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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

Some arrests have (apparently) taken place in a few places I know well in TN regarding this kind of thing. You will hear more in the news with time...right now all the networks are being analysed as deep as they can be.

Now our Govt starts enquiry of the role of the IS sleeper cells in Kerala.
My absolute sympathies to the families, friends of victims and the people of Sri Lanka. The scenes are heartbreaking and I can imagine the pain is tremendous.

Pakistan and Pakistanis stand with you.

The Najdi fitna continues to spread its evil wings. The Sri Lankan government must engage with the local peaceful Muslim community to isolate and eliminate these radical elements.

Please advice us on how to identify a peaceful Muslim and an extremist one?
People like you are a bane for any country. There should be a rule to ban stupid idiots like you from voting ever.

This is high time now. India and Sri Lanka must get together to form grand alliance to thwart Islamic extremism in the region.
You are right .My friend .
We need to form an alliance .
This incident actually shocked us because there is not much distance between South India and SL .

People like you are a bane for any country. There should be a rule to ban stupid idiots like you from voting ever.

This is high time now. India and Sri Lanka must get together to form grand alliance to thwart Islamic extremism in the region.

One Pulwama attack .We blamed our cabinet .
Actually in this kind of situation ,therr is no space for negligence.
If you asks me,entire SL govt is responsible .If you cant protect your citizen you are not eligible to stay in that seat .
If I am not wrong India gave specific intelligence .
You are right .My friend .
We need to form an alliance .
This incident actually shocked us because there is not much distance between South India and SL .

One Pulwama attack .We blamed our cabinet .
Actually in this kind of situation ,therr is no space for negligence.
If you asks me,entire SL govt is responsible .If you cant protect your citizen you are not eligible to stay in that seat .
If I am not wrong India gave specific intelligence .

It is indeed the negligence of the present government which led to this catastrophe.

They came to power through tons of lies regarding the Rajapaksha's. Then they tried to secure their political hold by spreading more lies and bending over backwards to gain the precious votes of Tamil and Muslim communities as UNP does not have significant majority Sinhalese vote base due to their own political ineptitude.

India should come out from their pro-LTTE stance and recognize the viability of Mahinda Rajapaksha and Gotabaya Rajapaksha in the political arena. They must come to terms the policies of Rajapaksha's and find a compromise between us and China. The squabble game between our countries are obscuring the real threats we both facing right now.
Then they tried to secure their political hold by spreading more lies and bending over backwards to gain the precious votes of Tamil and Muslim communities as UNP does not have significant majority Sinhalese vote base due to their own political ineptitude.

Security apparatus should free from interference. Playing to the gallery by being politically correct will bring nothing but harm to the country.

These blasts might have been a surprise for most of the ppl but going by the reports it seems that these ppl have been active for a long time and govt took no serious action. If they had been rightly tackled the very day they indulged in vandalism of statutes then things would not have come so far. Some of the extremist speeches are a valid case for arrest under sedition & provocation for violence sections.

Now people who get arrested will play the victim card and cry harassment. Issue now will be that these extremists will be supported by liberal and moderate parties. Good luck prosecuting these ppl.
Daesh is an Israeli US creation, this is no conspiracy. Every Muslim knows it. We can judge it by their actions in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mods. Saying my family should be bombed should be against forum rules.

This is the fascist mindset which is being perpetuated whilst the blame is being put on innocent SL Muslims.

Shame on these posters who lack the ability to discuss simple issues like Daesh and Buddhist terrorist monks without threatening people and their families with violence.

Stop crying about forum rules when you are the one breaking it. This thread is about terrorist attacks. Their deaths are not an excuse for tin-foil hattery. The only thing you have been trying to do is white wash your terrorist friends and trying to drag conspiracy theories and and an organisation that can't even properly organise a rally anymore and a leader that is in jail.

Unlike you sub-human scum Sri Lankan in the forum warned and advised islamophobes not to blame Muslims. People I know are in hospital and are dead and that didn't happen for trash like you to use their suffering to spread childish conspiracy theories. According to you its the fault of everyone except the terrorists. Either grow a heart or leave this thread. You even made the most anti-Indian Sri Lankans demand an alliance with India or bash Pakistan.

People like you are a bane for any country. There should be a rule to ban stupid idiots like you from voting ever.

This is high time now. India and Sri Lanka must get together to form grand alliance to thwart Islamic extremism in the region.

I dislike MR's policies on allowing leeches into the govt. I dislike Gota's excessively heavy handed tactics but I like the fact he doesn't allow trash into the government. If MR listened to Gota and got rid of trash like Mervyn Silva and some other trash MR would have been in power to this day. I believe you agree with that at least. If MR or Basil becomes President then we will be going in circles. If Gota becomes President at least those problems will be dealt with permanently. If the likes of Rajitha and other minor parties are not allowed to enter the govt they are done. Period. Their political careers are finished. Gota and his loyalists like Wijeyadasa aren't going to allow them in but MR is less certain. So by 2025 we are going to have another mess. If Gota do things right then he can last till 2030 at minimum. Then we can see who comes then.
Stop crying about forum rules when you are the one breaking it. This thread is about terrorist attacks. Their deaths are not an excuse for tin-foil hattery. The only thing you have been trying to do is white wash your terrorist friends and trying to drag conspiracy theories and and an organisation that can't even properly organise a rally anymore and a leader that is in jail.

