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360 killed in terrorist blasts targeting Easter in Sri Lanka

for such community not only enjoy in this hell but Allah punish them as well in hell.
These people [Ahmadis] are a threat to Pakistan , its constitution, and ideology Because theirs is a false religion. pakistan ideology base on Sovereignty belongs to Allah.
Because theirs is a false religion, Ahmadis, who believe the Messiah Ghulam Ahmad lived after Islam's prophet Muhammad, insist they are Muslim and demand as much right to practice their faith in Pakistan as other people. these people in SL spread the same message about their False Messiah.I know so many Ahmadi people in Pakistan were a relatively strong group within the Pakistani establishment and have no such persecution in Pakistan. Just trying to get the easy foreign asylum and spreading their false news back by western media that members of the community have been intimidated and terrorized and that their prayers and activities have been banned in many districts.

Your brainwashing and ignorance speak volumes in your post ...stupid post from start till finish.

Have a life and stop worrying and sending people to hell.
@Gibbs @HeinzG @Godman ...Calm down friends...Do not loose your calm with few wild assumptions...There are pakistan posters who may be different..but @Peaceful Civilian is definitely not meaning bad or supporting any terrorist here..

But in the time of crisis, we always need symbolic scapegoat to burst our emotions...Pakistan is a muslim country..Being the environment where even good people who are Muslims got imapcted due to perception issue, so some Pakistan posters are trying to suggest to not to target all Muslims in quest to find the culprit...

I am pretty sure SL gov will do justice and nab the culprit..

But some one asked a very good question...When assimilation of Muslims with Non Muslims are limited, how do you know who is extremist and who is peaceful??
And here the myth of education removes radicalism from mind of the people is wrong...Because bombers are from rich and well to do familly...

He is referring terrorist as Jihadist...Why are you using the word “We” here for yourself...
Begani shadi me abdullah deewana.

Asslicking to another level. This is attack on Sri Lankan peoples and why you defending Pakistani people , last i heard they are not involved.:)
Your brainwashing and ignorance speak volumes in your post ...stupid post from start till finish.

Have a life and stop worrying and sending people to hell.
so keep spread your false religion of Ahammidya community propaganda, nobody like truth and because man, out of need and boredom, wants to exist socially. As a rational being, he now places his behavior under the control of abstractions. As you mentioning about me brainwashing and ignorance speak . I brought the truth and break the falsehood Idol reside inside of you of course only expected answer from you like this and using a shield of humanity to secure your position.
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Begani shadi me abdullah deewana.

Asslicking to another level. This is attack on Sri Lankan peoples and why you defending Pakistani people , last i heard they are not involved.:)

Asslickingh ..r u day dreaming???

I do not defend any one...I justify my response based on the post and scenario...
In the current scenario, Pakistan will not gain anything by creating chaos in Srilanka..

BTW...I do not mind standing for sane posters across the board...That is what a forum is all about where people across different nationalities understand different perapective of people from diff countries....
Why are you feeling paranoid???
Asslickingh ..r u day dreaming???

I do not defend any one...I justify my response based on the post and scenario...
In the current scenario, Pakistan will not gain anything by creating chaos in Srilanka..

BTW...I do not mind standing for sane posters across the board...That is what a forum is all about where people across different nationalities understand different perapective of people from diff countries....
Why are you feeling paranoid???
Lol are you the judge or a guy who inquired this whole incident and giving certificate who is guilty or not?
Lets wait for the official declaration and until then it's all boot licking and your opinion and i have every right to give mine so deal with it.

Standing for the sane posters lol, Messiah complex. Get well soon Hercules.....
In this video (via @RosannaMrtnz) spread by pro IS the most inhuman thing is that 3 IS istishhadi do bay'ah condemning to death their 6 innocent children before being killed in their home in #Kalmunai, #Sainthamaruthu by Sri Lankan forces.

from reddit by "youfacepalm"

This is an approximate translation. Their slang is a bit difficult to understand.

First guy: God wills it, the non-believing dogs have surrounded us and we are going to give them a proper lesson soon. We have to destroy these non-believing dogs and chase them away from this nation, so be prepared to do jihad. They have come to our lands and we will teach them a lesson.

Second guy (with the gun): Kill the non-believers wherever you see them. This is not ending today. It will definitely continue. We will continue the jihad in anyway we can. Even if we get killed, this won't stop. Keep bombing every place. Don't stop for any reason. Keep believing and the almighty will help you. Our force will definitely win.

First guy: Oh god, please keep our brothers focused on jihad. Don't let them stray away from this path. Let go of your businesses and problems and come for jihad oh brothers. You need to take revenge on these non-believing dogs.

