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3 LeT terrorists killed in encounter

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Great freedom fighters , may God bless them in JANNAT(in your language swarg). Kashmiris are great fighters for their homeland and we salute their struggle to freedom.:tup::tup:

hm by same logic. i wanna say the same thing for baluchis also. they are great fighters and we salute their struggle for freedom.

now this doesnt take us anywhere buddy.
the actual killed were innocent Kashmirs and India is notorious for staging fake encounters..you can fool some people all the time, all the people some of the time but not all people all the time. I ask what is the proof that they were LeT members?>?? was it written on their forehead?? were they carrying their LeT membership card?

you are right i guess all the killings are staged by the Indian army , i guess the innocent kashmiries after dinner have a habit to go for a stroll across the border , and they are shot while crossing it ,i guess the weapons they carry are for protection from the mountain goats..
I heard one of the Jawan was killed during the encounter....is it true or was he just injured ??

Praying to God he recovers soon and is again back in action :sniper:
Great freedom fighters , may God bless them in JANNAT(in your language swarg). Kashmiris are great fighters for their homeland and we salute their struggle to freedom.:tup::tup:
Instead of prayin for this bastards, pray for your own 1350 people killed in KARACHI alone and another hundreds killed in the whole country.
Great freedom fighters , may God bless them in JANNAT(in your language swarg). Kashmiris are great fighters for their homeland and we salute their struggle to freedom.:tup::tup:
Read the article again, it clearly says they have been identified as PAKISTANI militants not kashmiri
the actual killed were innocent Kashmirs and India is notorious for staging fake encounters..you can fool some people all the time, all the people some of the time but not all people all the time. I ask what is the proof that they were LeT members?>?? was it written on their forehead?? were they carrying their LeT membership card?
did not expect such bullsh** from a senior member.
do innocent kashmiris carry around tons of arms and ammunition and open fire indiscriminately on the army. or do you think the army shot its own jawan just to stage a fake encounter??

it was a planned operation and the army probably had these guys watched for some time(tip off probably came from the guys doing the watching) to establish that they are indeed terrorists
Do you have any proof that those were not terrorists but kashmiri's??? Those were terrorists from banned organisation "lashker - e - Toiba"..!

And you are supporting the terrorism??

Well what else we indians need? Look at the post ^^^ and this guy clearly supporting terrorism in india...!!! :disagree:
Terrorism in India? Is Kashmir part of India? It is not , It is a disputed territory (un also has declared it as a disputed territory). This is not terrorism , this is freedom struggle from India from local Kashmiris . Iranian supreme leader has said the same , Norweigian PM has said the same , china said the same. Open your eyes and see the local boys demanding freedom from Indian occupation. Lashkar e toiba is only a scape goat for you. We will keep on helping Kashmiris for their freedom struggle.:tup::tup:
Allah tallah dose not have any place in heaven for the killing of innocent
Surely not , You should sell this idea to Indian forces who have killed 200,000 Kashmiris (local ones who have their graves in kashmir)
hm by same logic. i wanna say the same thing for baluchis also. they are great fighters and we salute their struggle for freedom.

now this doesnt take us anywhere buddy.
I can only laugh in your post , you are very funny my friend.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I cant take it any more.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Instead of prayin for this bastards, pray for your own 1350 people killed in KARACHI alone and another hundreds killed in the whole country.
and also i pray for the muslims killed in GUJRAT (INDIA). I also pray for the people who are killed by maoists in a train last week. ok :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
Read the article again, it clearly says they have been identified as PAKISTANI militants not kashmiri

What about 200,000 local kashmiris who are killed by Indian forces , who have their graves in Kashmir? These are also Kashmiri fighters maligned by India as Pakistanis. THE WORLD SAYS IT IS INDIGENEOUS MOVEMENT OF KASHMIR.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

200,000? That is a made up number you gave..

And good job by the IA for taking out these terrorist!
What about 200,000 local kashmiris who are killed by Indian forces , who have their graves in Kashmir? These are also Kashmiri fighters maligned by India as Pakistanis. THE WORLD SAYS IT IS INDIGENEOUS MOVEMENT OF KASHMIR.:bounce::bounce::bounce:

good sexed up number there!! btw just to let you know 'world' doesn't begin & end with Pakistan!
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