Unlike you sub-human scum Sri Lankan in the forum warned and advised islamophobes not to blame Muslims. People I know are in hospital and are dead and that didn't happen for trash like you to use their suffering to spread childish conspiracy theories. According to you its the fault of everyone except the terrorists. Either grow a heart or leave this thread. You even made the most anti-Indian Sri Lankans demand an alliance with India or bash Pakistan.

You broke several rules which I have noted for you. Reported.

Find anywhere in this thread where I have defended those heinous terrorists?

I do not, nor do any other Muslims, accept Daesh as followers of Islam. They are Khwarij.

You, along with your ignited friends, are making inferences and connections where none are there.

Fact is India and Burma are spreading false news trying to implicate any and all Muslims to this tragedy.

Radicals in SL are using this as an excuse to further harm SL Muslims.

Re-read my posts with a clear mind.

If I am not mistaken they are of a Christian community.

If Muslims were radicalized by Wahabi ideology and Oil money then as unbelievers of Islam, we have a right to defend against the radicalized Islamic aggression. Do not try to criticize groups like BBS.

It is apparently clear that Muslims cannot live with other religious groups peacefully. The prime example is your country which was created because you people couldn't live with Hindus. Hence, isn't it wise that all the Muslim people who are living in the non-Muslim countries to go to already Muslim majority countries?

There is no reason to believe that PM didn't know about the intel reports. If he was telling the truth then he had neglected his duties as the prime minister and should resign immediately.

The names were available to the intel community of Sri Lanka for some time now and after the blast they had arrested the possible suspects. We do not know who was the real culprits as of now.

It is said that Indian embassy alerted the authorities.

Sri Lankan security apparatus has made impotent by the present government. There is no surprise that attacks of this magnitude could occur.

Coup? PM Ranil bears the responsibility for the attack single handedly. He should resign immediately.

India. (Not that the IN government supported the terrorist but rather India is a good starting base to supply equipment and training.)

or rather it could be a Middle Eastern country like Qatar or Dubai.

PM office.

People like you are a bane for any country. There should be a rule to ban stupid idiots like you from voting ever.

This is high time now. India and Sri Lanka must get together to form grand alliance to thwart Islamic extremism in the region.

Please advice us on how to identify a peaceful Muslim and an extremist one?

This is exactly what the end game is. I hope every Muslim reads the posts of SL posters here.

It is about China vs India, with China representing good ties with Muslims and India representing anti-Muslim hate.
This is exactly what the end game is. I hope every Muslim reads the posts of SL posters here.

It is about China vs India, with China representing good ties with Muslims and India representing anti-Muslim hate.

Wait what? Why should every Muslim should read what we post here. We want to thwart the Islamic extremists. Not every peaceful Muslim.

Do you suggest that peaceful Muslim is an Islamic extremist? How to differentiate the two?
You broke several rules which I have noted for you. Reported.

Find anywhere in this thread where I have defended those heinous terrorists?

I do not, nor do any other Muslims, accept Daesh as followers of Islam. They are Khwarij.

You, along with your ignited friends, are making inferences and connections where none are there.

Fact is India and Burma are spreading false news trying to implicate any and all Muslims to this tragedy.

Radicals in SL are using this as an excuse to further harm SL Muslims.

Re-read my posts with a clear mind.

Oh pls. Reporting us after insulting our dead? First you were running around saying the attacks were Buddhists and now they are "mercenaries". It's Israel fault for every sh*t a Islamic extremist does and sub-human scum doesn't give sh*t about how many innocents they kill as long as you get a chance to bash Israel. If a Muslim does something wrong it's Israel behind it. You have no issue with shouting at the BBS but can't deal with the fact that Wahabist animals like you are responsible for the deaths innocents and destroying Islam.
Innocent Muslims can live free when Jihadists c*cksuckers like you are wiped out from the face of the earth.

I am pretty sure I am the only Sri Lankan who has yet to change his views on Pakistan. The behaviour of some Pakistani worms has shown a lot on these threads. If Mods take action against us while ignoring your disgusting inhuman behaviour then that proves what Indians have always been saying about Pakistan.
I dislike MR's policies on allowing leeches into the govt. I dislike Gota's excessively heavy handed tactics but I like the fact he doesn't allow trash into the government. If MR listened to Gota and got rid of trash like Mervyn Silva and some other trash MR would have been in power to this day. I believe you agree with that at least. If MR or Basil becomes President then we will be going in circles. If Gota becomes President at least those problems will be dealt with permanently. If the likes of Rajitha and other minor parties are not allowed to enter the govt they are done. Period. Their political careers are finished. Gota and his loyalists like Wijeyadasa aren't going to allow them in but MR is less certain. So by 2025 we are going to have another mess. If Gota do things right then he can last till 2030 at minimum. Then we can see who comes then.