Middle guy: Through this action we will meet you in heaven, god. We will wipe out the non-believing dogs.

First guy: There are three wives with us, god. Their husbands will meet them in heaven.
I will vote MR if he says he isn't going to let the likes of Rajitha cross over and the the two scumbag parties ACMC and the SLMC join them. Even during MR era they were spreading Wahabism for Saudi funding. Hell if he publicly says he would rather be defeated than allow them into the govt even the hardline Kapuwath Kola types will be rallying towards MR.

I was thinking about doing campaign work for Gota's campaign if I have time. Although I am pretty sure he can win without a campaign at the current state. I hear he has all the necessary funding now. Rumours say the cardinal has also agreed to support him. Rajitha and the likes have been trying to sabotage his campaign for a reason. If he becomes president then all chances of sneaking into the next govt are lost.
At the current state they can make a govt more powerful than JR's and hopefully they will use it to get rid of the parasites that have been jumping to the government after every election.

The lotus bud people will never take the likes of Rajitha, Baduruddin, Azath Sali, Ganja Duminda or Mervyn. Though it is highly probable that SLMC and ACMC will join the incumbent government because these parasitic parties couldn't live without the whole pound of the meat. We have to accept that fact.

Though what we must really do is to ensure Gota will get 2/3 majority in the coming general election. That way we can prevent the SLMC or ACMC parasites from getting to the government and reverse the constitutional damage inflicted upon our nation by the sycophant Ranil W.
At least 700 Pakistani refugees from a persecuted Ahmadi sect are in hiding after fleeing their homes in the Sri Lankan port city of Negombo as communal tensions soar in the aftermath of the deadly Easter bombings.

They faced persecution in Pakistan for not being true Muslims & now they are facing persecution in Sri Lanka for being true Muslims. Out of the frying pan into the fire.


They were never persecuted in Pakistan. Rejecting someone as a Muslim is not persecution, but it is their definition under law of their faith.

Ahmadiyya religion is not banned in Pakistan.

In this video (via @RosannaMrtnz) spread by pro IS the most inhuman thing is that 3 IS istishhadi do bay'ah condemning to death their 6 innocent children before being killed in their home in #Kalmunai, #Sainthamaruthu by Sri Lankan forces.

from reddit by "youfacepalm"

This is an approximate translation. Their slang is a bit difficult to understand.

First guy: God wills it, the non-believing dogs have surrounded us and we are going to give them a proper lesson soon. We have to destroy these non-believing dogs and chase them away from this nation, so be prepared to do jihad. They have come to our lands and we will teach them a lesson.

Second guy (with the gun): Kill the non-believers wherever you see them. This is not ending today. It will definitely continue. We will continue the jihad in anyway we can. Even if we get killed, this won't stop. Keep bombing every place. Don't stop for any reason. Keep believing and the almighty will help you. Our force will definitely win.

First guy: Oh god, please keep our brothers focused on jihad. Don't let them stray away from this path. Let go of your businesses and problems and come for jihad oh brothers. You need to take revenge on these non-believing dogs.

Middle guy: Through this action we will meet you in heaven, god. We will wipe out the non-believing dogs.

First guy: There are three wives with us, god. Their husbands will meet them in heaven.

These people are Western caricatures of evil Muslim stereotypes perpetuated by the West, similar to how the NZ shooter was a caricature of Islamophobic Westerners.

No Muslim talks in this manner. It seems their dialogue is written by Hollywood directors.
They were never persecuted in Pakistan. Rejecting someone as a Muslim is not persecution, but it is their definition under law of their faith.

Ahmadiyya religion is not banned in Pakistan.

These people are Western caricatures of evil Muslim stereotypes perpetuated by the West, similar to how the NZ shooter was a caricature of Islamophobic Westerners.

No Muslim talks in this manner. It seems their dialogue is written by Hollywood directors.

Whether I agree or not with many of your narratives and analyses; but you are a genuine fighter, for the cause of Pakistan and Muslims. Keep it up, but without loosing the objectivity.
Whether I agree or not with many of your narratives and analyses; but you are a genuine fighter, for the cause of Pakistan and Muslims. Keep it up, but without loosing the objectivity.

Someone has to speak up for the Muslims, brother.

In the age of anger and blame-game, someone has to cut through the lies and someone has to speak up for the voiceless SL Muslim community.

We Pakistanis are well-wishers of the SL state, and wish the best for this country.

In sha Allah, the forces of love and harmony will triumph over the voices of hate and divisiveness.

