indian counter insurgency grid in Kashmir of the Army. Incidentally most of shias voted for Modi, because sunni's were opposed to him.

It would actually be a blessing in disguise.

Once they are done with the sect-war they will come back for our heads. They have no loyalty to India they are only loyal to their religion and their sect. They wish to convert India into an Islamic Republic.

Where were these 25,000 when India was suffering wars and natural disasters? When Indians were getting killed? Their blood didn't boil then?

Use them, but never trust them.
The difference is concerning the succession lines after Prophet Muhammad.

Shias supported Hussein the in law I think. Sunnis wanted someone out of the family.

Shias believe the Imams are infallible. Sunnis believe no Human is infallible except god I think.

This did not answer his question. Second Shias supported Ali as the successor based on some statements made by the Prophet PBUH while he was alive however the Muslims voted in Abu Bakr instead so he became the first successor.

Shias believe that Imams are infallible because they are divinely appointed and must be listened to so therefore they cannot be wrong in anyway. Sunnis disagree and say all humans can be in error. Sunnis do not think God is human lol.

Sunnis say leader should be elected and can be any Muslim, Shias say God has appointed the leaders from amongst the blood of the our final Prophet PBUH. Both have proof to further their claims and who is right and who is wrong has been debated for 1400 years with no answer definitive answer so let us not bother here. :lol:

No my friend, we do not. If it weren't out of fear of punishment by Mullahs, millions of Iranian Atheists would come out of closet. Hundreds of thousand already converted to other religions, Christianity, Baha'i, etc... I would say Iran's Muslim population is somewhere between 10 to 15 million, including Sunnis.

Evangelicals themselves state they have converted 400,000 Iranians, I think you are setting yourself for disappointment in terms of numbers, while many Iranians may call themselves non-religious they still consider themselves Muslim. You are basically saying that nearly 60+ Million Iranians have left Islam in what the last 30+ years of Mullah rule? :cheesy: C'mon mate.
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Do not talk about things you know nothing about, the Shias are small in number but the Iranian government claims itself as the Vilayet e faqih which gives it jurisdiction over all twelvers as long as their Imam does not reappear. Now that alone gives them influence over millions (you see because when I say small I am measuring in terms of millions of shias against the Billion plus Sunnis).

Read my comment again. I said Iranian government doesn't have enough resources to manage your "millions" and do something significant when compared to the rest who have both manpower and resources.

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