When you are a politician you have to accept every one from every social strata to support you. Understand that basic rule first. Even if the god come to meddle in political works he also needs the support of even the scum of society.

We will be going in what circles? That is complete hogwash.

Oh pls. Reporting us after insulting our dead? First you were running around saying the attacks were Buddhists and now they are "mercenaries". It's Israel fault for every sh*t a Islamic extremist does and sub-human scum doesn't give sh*t about how many innocents they kill as long as you get a chance to bash Israel. If a Muslim does something wrong it's Israel behind it. You have no issue with shouting at the BBS but can't deal with the fact that Wahabist animals like you are responsible for the deaths innocents and destroying Islam.
Innocent Muslims can live free when Jihadists c*cksuckers like you are wiped out from the face of the earth.

I am pretty sure I am the only Sri Lankan who has yet to change his views on Pakistan is me. The behaviour of some Pakistani worms has shown a lot on these threads. If Mods take action against us while ignoring your disgusting inhuman behaviour then that proves what Indians have always been saying about Pakistan.

Let it go man.. no need to argue like this. They will never learn.

Security apparatus should free from interference. Playing to the gallery by being politically correct will bring nothing but harm to the country.

These blasts might have been a surprise for most of the ppl but going by the reports it seems that these ppl have been active for a long time and govt took no serious action. If they had been rightly tackled the very day they indulged in vandalism of statutes then things would not have come so far. Some of the extremist speeches are a valid case for arrest under sedition & provocation for violence sections.

Now people who get arrested will play the victim card and cry harassment. Issue now will be that these extremists will be supported by liberal and moderate parties. Good luck prosecuting these ppl.

Sri Lanka is the prime example of what will happen to a politically correct society.

There were several arrests but those were either sidelined or downplayed by some powerful Muslim politicians of the government. They should be hanged for cold blooded murder.
Oh pls. Reporting us after insulting our dead? First you were running around saying the attacks were Buddhists and now they are "mercenaries". It's Israel fault for every sh*t a Islamic extremist does and sub-human scum doesn't give sh*t about how many innocents they kill as long as you get a chance to bash Israel. If a Muslim does something wrong it's Israel behind it. You have no issue with shouting at the BBS but can't deal with the fact that Wahabist animals like you are responsible for the deaths innocents and destroying Islam.
Innocent Muslims can live free when Jihadists c*cksuckers like you are wiped out from the face of the earth.

I am pretty sure I am the only Sri Lankan who has yet to change his views on Pakistan is me. The behaviour of some Pakistani worms has shown a lot on these threads. If Mods take action against us while ignoring your disgusting inhuman behaviour then that proves what Indians have always been saying about Pakistan.

Reported again, learn to be civil.

Firstly, I will let you know one thing. Emotional blinded rage is something Muslims all around the world have learned to adapt to in the WOT. You can no longer silence us by your anger. We have been blamed from things to A to Z, and we will no longer take any more blame. It never stops.

I never claimed Buddhists committed these attacks, it is Daesh. Daesh did not act alone, and it is my view that they were abetted by RAW, which also funded your LTTE insurgency. It is not the first time that these Khwarij have been mercenaries for hire.

Don’t make the mistake of blaming the Muslims of SL, they are victims in this.

Secondly, I am not responsible for your society swallowing Indian and Burmese propaganda whole sale. No Muslim is responsible nor will we sugarcoat it for you to make you feel better.

A Christian church was attacked by some bombers, and before any blame was given, Indian media started blaming Muslims. Your own FM condemned India for its tactless behavior.

Ask questions now before you regret the descent into violence and chaos which foreign agencies are pushing SL towards.

Now is the time to be sensible and ask questions.

For what purpose was this act done?

Why specifically did they target SL now?

What can be gained by promoting Islamophobia in SL, and who gains?

Who loses the most from these attacks?

Lastly, your rails against Wahhabis, Jihad, Muslims, Islam, or Pakistan means nothing. It is nothing which we haven’t heard from before and it’s a gut reaction.

Daesh is responsible, they do not represent any of the things above which you mentioned.

If you can’t comment without spouting abuse and insults, maybe you shouldn’t be on PDF.

We will discuss these topics in relation to its implications for China, Pakistan, and SL Muslims whether you are here or not.

I want all the readers here to notice the play between Indians and SL at this moment, this is a gut reaction which shows that’s Islamophobia did not appear in SL overnight.

Pakistan, nor any other Muslim nation, care if you shift towards India. You will do it at your own loss and suffer again under Indian proxy control and civil war.

The danger right now is for SL’s Muslim minority. We will see how far reprisals, backlash, and hate violence spreads.

I hope SL government can control the situation.
Please advice us on how to identify a peaceful Muslim and an extremist one?

There have already been reports of the local Muslim community informing the authorities about the extremist tendencies of one of the attackers.

Look how you treat your Muslims is up to you. It doesn't affect me but if Hindu Tamils can be welcomed back in after causing mayhem for 2 decades then I think Muslims in your country deserve a shot.

Especially if unlike the Tamils they are willing to identify and single out the fringe elements.

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