God Almighty is love, not hate. You cannot find Him by walking the devil’s path.
@Gibbs @HeinzG @Godman ...Calm down friends...Do not loose your calm with few wild assumptions...There are pakistan posters who may be different..but @Peaceful Civilian is definitely not meaning bad or supporting any terrorist here..

But in the time of crisis, we always need symbolic scapegoat to burst our emotions...Pakistan is a muslim country..Being the environment where even good people who are Muslims got imapcted due to perception issue, so some Pakistan posters are trying to suggest to not to target all Muslims in quest to find the culprit...

I am pretty sure SL gov will do justice and nab the culprit..

But some one asked a very good question...When assimilation of Muslims with Non Muslims are limited, how do you know who is extremist and who is peaceful??
And here the myth of education removes radicalism from mind of the people is wrong...Because bombers are from rich and well to do familly...

He is referring terrorist as Jihadist...Why are you using the word “We” here for yourself...

Call spade a spade. Do not call a terrorist jihadist or Islamist. In Jihad we cannot kill innocent men, women, children and elderly. It is strictly prohibited to commit suicide under any circumstances and attacking other religions places of worship. I dont like when you guys call terrorists Islamists or jihadists because if they were they wouldnt have done it . Kindly read about it yourself In Sha Allah you will understand better.
We are not saying SL gov orchestrated this attack (not enough proof for that assumption,) but that right-wing groups in Sri Lanka along with religious extremists like BBS will use this for political leverage to force anti-Muslim laws similar to France, India, and other places.

You have to understand that Daesh are not Muslims, they are Khwarij, which are fundamentally different mindset than us. Khwarij are the ones who fought the first Khalifah of Islam, Hazrat Abu Bakr. They don't judge by Quran or Sunnah, but merely by their leaders who are like gods for them.

Youth in western countries and Muslim minority groups facing persecution around the world are ripe pickings for them. They brainwash people to raise them into murderers and especially to kill other Muslims. It is an enemy which has no qualms of killing, Muslim or Non-Muslim alike, for its own means.

They also tend to facilitate the actions and activities of Non-Muslim states and their involvement in Muslim countries, such as Israel, US, India, EU, etc. Always ready and available to inflame a situation, unfortunately the Muslim minorities are besieged on both sides between Daesh and radicalization of Western government policies.

BBS is an Islamophobic group which every sane man in SL dislikes. It is mostly inactive now with its leader in jail and after the government backlash and criticism in Kandy riots last year. BBS is mostly a vociferous Islamophobes. To control BBS, we just need hate speech rules. Politicians in the last government who were seen as appeasers of BBS by many has even tried to distance themselves from BBS. But yes, many islamophobes are trying to use this situation, which the government is tightly controlling.

We in Sri Lanka do not want any Anti Muslim laws. Even the Burka ban this government is going to take was decided after several discussions with Muslim civil leaders and Muslim clergy themselves had asked the women not to wear Burka to help the authorities in identification in this sensitive instance.

Sri Lanka offers a very good environment for radicalization of Muslim youth. For example, Saudi funds enters Sri Lanka without any hindrance, Jamathi organisations are mushrooming every day, there is no mechanism to keep an eye on Islamic radicalisation and we need one law for all. I wonder how these things can be called anti Muslim actions. We need to safeguard our country our people including Sri Lankan Muslims from Islamic extremism while giving protecting their right to follow their religion.
At least 700 Pakistani refugees from a persecuted Ahmadi sect are in hiding after fleeing their homes in the Sri Lankan port city of Negombo as communal tensions soar in the aftermath of the deadly Easter bombings.

They faced persecution in Pakistan for not being true Muslims & now they are facing persecution in Sri Lanka for being true Muslims. Out of the frying pan into the fire.


Those Terrorists have no Religion: Displaced Asylum Seekers


Asylum seekers from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran stay inside a police station for safety


Displaced int’l asylum seekers

“We understand how sad and angry they must be feeling for the loss of their relatives. But, we also hate terrorism. We love peace and freedom which is why we came to peace-loving Sri Lanka,” Hafza, a Pakistani national, said. Hafza is a Christian seeking asylum in Sri Lanka. She left Pakistan as she married a Christian; a taboo in Pakistan. In fear of family outrage, she came to Sri Lanka to start a new life.

As burials of those who died in the suicide bomb attack in St. Sebastian’s Church, Katuwapitiya, Negombo commenced on April 22, some devastated Christian families started attacking asylum seekers who live close by and forced them to leave the area. “I was cooking when a group of people arrived and shouted at us to leave. Then, the house owner said if we don’t leave, he would also be attacked by them. We just had to leave with our kids,” Hafza recalled.

Along with Hafza, there are more than 800 asylum seekers from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran who have been living in Negombo with the assistance of UNHCR in rented houses for years sans issues. It is after the ISIS claimed responsibility for the suicide attacks and local investigations revealed that a group of Sri Lankan radical Muslims comprised the suicide bombers, who killed innocent Christians, that the people in Negombo got agitated and started attacking these marginalised minorities. Among these asylum seekers are refugees who belong to the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, whose faith is outlawed in Pakistan. There are also Christian Muslims like Hafza.

“How can they kill innocent Christians who were praying? Those terrorists are not humans. They are evil,” Hafza said. “I have heard that Sri Lanka is a peaceful country to live in alongside wonderful humble people. We had to come here seeking help from Sri Lankans due to persecution and safety issues in our mother countries. Now, we are not safe even here.”


Displaced families outside a unit of the police station
Pix by Damith Wickremesinghe

After they had to vacate the houses they were sent in a group to a mosque for safety. Another group of people was provided with security inside a police station. When we visited them, infants were sleeping on a thin bed sheet on the floor while adults were sitting on some plastic chairs and dozing off.

Zelda was not even born when her parents left Afghanistan due to ongoing clashes and lack of safety. She was born in Iran where her parents were living as asylum seekers. Unable to remain in Iran due to persecution, their next destination was Sri Lanka. Zelda is now twelve years old and nurtures her ambition to be a social activist and help the people in need. She also had to leave the family’s house in Negombo when the mobs put pressure on them. Speaking about the terrorist attacks, Zelda said: “We heard that so many innocent kids like us had to die because of a terrorist attack. We are so sad. We are so shocked.”

“I have dreams about my future. But, I am afraid I would be travelling all our lives seeking safety and in search of something that we can never get. We are in search of peace and freedom,” she said.
Raja Kamran left Azad Kashmir owing to threats to life as he was a political activist and youth leader in Kashmir. Along with his wife and baby, he arrived in Sri Lanka in January 2018.

“This is a peaceful country. I have seen families in which mother is Muslim and father is Buddhist. We are hurt now because some terrorists are harming inter-religious harmony among Sri Lankan communities,” Raja said.


Kids seeking asylum in Sri Lanka

During his stay during the past year in Negombo, he said he had never seen fighting among people. “I dreamed a wonderful future and eternal freedom. But, now all our hopes are shattered,”said Raja.
He offered criticism to the fact that even though they are under the UNHCR, they have not taken responsibility with regard to their safety during this difficult time.

“House owners have already closed the doors on us. There is no guarantee for life being outside. We have to secure our own lives. It is pointless when people get treated by their faiths and religious affiliations. But, what is the religion of ISIS? They have no religion. Those people don’t believe in the same God I believe in. Real Muslims will never kill people. This has nothing to do with religion. It really is just good against evil,” Raj said.

Normally, governments guarantee the basic human rights and physical security of their citizens. When a refugee has fled to another country UNHCR’s main role is to ensure that states are aware of this and undertake the obligations to protect refugees and people seeking asylum. One of the most important things for states to know is that they may not forcibly return refugees to a territory where they face danger.


Being a refugee or asylum-seeker is always difficult. People have left their homes and families because they feared for their own security. They had no choice. They are living in a foreign country trying to survive and secure a future for themselves and their families.

Needless to say when someone you know dies, it can turn your life upside down. People grieve in many different ways over the death of someone close to them. If the death is caused by a gruesome terrorist bomb attack, such as the string of suicide bomb explosions that took place in Sri Lanka, the feelings of the victims’ families can be too much to handle.

The Islamic terrorists’ attacks targeted Christians and killed 359 people and left more than 500 permanently injured. Mothers are weeping for their children who died in the suicide bomb attack in St. Sebastian’s Church, Katuwapitiya while mothers among asylum seekers cry for the safety of their kids. Don’t we all face the same problems? Is it fair to punish the whole for the actions of a few? Many believe it is so not so.


My take on this refugee problem, Sri Lankan government should allow them to stay here. If they agree should even grant them citizenship status to Pakistani Christians and Ahamadis. The problem in SL is, our people specially those villagers have no idea what Ahamadiya is. For them every woman wearing a burka is a Muslim extremist. That is their perception now which was worsened after the terrorist attack. The authorities should educate them. And given that these people have fled persecution in their country of origin, Paskitan, it is hard to imagine how some Pakistani posters here accuse SL of persecution, a poor country which has an economy worse than Pakistan, and got hit with a wave of suicide bombing by an Islamist terrorist org.

They were never persecuted in Pakistan. Rejecting someone as a Muslim is not persecution, but it is their definition under law of their faith.

Ahmadiyya religion is not banned in Pakistan.

These people are Western caricatures of evil Muslim stereotypes perpetuated by the West, similar to how the NZ shooter was a caricature of Islamophobic Westerners.

No Muslim talks in this manner. It seems their dialogue is written by Hollywood directors.

Did anyone here generalise Muslims here calling them terrorists?

Someone has to speak up for the Muslims, brother.

In the age of anger and blame-game, someone has to cut through the lies and someone has to speak up for the voiceless SL Muslim community.

We Pakistanis are well-wishers of the SL state, and wish the best for this country.

In sha Allah, the forces of love and harmony will triumph over the voices of hate and divisiveness.

God Almighty is love, not hate. You cannot find Him by walking the devil’s path.

SL Muslim community is hardly a voiceless one. Majority of them are smart and very educated thanks to the education opportunities SL state gave them. There are powerful Muslim ministers still holding their position even after having aided these terrorists to blow people up.

Thanks brother.

Many SL members have simply seen my name and saw me posting about RAW/Israel, and instead of taking the time to see what i am trying to say about Daesh, they assumed I am supporting the attack (based on absolutely nothing.)

I have always condemned violence against civilians, as it is against islam and also world peace.

This shows that SL has already become a victim of Indian propaganda and Islamophobia.

I knew from the beginning that Pakistan’s relationship with SL was based on a certain time and environment and would not last the rest of time.

As stated early, this narrative being pushed by India and Burma that Buddhism is under attack by Islam has found fertile soil in SL by terrorist monks and now has a new lease on life.

Truth is the first victim in a terrorist attack. We Muslims know it all too well as we have been seeing the same trends since 2001 after every attack.

Blanket blame on Muslims to increase pressure and oppression of Muslim minorities in Non-Muslim countries.

There are many forces in the world who want to see this conflict.

India was still bitter about losing SL to China and Pakistan, now they have rectified it due to the knee jerk reaction of the SL populace.

What is the knee jerk reaction of SL populace?

Since the attack on Sri Lankan people where 253 people were killed, you have been trying to shift the blame on the Buddhists in Sri Lanka. You attempted every time to call this attack was masterminded by Buddhists in SL with that resident LTTE supporter. No Sri Lankan here blamed Pakistan or any of its people for the attacks in SL. Yet you went in a defensive mode accusing Sri Lankans for attacks in Sri Lankan soil. Sri Lankans are just responding to what you have been doing all this while.
There are powerful Muslim ministers still holding their position even after having aided these terrorists to blow people up.

What are their names and what is their involvement?

Let everyone judge the facts independently.

Since the attack on Sri Lankan people where 253 people were killed, you have been trying to shift the blame on the Buddhists in Sri Lanka. You attempted every time to call this attack was masterminded by Buddhists in SL with that resident LTTE supporter. No Sri Lankan here blamed Pakistan or any of its people for the attacks in SL. Yet you went in a defensive mode accusing Sri Lankans for attacks in Sri Lankan soil. Sri Lankans are just responding to what you have been doing all this while.

I have never said that. I said that there is a group in SL which will take advantage of this situation to advance their anti-Muslim agenda.

BBS radical monks do not represent all Buddhists. They are outliers and extremists.

Like many others, I believe India has a strong hand in this as the terrorists were trained in India and carried out this attack after coming from there.

This is not the first time that India has supported Daesh (they did it in Afghanistan) and this is not the first time that India has done terrorism against SL (LTTE) or SLs (attack on SL cricket team in PK.)

There seems to be a nexus of India and pro-Indian anti-Muslim groups in SL. They benefit the most from these attacks to bring down the government and heighten hysteria in the country.
What are their names and what is their involvement?

Let everyone judge the facts independently.

I have never said that. I said that there is a group in SL which will take advantage of this situation to advance their anti-Muslim agenda.

BBS radical monks do not represent all Buddhists. They are outliers and extremists.

Like many others, I believe India has a strong hand in this as the terrorists were trained in India and carried out this attack after coming from there.

This is not the first time that India has supported Daesh (they did it in Afghanistan) and this is not the first time that India has done terrorism against SL (LTTE) or SLs (attack on SL cricket team in PK.)

There seems to be a nexus of India and pro-Indian anti-Muslim groups in SL. They benefit the most from these attacks to bring down the government and heighten hysteria in the country.

you have a hard time not seeing the whole world through prism of India/pakistan

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